Accidental Tour Guide’s Fortress Fable

In this episode, we'll explore the unintended journey of a local, swept up in an impromptu tour guide adventure at Belgrade's historical Kalemegdan Fortress.

Sr: Jovan je šetao kroz Kalemegdan, uživajući u mirisu proleća.
En: Jovan strolled through Kalemegdan, enjoying the scent of spring.

Sr: Bio je to lep dan u Beogradu, sunce se smeškalo, a ptice su pevale.
En: It was a beautiful day in Belgrade, the sun was smiling, and the birds were singing.

Sr: Kalemegdan je bio pun turista, što nije bilo čudno jer je to mesto gde se istorija Srbije prepliće sa lepotom prirode.
En: Kalemegdan was filled with tourists, which wasn't surprising, as it's a place where Serbia's history intertwines with the beauty of nature.

Sr: Naišao je blizu grupi turista koji su gledali oko sebe zbunjeno. Nisu mogli da nađu svog vodiča.
En: He came across a group of tourists looking around bewildered. They couldn't find their guide.

Sr: Jovan je stao da ih posmatra. Bio je obučen sasvim obično, ali pošto je nosio torbu preko ramena i fotoaparat, izgledao je kao neko ko zna mnogo o tvrđavi.
En: Jovan stopped to observe them. He was dressed quite casually, but with a bag over his shoulder and a camera, he looked like someone who knew a lot about the fortress.

Sr: "Excuse me, are you our guide?" upitala ga je Milica, žena sa mapom u ruci.
En: "Excuse me, are you our guide?" Milica asked, holding a map.

Sr: Pre nego što je Jovan uspeo da odgovori, Dragan, muškarac iz grupe, već ga je povukao za rukav: "We are already late for the tour, can you start now, please?"
En: Before Jovan could respond, Dragan, a man from the group, had already pulled his sleeve, "We are already late for the tour, can you start now, please?"

Sr: Jovan nije hteo da pokvari njihovo raspoloženje pa je klimnuo glavom. Iako nije znao puno o vođenju turističkih grupa, odlučio je da ih provede kroz tvrđavu.
En: Jovan didn't want to spoil their mood, so he nodded. Although he didn't know much about guiding tourist groups, he decided to lead them through the fortress.

Sr: Počeo je priču o Beogradskoj tvrđavi, koristeći proste rečenice. Pokušavao je da seti sve što zna o istoriji mesta: "This fortress, very old. Many battles here."
En: He began telling the story of Belgrade Fortress, using simple sentences. He tried to remember everything he knew about the history of the place: "This fortress, very old. Many battles here."

Sr: Grupa ga je pažljivo slušala, ali se videlo da su zbunjeni.
En: The group listened carefully, but it was clear they were confused.

Sr: Šetajući, Jovan je pokazivao na stare zidine i objašnjavao šta misli da zna: "This wall, Ottoman empire. Very strong."
En: As they walked, Jovan pointed at the old walls and explained what he thought he knew: "This wall, Ottoman Empire. Very strong."

Sr: Videlo se da Jovanu nedostaje znanje, ali je imao dar da ispriča priču zanimljivo. Grupa se smejala i postavljala pitanja. Jovan se trudio da improvizuje odgovore.
En: It was clear that Jovan lacked knowledge, but he had the gift of telling a story in an interesting way. The group laughed and asked questions. Jovan tried to improvise answers.

Sr: Nakon nekog vremena, pravi vodič je naišao. Bio je uznemiren zbog kasnjenja. Grupa je brzo shvatila da je došlo do zabune sa Jovanom.
En: After some time, the real guide arrived, distressed by the delay. The group quickly realized there had been a mix-up with Jovan.

Sr: Međutim, bili su zahvalni Jovanu što ih je povukao u svoju improvizovanu avanturu. Svi su se srdačno rastali, a Milica mu je čak dala bakšiš, govoreći: "Thank you for this special tour."
En: However, they were grateful to Jovan for leading them on his improvised adventure. They bid farewell warmly, and Milica even gave him a tip, saying, "Thank you for this special tour."

Sr: Jovan se smeškao odlazeći prema izlazu tvrđave. Nije mislio da će njegov običan dan u šetnji završiti vodeći turiste u improvizovanoj turističkoj turi.
En: Jovan smiled as he walked towards the fortress's exit. He hadn't thought his ordinary day of walking would end with him leading tourists on an improvised tour.

Sr: Vratio se kući sa smeškom na licu, svestan da je tvrđava Kalemegdan toga dana dobila još jednu divnu priču koja će se prepričavati.
En: He returned home with a smile on his face, aware that Kalemegdan Fortress had gained another wonderful story that day.