A Day at Pasar Baru: Putri’s Vibrant Market Adventure in Jakarta

In this episode, we'll join Putri on her lively shopping spree at Pasar Baru, Jakarta. From selecting the freshest produce to sharing a heartwarming day with her mother, immerse yourself in the vibrant market atmosphere and the rich cultural tapestry of local life.

Id: Pagi itu di Pasar Baru, Jakarta, matahari bersinar cerah.
En: That morning at Pasar Baru, Jakarta, the sun was shining brightly.

Id: Putri berjalan menyusuri lorong sempit pasar dengan keranjang belanja di tangan.
En: Putri walked through the narrow market lanes with a shopping basket in hand.

Id: Pasar sangat ramai dengan suara pedagang yang menawarkan dagangannya.
En: The market was bustling with the sounds of vendors hawking their goods.

Id: Putri berhenti di kios buah pertama.
En: Putri stopped at the first fruit stall.

Id: "Apel ini segar sekali," pikirnya.
En: "These apples are so fresh," she thought.

Id: Ia menghampiri pedagang.
En: She approached the vendor.

Id: "Pak, berapa harga apel ini?
En: "Sir, how much are these apples?"

Id: " tanyanya.
En: she asked.

Id: "Rp 20,000 per kilogram, Mbak," jawab pedagang dengan senyum ramah.
En: "Rp 20,000 per kilogram, Miss," answered the vendor with a friendly smile.

Id: Putri mengangguk dan mengambil satu kilogram apel.
En: Putri nodded and took one kilogram of apples.

Id: Ia juga melihat buah mangga yang matang di sebelah apel.
En: She also noticed ripe mangoes next to the apples.

Id: "Mangga juga, Pak.
En: "Mangos too, Sir.

Id: Satu kilogram," katanya.
En: One kilogram," she said.

Id: Selanjutnya, Putri pindah ke kios sayuran.
En: Next, Putri moved to the vegetable stall.

Id: Di sana, ada banyak sayur segar.
En: There were many fresh vegetables.

Id: Ia melihat seikat bayam yang hijau dan segar.
En: She saw a bunch of green, fresh spinach.

Id: "Bayam ini berapa, Bu?
En: "How much is this spinach, Ma'am?"

Id: " tanyanya pada penjual sayur.
En: she asked the vegetable seller.

Id: "Rp 5,000 per ikat," jawab penjual sayur.
En: "Rp 5,000 per bunch," replied the vegetable seller.

Id: Putri memasukkan seikat bayam ke keranjangnya.
En: Putri put a bunch of spinach in her basket.

Id: Ia juga membeli wortel, tomat, dan kentang.
En: She also bought carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes.

Id: Pasar semakin padat, tetapi Putri tidak terganggu.
En: The market got busier, but Putri wasn't disturbed.

Id: Ia menikmati suasana pasar yang hidup.
En: She enjoyed the lively market atmosphere.

Id: Saat ia hendak pulang, Putri berhenti di kios ikan.
En: When she was about to go home, Putri stopped at the fish stall.

Id: Ia ingat ibunya minta dia beli ikan segar.
En: She remembered her mother had asked her to buy fresh fish.

Id: "Ikan nila berapa, Pak?
En: "How much is the tilapia fish, Sir?"

Id: " tanya Putri pada penjual ikan.
En: Putri asked the fish seller.

Id: "Rp 30,000 per kilogram," jawab penjual ikan.
En: "Rp 30,000 per kilogram," answered the fish seller.

Id: Putri membeli satu kilogram ikan nila.
En: Putri bought one kilogram of tilapia fish.

Id: Setelah semua belanjaannya lengkap, Putri berjalan keluar pasar.
En: After completing all her purchases, Putri walked out of the market.

Id: Perjalanannya ke pasar sangat menyenangkan.
En: Her trip to the market had been very enjoyable.

Id: Ia melihat banyak pemandangan menarik dan bertemu orang-orang ramah.
En: She saw many interesting sights and met friendly people.

Id: Sesampainya di rumah, Putri disambut ibunya.
En: Arriving home, Putri was greeted by her mother.

Id: "Apa saja yang kamu beli?
En: "What did you buy?"

Id: " tanya ibunya.
En: her mother asked.

Id: Putri menunjukkan apel, mangga, bayam, dan ikan nila.
En: Putri showed the apples, mangoes, spinach, and tilapia fish.

Id: "Wah, bagus sekali!
En: "Wow, very nice!"

Id: " kata ibunya dengan senyum lebar.
En: her mother said with a wide smile.

Id: Putri merasa senang dan puas.
En: Putri felt happy and satisfied.

Id: Ia berhasil membeli semua yang dibutuhkan dengan harga yang baik.
En: She had managed to buy everything she needed at good prices.

Id: Hari itu, Putri belajar banyak tentang pasar dan cara berbelanja.
En: That day, Putri learned a lot about the market and shopping.

Id: Akhirnya, Putri duduk bersama ibunya di meja makan.
En: Finally, Putri sat with her mother at the dining table.

Id: Mereka menikmati buah-buahan segar dan memasak bersama.
En: They enjoyed the fresh fruits and cooked together.

Id: Hari mereka berakhir dengan bahagia.
En: Their day ended happily.

Id: Itulah cerita Putri di Pasar Baru, Jakarta.
En: That was Putri's story at Pasar Baru, Jakarta.

Id: Ia menikmati suasana pasar, belajar berbelanja, dan menghabiskan waktu berkualitas dengan ibunya.
En: She enjoyed the market atmosphere, learned to shop, and spent quality time with her mother.