Adventure on Bled Island: A Journey to Remember

In this episode, we’ll embark on an enchanting journey to Bled Island, navigating unexpected weather and discovering the island's hidden treasures.

Sl: Žareče sonce je sijalo nad Bledom.
En: The scorching sun shone over Bled.

Sl: Matej, Nina in Anže so stali ob jezeru.
En: Matej, Nina, and Anže stood by the lake.

Sl: Voda je bila modra in mirna.
En: The water was blue and calm.

Sl: Ptice so pele.
En: Birds were singing.

Sl: Ljudje so se smejali.
En: People were laughing.

Sl: Vonj svežega zraka je napolnil njihova pljuča.
En: The scent of fresh air filled their lungs.

Sl: "Pridimo," je dejal Matej, "peljimo se s pletno na otok!"
En: "Come on," Matej said, "let's take a pletna to the island!"

Sl: Nina je kimala z glavo.
En: Nina nodded her head.

Sl: Anže je bil navdušen.
En: Anže was enthusiastic.

Sl: Hitro so kupili vozovnice in se vkrcali na pletno.
En: They quickly bought tickets and boarded the pletna.

Sl: Veslač z močnimi rokami je začel veslati.
En: The rower with strong arms began to row.

Sl: Ladjica se je počasi premaknila po vodi.
En: The boat slowly moved across the water.

Sl: "Kako lepo je tu," je rekla Nina. "Poglejte gore okoli nas."
En: "It's so beautiful here," Nina said. "Look at the mountains around us."

Sl: "Res je," je dodal Anže. "In grad na hribu. Čudovito!"
En: "Indeed," Anže added. "And the castle on the hill. Wonderful!"

Sl: Pletna je drsela naprej.
En: The pletna glided forward.

Sl: Voda je nežno valovala ob njenem robu.
En: The water gently rippled against its edge.

Sl: Veslač, striček Jože, je veslal počasi in vestno.
En: The rower, Uncle Jože, rowed slowly and diligently.

Sl: Vse je bilo mirno.
En: Everything was peaceful.

Sl: "Ali veste," je začel striček Jože, "da je otok Bled poseben? Tam je cerkev iz 17. stoletja."
En: "Do you know," Uncle Jože began, "that Bled Island is special? There is a 17th-century church there."

Sl: Nina je oči širila od presenečenja. "Res? To moramo videti."
En: Nina's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? We must see it."

Sl: Medtem se je vreme nekoliko poslabšalo.
En: Meanwhile, the weather started to worsen.

Sl: Kmalu so postali temni oblaki in veter je začel pihati.
En: Soon, dark clouds gathered, and the wind began to blow.

Sl: Anže je pogledal nebo. "Hitro moramo priti na otok, preden začne deževati."
En: Anže looked at the sky. "We need to get to the island quickly, before it starts raining."

Sl: Striček Jože je veslal hitreje.
En: Uncle Jože rowed faster.

Sl: Ladjica se je nagibala, a so vsi ostali mirni.
En: The boat swayed, but everyone remained calm.

Sl: Bili so blizu otoka.
En: They were close to the island.

Sl: Zagledali so stopnice, ki vodijo do cerkve.
En: They saw the steps leading to the church.

Sl: "Hitro, gremo gor," je rekel Matej.
En: "Quick, let's go up," Matej said.

Sl: Vsi so skočili z ladjice in se podali proti cerkvi.
En: They all jumped off the boat and headed toward the church.

Sl: Dežne kaplje so začele padati.
En: Raindrops started to fall.

Sl: Ko so prišli do cerkve, je začelo močno deževati.
En: By the time they reached the church, it was raining heavily.

Sl: Vsi so bili mokri, a varni pod cerkvenimi zidovi.
En: They were all wet but safe under the church's walls.

Sl: "Kako razburljivo," je rekla Nina skozi smeh. "Nismo le obiskali otoka, ampak smo doživeli tudi avanturo."
En: "How exciting," Nina said through a laugh. "We not only visited the island but also had an adventure."

Sl: Anže je prikimal. "Tako je. To je tisto, kar naredi dan nepozaben."
En: Anže nodded. "That's right. It's what makes the day unforgettable."

Sl: Ko je dež ponehal, so se vsi vrnili na pletno.
En: When the rain stopped, they all returned to the pletna.

Sl: Striček Jože jih je varno pripeljal nazaj.
En: Uncle Jože brought them back safely.

Sl: Prav tako je delil svojo toplino in zgodbe.
En: He also shared his warmth and stories.

Sl: "Upam, da se vrnete še kdaj," je rekel ob slovestu.
En: "I hope you come back again sometime," he said as they parted.

Sl: Matej, Nina in Anže so se nasmehnili. "Vsekakor bomo prišli spet. Ta kraj je čaroben."
En: Matej, Nina, and Anže smiled. "We definitely will. This place is magical."

Sl: In tako se je njihov dan na Bledu bližal koncu.
En: And so, their day at Bled came to a close.

Sl: Vse skupaj je povezovalo eno - skupna izkušnja, lepota narave in veseli spomini, ki jih bodo nosili s seboj še dolgo časa.
En: It was all tied together by one thing – the shared experience, the beauty of nature, and the joyful memories they would carry with them for a long time.