A Father’s Promise: Rebuilding Bonds Amid Plitvice Serenity

In this episode, we'll join Luka and Ivana at Plitvice Lakes as they navigate the emotional terrain of healing and reconnection after the storm of a family divorce.

Hr: Luka i Ivana sjedili su na dekici među drvećem Plitvičkih jezera.
En: Luka and Ivana were sitting on a blanket among the trees of Plitvice Lakes.

Hr: Ljeto je bilo u punom jeku.
En: Summer was in full swing.

Hr: Voda je tiho žuborila, a ptice su veselo pjevale.
En: The water was quietly murmuring, and the birds were singing cheerfully.

Hr: Luka je pokušavao pričati s Ivana.
En: Luka was trying to talk with Ivana.

Hr: Od razvoda, osjećaj udaljenosti između njih bio je kao velika rijeka.
En: Since the divorce, the feeling of distance between them was like a vast river.

Hr: Nije znao kako preći most do nje.
En: He didn't know how to build a bridge to her.

Hr: Ivana je sjedila s rukama prekriženima i licem okrenutim prema vodi.
En: Ivana was sitting with her arms crossed, facing the water.

Hr: "Kako si, Ivana?" pita Luka tiho.
En: "How are you, Ivana?" Luka asked softly.

Hr: Ivana nije odgovorila.
En: Ivana did not answer.

Hr: Svoj bijes je skrivala, ali Luka ga je mogao osjetiti.
En: She was hiding her anger, but Luka could feel it.

Hr: Bio je očajan i nije znao kako dalje.
En: He was desperate and didn't know what to do.

Hr: Ali nije htio odustati.
En: But he didn’t want to give up.

Hr: Morao je probati.
En: He had to try.

Hr: "Ivana, znam da ti je teško," rekao je Luka.
En: "Ivana, I know this is hard for you," Luka said.

Hr: "I meni je isto.
En: "It's hard for me too.

Hr: Ali moramo razgovarati.
En: But we need to talk.

Hr: O svemu."
En: About everything."

Hr: Ivana je okrenula glavu prema njemu.
En: Ivana turned her head towards him.

Hr: Oči su joj bile pune ljutnje i tuge.
En: Her eyes were full of anger and sadness.

Hr: "Zašto ste se rastali?" konačno je upitala Ivana. Glas joj je drhtao.
En: "Why did you get divorced?" Ivana finally asked, her voice trembling.

Hr: "Zbog puno razloga," odgovori Luka.
En: "For many reasons," Luka replied.

Hr: "Ali najviše zato što nismo mogli više biti sretni zajedno.
En: "But mostly because we couldn't be happy together anymore.

Hr: Nismo htjeli ti i mama da patiš."
En: We didn't want you and mom to suffer."

Hr: Ivana promrmlja, "Ali ja patim."
En: Ivana mumbled, "But I am suffering."

Hr: Luka je progutao knedlu i prije nego što je progovorio, osjetio je suze u očima.
En: Luka swallowed hard and, before speaking, felt tears in his eyes.

Hr: "Znam, srce.
En: "I know, sweetheart.

Hr: Znam.
En: I know.

Hr: I jako mi je žao zbog toga."
En: And I am very sorry for that."

Hr: Ivana ga je gledala, a oči su joj bile suzne.
En: Ivana looked at him, her eyes full of tears.

Hr: "Zašto mi nisi rekao prije?
En: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Hr: Zašto nisam znala?"
En: Why didn't I know?"

Hr: "Bojali smo se.
En: "We were scared.

Hr: Hteli smo te zaštititi.
En: We wanted to protect you.

Hr: Ali očito nismo uspjeli.
En: But obviously, we failed.

Hr: Oprosti."
En: I'm sorry."

Hr: Ivana se zagledala u svoje ruke.
En: Ivana stared at her hands.

Hr: Luka je nastavio: "Želim da znaš da te volim.
En: Luka continued, "I want you to know that I love you.

Hr: I da bih sve napravio da budeš sretna.
En: And I would do anything to make you happy.

Hr: Trebamo razgovarati, Ivana.
En: We need to talk, Ivana.

Hr: Otvoreno.
En: Openly.

Hr: Bez tajni."
En: Without secrets."

Hr: Ivana je kimnula glavom polako.
En: Ivana slowly nodded.

Hr: Na trenutak je šutjela, a onda rekla: "Bojiš se i ti, tata.
En: She was silent for a moment, and then she said, "You're scared too, Dad.

Hr: Kao i ja."
En: Just like me."

Hr: Luka je uzdahnuo.
En: Luka sighed.

Hr: "Da, bojim se.
En: "Yes, I'm scared.

Hr: Bojim se da te neću uspjeti vratiti.
En: I'm scared that I won't be able to win you back.

Hr: Ali ne želim odustati."
En: But I don't want to give up."

Hr: Tada su samo sjedili u tišini.
En: They then just sat in silence.

Hr: U tom miru prirode, među zelenilom i sretnim glasovima drugih obitelji, nešto se promijenilo između njih.
En: In the peace of nature, among the greenery and the happy voices of other families, something shifted between them.

Hr: Osjetili su međusobnu bol, ali i nadu.
En: They felt each other's pain, but also hope.

Hr: "Hoćemo li probati češće ovako razgovarati?" pitao je Luka nježno.
En: "Shall we try to talk like this more often?" Luka asked gently.

Hr: "Bez skrivanja?"
En: "Without hiding anything?"

Hr: "I misliš da će to pomoći?" pitala je Ivana s dozom nevjerice.
En: "And do you think it will help?" Ivana asked with a hint of disbelief.

Hr: "Možda neće odmah," rekao je Luka.
En: "Maybe not immediately," Luka said.

Hr: "Ali vjerujem da može.
En: "But I believe it can.

Hr: Jer te volim i želim da budeš sretna."
En: Because I love you and want you to be happy."

Hr: Ivana je klimnula.
En: Ivana nodded.

Hr: "Dobro.
En: "Okay.

Hr: Pokušat ćemo."
En: We will try."

Hr: Pod vrelim ljetnim suncem, među plavim jezerima i bujnim zelenilom, Luka i Ivana su odlučili krenuti iznova.
En: Under the hot summer sun, among the blue lakes and lush greenery, Luka and Ivana decided to start anew.

Hr: Sa svakim toplim povjetarcem i svakim osmijehom drugih ljudi, činilo se da i njihov odnos počinje zacjeljivati.
En: With each warm breeze and each smile from other people, it seemed their relationship was beginning to heal.

Hr: Držeći se za ruke, krenuli su kući.
En: Holding hands, they walked home.

Hr: Znali su da je pred njima puno posla, ali imali su vjeru i odlučnost.
En: They knew there was a lot of work ahead, but they had faith and determination.

Hr: I prvi put nakon dugo vremena, oboje su osjećali da imaju šansu.
En: And for the first time in a long while, they both felt that they had a chance.

Hr: S vanjske strane izgledalo je kao običan piknik, ali to je bio početak nečeg novog za Luku i Ivanu.
En: From the outside, it looked like an ordinary picnic, but it was the beginning of something new for Luka and Ivana.

Hr: Skupa su se uputili prema budućnosti, s više hrabrosti za otvorenost i ljubav.
En: Together, they embarked on a future with more courage for openness and love.