A Magical Riddle in Norway: Lars and Ingrid’s Adventure

In this episode, we'll embark on a whimsical journey with Lars and Ingrid as they encounter a mischievous troll and discover the power of laughter and connection in the breathtaking landscapes of Norway.

Nb: Lars og Ingrid bestemte seg for å dra på en tradisjonell norsk tur for å nyte naturen.
En: Lars and Ingrid decided to go on a traditional Norwegian trip to enjoy nature.

Nb: De pakket sekker med mat, klær og et kart over Norge og dro avgårde tidlig om morgenen.
En: They packed bags with food, clothes and a map of Norway and set off early in the morning.

Nb: De gikk gjennom vakre fjellandskap og langs borger ved vannet.
En: They walked through beautiful mountain landscapes and along villages by the water.

Nb: Solen skinte på dem, og de kunne ikke vært lykkeligere.
En: The sun was shining on them and they couldn't be happier.

Nb: Men plutselig møtte de på noe uventet.
En: But suddenly they encountered something unexpected.

Nb: Oppe i veien deres sto et troll, med store øyne og en bred kjeft.
En: Up in their path stood a troll, with big eyes and a wide mouth.

Nb: Den blokkerte veien og sa til Lars og Ingrid: "Halt!
En: It blocked the road and said to Lars and Ingrid: "Stop!

Nb: Hvis dere vil passere, må dere svare på en gåte på norsk."
En: If you want to pass, you must answer a riddle in Norwegian."

Nb: Lars og Ingrid så på hverandre.
En: Lars and Ingrid looked at each other.

Nb: De pleide å snakke norsk veldig godt, men nå ble de stumme av redsel for trollet.
En: They used to speak Norwegian very well, but now they were struck dumb by fear of the troll.

Nb: Trollet lo og sa: "Hvilket dyr har ikke hår, men kan bjeffe som en hund?"
En: The troll laughed and said, "What animal has no hair but can bark like a dog?"

Nb: Lars og Ingrid så forvirret ut.
En: Lars and Ingrid looked confused.

Nb: De prøvde å huske, men ordene kom ikke.
En: They tried to remember, but the words wouldn't come.

Nb: Det var som om trollet hadde trollbundet dem.
En: It was as if the troll had cast a spell on them.

Nb: De begynte å gjette, men det gikk galt.
En: They started to guess, but it went wrong.

Nb: Først gjettet Lars på "fisk", så gjettet Ingrid på "slange".
En: First Lars guessed "fish", then Ingrid guessed "snake".

Nb: Men begge svarene var feil.
En: But both answers were wrong.

Nb: Trollet lo enda mer.
En: The troll laughed even more.

Nb: Til slutt ga Lars og Ingrid opp.
En: In the end, Lars and Ingrid gave up.

Nb: De var så flau og frustrert over å ikke kunne svare på en enkel gåte på norsk.
En: They were so embarrassed and frustrated at not being able to answer a simple riddle in Norwegian.

Nb: Men da brøt plutselig trollet ut i den hjerteligste latteren.
En: But then suddenly the troll burst into the heartiest laugh.

Nb: "Hahaha!
En: "Hahaha!

Nb: Dette var så morsomt!
En: This was so funny!

Nb: Dere er virkelig morsomme mennesker!
En: You really are funny people!

Nb: Dere kan fortsette eventyret deres."
En: You can continue your adventure."

Nb: Trollet forsvant like fort som det dukket opp, og veien var åpen igjen.
En: The troll disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and the road was open again.

Nb: Lars og Ingrid så på hverandre og begynte å le også.
En: Lars and Ingrid looked at each other and started laughing too.

Nb: Selv om de ikke klarte å svare riktig på gåten, hadde de likevel klart å underholde trollet.
En: Although they were unable to answer the riddle correctly, they had still managed to entertain the troll.

Nb: De fortsatte turen sin med et smil om munnen og en lettelse i hjertet.
En: They continued their journey with a smile on their faces and a relief in their hearts.

Nb: Selv om de hadde glemt språket sitt, hadde de funnet fellesskap og humor i et uventet møte med et rampete troll.
En: Although they had forgotten their language, they had found community and humor in an unexpected encounter with a mischievous troll.

Nb: Og slik hadde Lars og Ingrid en morsom og minneverdig norsk tur, med en lille trollhistorie som de kunne fortelle til venner og familie når de kom tilbake.
En: And so Lars and Ingrid had a fun and memorable trip to Norway, with a little magic story that they could tell their friends and family when they got back.