A Summer’s Peril: Friendship and Survival in Maksimir Park

In this episode, we'll unravel a thrilling day in Maksimir Park where summer serenity turns into a race against time, showcasing unwavering friendship and quick thinking in the face of danger.

Hr: Matej je volio šetati Maksimirom.
En: Matej loved walking through Maksimir.

Hr: Taj park u Zagrebu je bio njegova oaza mira.
En: This park in Zagreb was his oasis of peace.

Hr: Ljeto je.
En: It's summer.

Hr: Maksimir je pun zelenila.
En: Maksimir is full of greenery.

Hr: Drveće je visoko, a cvijeće miriše divno.
En: The trees are tall, and the flowers smell wonderful.

Hr: Ivana, njegova sestra, i Luka, njegov najbolji prijatelj, su s njim.
En: Ivana, his sister, and Luka, his best friend, are with him.

Hr: Danas je Dan državnosti.
En: Today is Statehood Day.

Hr: Odluka je pala — provesti dan u prirodi.
En: The decision has been made—they will spend the day in nature.

Hr: "Sviđa mi se ovo mjesto," kaže Ivana dok gledaju jezero.
En: "I like this place," Ivana says while they look at the lake.

Hr: Luka razmotri kartu.
En: Luka examines the map.

Hr: "Idemo do onog vidikovca, odande je pogled najbolji," predlaže.
En: "Let's go to that viewpoint, the view from there is the best," he suggests.

Hr: Dok hodaju, Matej zastane.
En: As they walk, Matej stops.

Hr: "Pogledaj ovaj lijepi cvijet!
En: "Look at this beautiful flower!"

Hr: " uzvikne.
En: he exclaims.

Hr: Dok se naginje prema cvijetu, osjeti ubod na svom vratu.
En: As he leans toward the flower, he feels a sting on his neck.

Hr: Bio je to kukac.
En: It was a bug.

Hr: U početku ništa.
En: At first, nothing.

Hr: Ali jednostavno svrbež postaje ozbiljan.
En: But the simple itch becomes serious.

Hr: Matej osjeća kako mu se koža crveni i diže vrat.
En: Matej feels his skin turning red and his neck swelling.

Hr: "Ivana, ne osjećam se dobro," kaže Matej nervozno.
En: "Ivana, I don't feel well," Matej says nervously.

Hr: Ivana, studentica medicine, odmah prepozna simptome.
En: Ivana, a medical student, immediately recognizes the symptoms.

Hr: "Matej, jesi li alergičan na ubode?
En: "Matej, are you allergic to stings?"

Hr: " upita ga brzo.
En: she asks quickly.

Hr: Matej teško diše.
En: Matej struggles to breathe.

Hr: Luka odmah paničari.
En: Luka immediately panics.

Hr: "Moramo nešto učiniti!
En: "We need to do something!"

Hr: " viče.
En: he shouts.

Hr: Ivana ostane mirna.
En: Ivana remains calm.

Hr: "Luka, smirimo se.
En: "Luka, let's stay calm.

Hr: Imam injekciju epinefrina.
En: I have an epinephrine injection.

Hr: Sad ću to dati Mateju.
En: I'll give it to Matej now."

Hr: "Njezine ruke ne drhte.
En: Her hands do not tremble.

Hr: Brzo vadi injekciju iz torbe.
En: She quickly takes the injection out of her bag.

Hr: Matej se bori za dah.
En: Matej fights for breath.

Hr: Ivana ulazi u akciju i daje mu injekciju.
En: Ivana springs into action and gives him the injection.

Hr: Luka drži Mateja za ruku i pokušava ne paničariti.
En: Luka holds Matej's hand and tries not to panic.

Hr: Par minuta prolazi kao vječnost.
En: A few minutes pass like eternity.

Hr: Matej počinje polako disati.
En: Matej begins to breathe slowly.

Hr: Ivana zove hitnu pomoć.
En: Ivana calls for an ambulance.

Hr: "Moramo mirovati dok ne dođu," kaže.
En: "We need to stay put until they arrive," she says.

Hr: Zvuk sirena dolazi kroz drveće.
En: The sound of sirens comes through the trees.

Hr: Ambulanata stiže.
En: The ambulance arrives.

Hr: Paramedici podržavaju Mateja i stavljaju ga na nosila.
En: The paramedics support Matej and place him on a stretcher.

Hr: "Dobro si prošao.
En: "You did well.

Hr: Idemo u bolnicu," kaže jedan od njih.
En: We're going to the hospital," one of them says.

Hr: Ivana ga podržava.
En: Ivana supports him.

Hr: "Sve će biti uredu, Matej.
En: "Everything will be fine, Matej."

Hr: "U bolnici, Matej nasloni glavu na jastuk.
En: In the hospital, Matej rests his head on a pillow.

Hr: Osjeća se sigurno.
En: He feels safe.

Hr: "Hvala vam," kaže Matej.
En: "Thank you," says Matej.

Hr: "Niste me napustili.
En: "You didn't abandon me."

Hr: "Ivana mu se smiješi.
En: Ivana smiles at him.

Hr: "Uvijek ću biti tu za tebe," obeća.
En: "I will always be here for you," she promises.

Hr: Luka, još uvijek šokiran, klimne glavom.
En: Luka, still shocked, nods his head.

Hr: "I ja isto.
En: "Me too."

Hr: "Matej nauči važnu lekciju.
En: Matej learns an important lesson.

Hr: Postane oprezniji.
En: He becomes more cautious.

Hr: Više obraća pažnju na svoju okolinu.
En: He pays more attention to his surroundings.

Hr: I više cijeni brigu svoje sestre i prijatelja.
En: And he appreciates his sister's and friend's care even more.

Hr: Na kraju dana, Maksimir park i dalje cvjeta.
En: At the end of the day, Maksimir park is still blooming.

Hr: Matej, Ivana i Luka sjede zajedno.
En: Matej, Ivana, and Luka sit together.

Hr: Ova pustolovina ih je još više povezala.
En: This adventure has brought them even closer.

Hr: Dan državnosti je završio, ali ovo prijateljstvo tek počinje.
En: Statehood Day has ended, but this friendship is just beginning.