A Tourist in His Own Town: Ivan’s Adventure

explore how three friends turn an ordinary day into a whimsical tour in the heart of Dubrovnik.

Hr: Bio jednom u prekrasnom gradu Dubrovniku, gdje su sunčeve zrake sjajile kao da poliraju kamene ulice stare jezgre.
En: Once upon a time in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, where the sun's rays shone as if polishing the stone streets of the old town.

Hr: Ivan, mladić s kovrčavom kosom i širokim osmijehom, bio je ponosan Dubrovčanin koji je svako jutro mirisao sol i slušao šapat valova.
En: Ivan, a young man with curly hair and a wide smile, was a proud Dubrovnik resident who smelled the sea salt and listened to the whisper of the waves every morning.

Hr: No, toga dana Ivanovo odijelo sa šarenom kravatom činilo ga je strancem u svom rodnom gradu.
En: But on that day, Ivan's outfit with a colorful tie made him look like a stranger in his hometown.

Hr: Ana i Marko, Ivanovi prijatelji, primijetili su da turisti znatiželjno gledaju Ivana.
En: Ana and Marko, Ivan's friends, noticed that tourists were curiously looking at Ivan.

Hr: Šapnuli su jedno drugome i plan je bio spreman.
En: They whispered to each other and the plan was ready.

Hr: Prišli su Ivanu, savršeno se pretvarajući da su vodiči, i počeli su mu pričati povijest grada kao da Ivan nije bio dio nje.
En: They approached Ivan, pretending perfectly to be guides, and began telling him the history of the city as if Ivan was not part of it.

Hr: Ivan je zbunjen pogledao svoje prijatelje, no brzo je shvatio što se događa.
En: Ivan looked at his friends in confusion, but quickly realized what was happening.

Hr: Prvo ih je pogledao sumnjičavo, ali nakon nekoliko trenutaka nije mogao suzdržati smijeh.
En: At first, he looked at them suspiciously, but after a few moments, he couldn't help but laugh.

Hr: Igrali su svoju ulogu s toliko uvjerljivosti da su i ostali turisti počeli slušati "vodiče".
En: They played their roles with such conviction that even other tourists began to listen to the "guides."

Hr: Kako se dan odmicao, Ana i Marko su vodili Ivana kroz tajne prolaze grada, prepričavajući zabavne anegdote o svakom kutku.
En: As the day went on, Ana and Marko led Ivan through the secret passages of the city, recounting amusing anecdotes about every corner.

Hr: Ivan se pravio iznenađen i izgubljen, igrajući svoju ulogu turista.
En: Ivan pretended to be surprised and lost, playing his role as a tourist.

Hr: Kada su došli do zidine koje su gledale na jadransko plavetnilo, Ana je rekla: "Ovdje se kaže da ako zapušeš poljubac moru, Dubrovnik će ti biti zauvijek u srcu.
En: When they reached the walls overlooking the azure Adriatic, Ana said, "It is said that if you blow a kiss to the sea here, Dubrovnik will be forever in your heart."

Hr: " Ivan se nasmiješio i uputio poljubac prema horizontu gdje su se sunce i more spajali u jedno.
En: Ivan smiled and sent a kiss towards the horizon where the sun and sea merged into one.

Hr: Kako je sunce polako padalo iza zidina, troje prijatelja sjelo je na stare kamene stube, razmišljajući o danu punom smijeha i šala.
En: As the sun slowly set behind the walls, the three friends sat on the old stone steps, reflecting on a day full of laughter and jokes.

Hr: Nad njima su se svjetlucali prvi večernji zvjezdani tragovi, a ispod njih je grad živio svoju večernju simfoniju.
En: Above them, the first evening star trails sparkled, and below them, the city lived its evening symphony.

Hr: Ivan se zahvalio Ani i Marku na neobičnoj avanturi, sada razigran više nego ikad.
En: Ivan thanked Ana and Marko for the unusual adventure, now feeling more playful than ever.

Hr: Ana i Marko su mu se iskreno nasmijali i obećali da će ovo biti njihova mala tajna.
En: Ana and Marko sincerely smiled at him and promised that this would be their little secret.

Hr: I dok su se noćne svjetiljke počele paliti, Ivan je shvatio da čak i u svom gradu može biti turist za jedan dan – barem u srce svojih prijatelja koji znaju kako pretvoriti običan dan u nezaboravnu priču.
En: And as the night lights began to come on, Ivan realized that even in his own city, he could be a tourist for a day – at least in the heart of his friends who know how to turn an ordinary day into an unforgettable story.