A Fairy Tale Adventure: Exploring the Magic of Lake Bled

In this episode, we'll journey with Ana and Matej to a magical island on Lake Bled, uncovering medieval wonders and creating unforgettable memories.

Sl: Pod svetlim modrim nebom je sijalo sonce in odsevalo svetlobo na jezero Bled.
En: Under the bright blue sky, the sun shined and reflected light on Lake Bled.

Sl: Ana in Matej sta stala na obali in opazovala mirno vodo.
En: Ana and Matej stood on the shore, watching the calm water.

Sl: Ana je rekla: "Poglej, Matej, tam je otok!
En: Ana said, "Look, Matej, there's an island!

Sl: Pojdiva ga raziskat.
En: Let's go explore it."

Sl: "Matej je odgovoril: "Imava čoln.
En: Matej replied, "We have a boat.

Sl: Veslala bova do tja.
En: We'll row there."

Sl: " Ana in Matej sta skočila v majhen lesen čoln in Matej je prijel vesla.
En: Ana and Matej jumped into a small wooden boat, and Matej took the oars.

Sl: Počasi sta se začela pomikati proti otoku.
En: Slowly, they began to move toward the island.

Sl: Ana je gledala ribe, ki so plavale okoli čolna, in opazovala labode.
En: Ana watched the fish swimming around the boat and observed the swans.

Sl: Ko sta pristala na otoku, je Ana vzkliknila: "Glej, cerkev!
En: When they landed on the island, Ana exclaimed, "Look, a church!

Sl: Tako je lepa in stara.
En: It's so beautiful and old."

Sl: " Matej je veselo povedal: "Je srednjeveška cerkev.
En: Matej cheerfully said, "It's a medieval church.

Sl: Pojdiva noter.
En: Let's go inside."

Sl: "Stopila sta na majhne kamnite stopnice in se vzpela do vrat cerkve.
En: They stepped onto the small stone steps and climbed up to the church door.

Sl: Notri je bilo hladno in temno.
En: Inside, it was cool and dark.

Sl: Majhne sveče so osvetljevale slike svetnikov na stenah.
En: Small candles illuminated pictures of saints on the walls.

Sl: Ana je občudovala vitraže.
En: Ana admired the stained glass windows.

Sl: "Poglej, Matej, kako lepe barve!
En: "Look, Matej, how beautiful the colors are!"

Sl: " je navdušeno rekla.
En: she said excitedly.

Sl: Matej pa je našel majhno vrv ob strani.
En: Matej found a small rope on the side.

Sl: "Kaj je to?
En: "What is this?"

Sl: " je vprašal in povlekel vrv.
En: he asked and pulled the rope.

Sl: Nenadoma je zazvonil majhen zvon.
En: Suddenly, a small bell rang.

Sl: Zvok se je odmevno širil po cerkvi.
En: The sound echoed through the church.

Sl: "Morda sva nekaj zaželela," se je nasmehnil Matej.
En: "Maybe we made a wish," Matej smiled.

Sl: Ana je rekla: "Želim si, da bi ta dan trajal večno.
En: Ana said, "I wish this day could last forever."

Sl: " Matej se ji je pridružil: "Tudi jaz.
En: Matej joined her: "So do I."

Sl: "Po ogledu cerkve sta se odločila, da se bosta še malo sprehodila po otoku.
En: After visiting the church, they decided to walk around the island a bit more.

Sl: Ana je našla lep vrt z dišečimi rožami.
En: Ana found a lovely garden with fragrant flowers.

Sl: Matej je opazil majhno klopco ob vodi in predlagal: "Sedi, Ana.
En: Matej noticed a small bench by the water and suggested, "Sit down, Ana.

Sl: Poglej jezero.
En: Look at the lake.

Sl: Tako je lepo.
En: It's so beautiful."

Sl: "Sedla sta in občudovala naravo okoli sebe.
En: They sat and admired the nature around them.

Sl: Ptice so pele, voda je nežno valovila, in čas je počasi mineval.
En: Birds sang, the water gently rippled, and time slowly passed.

Sl: Dan je bil popoln.
En: The day was perfect.

Sl: Ko se je začelo mračiti, sta se spet vrnila v čoln in se počasi vračala na obalo.
En: As it started to get dark, they got back into the boat and slowly returned to the shore.

Sl: Ana je veslala tokrat.
En: This time Ana rowed.

Sl: "Ta izlet je bil čudovit," je rekla.
En: "This trip was wonderful," she said.

Sl: "Počutim se kot v pravljici.
En: "I feel like I'm in a fairy tale."

Sl: "Matej ji je prikimal in dodal: "Ta kraj je res poseben.
En: Matej nodded in agreement and added, "This place is truly special.

Sl: Zdaj imava spomin, ki bo večen.
En: Now we have a memory that will last forever."

Sl: "Ko sta pristala nazaj na suhem, sta položila vesla in se še zadnjič ozrla proti otoku.
En: When they arrived back on land, they put down the oars and looked back at the island one last time.

Sl: "Se bova vrnila?
En: "Will we return?"

Sl: " je vprašala Ana.
En: Ana asked.

Sl: "Saj sva bila zdaj že del te zgodbe," ji je odgovoril Matej, "in zgodbe se nikoli ne končajo.
En: "We are now part of this story," Matej replied, "and stories never end."

Sl: "S temi besedami sta se vrnila na pot proti domu, srce polno lepih spominov.
En: With these words, they started the journey back home, hearts full of beautiful memories.

Sl: Dan na Bledu je bil za vedno zapisan v njunih srcih.
En: The day at Bled was forever etched in their hearts.