A Market Day Surprise: Jānis’ Unexpected Allergy Adventure

In this episode, we'll explore a seemingly ordinary market visit that turns into a tense moment of survival as Jānis navigates an unexpected allergic reaction and learns a valuable life lesson.

Lv: Rīgas centrāltirgus bija pilns ar cilvēkiem.
En: The Riga Central Market was full of people.

Lv: Jānis mīlēja apmeklēt tirgus dienas.
En: Jānis loved visiting market days.

Lv: Viņš ieraudzīja dažus svaigus ābolus un nolēma nopirkt dažus.
En: He saw some fresh apples and decided to buy a few.

Lv: Pēkšņi Jānis sajuta niezi kaklā.
En: Suddenly, Jānis felt an itch in his throat.

Lv: Viņš sāka klepot.
En: He started coughing.

Lv: Acis kļuva sarkanas un pietūkušas.
En: His eyes became red and swollen.

Lv: Jānis saprata, ka viņam ir alerģija.
En: Jānis realized that he had an allergy.

Lv: Viņš centās palikt mierīgs, bet to bija grūti.
En: He tried to stay calm, but it was difficult.

Lv: Jānis atcerējās, ka viņam kabatā ir telefonnumurs ārkārtas situācijām.
En: Jānis remembered that he had an emergency phone number in his pocket.

Lv: Viņš ātri izvilka telefonu un zvanīja.
En: He quickly pulled out his phone and called.

Lv: "Lūdzu, man nepieciešama palīdzība," viņš teica, klepojot.
En: "Please, I need help," he said, coughing.

Lv: Pēc dažām minūtēm ārsts no netālu esošās aptiekas piebiedrojās.
En: After a few minutes, a doctor from a nearby pharmacy joined.

Lv: Viņš deva Jānim zāles un pārliecinājās, ka Jānis jūtas labāk.
En: He gave Jānis medicine and made sure Jānis felt better.

Lv: Pamazām alerģiskā reakcija sāka mazināties.
En: Gradually, the allergic reaction began to subside.

Lv: Jānis bija pateicīgs ārstam par ātro palīdzību.
En: Jānis was grateful to the doctor for the quick help.

Lv: "Tas bija tuvu," Jānis domāja.
En: "That was close," Jānis thought.

Lv: Viņš nolēma turpmāk rūpīgāk izvēlēties pārtiku.
En: He decided to be more careful when choosing food in the future.

Lv: Tirgus piedzīvojums beidzās labi.
En: The market adventure ended well.

Lv: Jānis bija iemācījies jaunu mācību un bija gatavs nākamajām dienām.
En: Jānis had learned a new lesson and was ready for the coming days.