Anders’ Impressive Tivoli Adventure

In this episode, we'll witness Anders' determined quest to impress Signe at Tivoli, a journey that takes an unexpected turn of chaos and laughter, reminding us that the true value lies not in the size of the prizes won, but in the lessons learned along the way.

Da: Anders og Signe var i Tivoli, og Anders havde en plan.
En: Anders and Signe were in Tivoli, and Anders had a plan.

Da: Han ville imponere Signe ved at vinde et stort tøjdyr i et karnevalsspil.
En: He wanted to impress Signe by winning a large stuffed animal in a carnival game.

Da: Han gik hen til baren, hvor spillet stod, og betalte for tre bolde.
En: He went to the bar where the game was and paid for three balls.

Da: Anders koncentrerede sig og kastede den første bold mod målet.
En: Anders concentrated and threw the first ball towards the goal.

Da: Men han missede!
En: But he missed!

Da: Bolden fløj forbi og ramte en af de små kabiner, som pludselig væltede ned.
En: The ball flew past and hit one of the small cabins, which suddenly fell down.

Da: Publikum grinede, og Anders blev en smule flov.
En: The audience laughed and Anders got a little embarrassed.

Da: Han tog en dyb indånding og forsøgte igen.
En: He took a deep breath and tried again.

Da: Den anden bold ramte lige ved siden af målet og slog endnu en kabine ned.
En: The second ball hit just wide of the goal and brought down another booth.

Da: Nu lo alle af ham, og Anders følte sig virkelig dum.
En: Now everyone laughed at him, and Anders felt really stupid.

Da: Men han ville ikke give op.
En: But he wouldn't give up.

Da: Anders kastede den sidste bold af al sin kraft, og denne gang ramte han målet præcis!
En: Anders threw the last ball with all his might, and this time he hit the target exactly!

Da: Klokken lød, og en mand gik hen til Anders med et kæmpe tøjdyr.
En: The bell rang, and a man walked up to Anders with a giant stuffed animal.

Da: Anders så stolt på Signe, og hun smilte tilbage.
En: Anders looked proudly at Signe, and she smiled back.

Da: Men pludselig var der tumult i baggrunden.
En: But suddenly there was commotion in the background.

Da: Flere kabiner blev væltet omkuld, og folk begyndte at grine endnu mere.
En: Several cabins were overturned and people started laughing even more.

Da: Det viser sig, at Anders' kraftfulde kast havde forårsaget en lille chokbølge, der fik kabinerne til at falde.
En: It turns out that Donald's powerful throw had caused a small shock wave that caused the cabins to fall.

Da: Anders havde ikke set det komme.
En: Anders hadn't seen it coming.

Da: Nu var kaoset totalt, og tilskuere morede sig vildt.
En: Now the chaos was total, and spectators were wildly amused.

Da: Anders var flov, men han besluttede sig for at gøre det rigtige.
En: Anders was embarrassed, but he decided to do the right thing.

Da: Han gik hen til baren og fortalte personalet, hvad der var sket.
En: He went to the bar and told the staff what had happened.

Da: Personalet var ikke sure, de var faktisk imponerede over, hvor langt hans boldkast var nået.
En: The staff weren't mad, they were actually impressed with how far his throw had gone.

Da: De tilbød Anders og Signe en ny omgang gratis spil.
En: They offered Anders and Signe another round of free games.

Da: Anders takkede ja, og denne gang koncentrerede han sig mere om sin kraft.
En: Anders agreed, and this time he concentrated more on his power.

Da: Han kastede bolden igen og ramte målet, uden at noget andet væltede omkuld.
En: He threw the ball again and hit the target without anything else falling over.

Da: Publikum klappede begejstret, og selvom Anders ikke havde vundet flere store tøjdyr, var han glad.
En: The audience applauded enthusiastically, and although Anders had not won any more large stuffed animals, he was happy.

Da: Han havde imponeret Signe med sit mod og sin vilje til at rette op på fejltagelserne.
En: He had impressed Signe with his courage and his willingness to correct the mistakes.

Da: Anders og Signe fortsatte deres dag i Tivoli, nu med et smil på læberne og et godt minde om det kaos, Anders' kast havde forårsaget.
En: Anders and Signe continued their day in Tivoli, now with a smile on their faces and a good memory of the chaos that Anders' throw had caused.

Da: De vidste begge, at de havde haft det sjovt og at de aldrig ville glemme denne dag i Tivoli.
En: They both knew that they had had fun and that they would never forget this day at Tivoli.