A Day at Bled: Adventure, Allergy Scare, and Unbreakable Bonds

In this episode, we'll join Matej, Ana, and Tina on a captivating trip to Bled where adventure, an unexpected allergy scare, and heartfelt moments bring them closer together.

Sl: Matej, Ana in Tina so se navsezgodaj odpravili na izlet.
En: Matej, Ana, and Tina set off early in the morning for a trip.

Sl: Šli so na Bled.
En: They went to Bled.

Sl: Sonce je sijalo in bilo je toplo.
En: The sun was shining, and it was warm.

Sl: Vsi so bili srečni in razigrani.
En: Everyone was happy and playful.

Sl: Prispeli so do Bleda in uživali v čudovitem razgledu.
En: They arrived at Bled and enjoyed the beautiful view.

Sl: Najprej so se odločili za sprehod okoli jezera.
En: First, they decided to take a walk around the lake.

Sl: Matej je prinesel fotoaparat in delal lepe slike.
En: Matej brought a camera and took beautiful pictures.

Sl: Ana je brskala po svoji torbi.
En: Ana rummaged through her bag.

Sl: Tina je ves čas tekla pred njimi in raziskovala naravo.
En: Tina was constantly running ahead of them and exploring nature.

Sl: Po sprehodu so se usedli na travo blizu jezera.
En: After the walk, they sat down on the grass near the lake.

Sl: Odprli so nahrbtnike in si pripravili piknik.
En: They opened their backpacks and prepared a picnic.

Sl: Matej je jedel sendvič, Ana je pila limonado, Tina pa je jedla jabolko.
En: Matej ate a sandwich, Ana drank lemonade, and Tina ate an apple.

Sl: Nenadoma je Tina začela kašljati.
En: Suddenly, Tina started coughing.

Sl: Držala se je za grlo.
En: She was holding her throat.

Sl: Ana je hitro opazila, da se nekaj dogaja.
En: Ana quickly noticed that something was wrong.

Sl: Matej je takoj poklical pomoč.
En: Matej immediately called for help.

Sl: "Ne paničarite!
En: "Don't panic!"

Sl: " je rekel Matej.
En: said Matej.

Sl: "Rekla mi je, da je alergična na cvetni prah.
En: "She told me she is allergic to pollen."

Sl: "Ana je hitro poiskala vrečko s prvo pomočjo.
En: Ana quickly searched for the first aid kit.

Sl: Na srečo so imeli pri sebi tablete proti alergiji.
En: Fortunately, they had allergy tablets with them.

Sl: Tina je vzela tableto in se umirila.
En: Tina took a pill and calmed down.

Sl: Čez nekaj minut se je Tina bolje počutila.
En: After a few minutes, Tina felt better.

Sl: Vsi so bili zelo olajšani.
En: Everyone was very relieved.

Sl: Matej je predlagal, da se odpravijo nazaj do avtomobila.
En: Matej suggested they head back to the car.

Sl: "Bili smo srečni, da smo imeli tablete s seboj," je rekla Ana.
En: "We were lucky to have the tablets with us," said Ana.

Sl: "Naslednjič bomo bolj pazljivi.
En: "Next time, we'll be more careful."

Sl: "Vrnil se je nasmeh na Tinin obraz.
En: A smile returned to Tina's face.

Sl: Svoj izlet so zaključili z vožnjo z ladjico po jezeru.
En: They concluded their trip with a boat ride on the lake.

Sl: Gledali so Bledski grad in cerkev na otočku.
En: They watched Bled Castle and the church on the island.

Sl: Vodnik na ladjici jim je pripovedoval legende o Bledu.
En: The guide on the boat told them legends about Bled.

Sl: Med plovbo je Tina prijela Mateja in Ano za roko.
En: During the ride, Tina held Matej and Ana’s hands.

Sl: Bila je vesela, da je lahko ostala z njimi.
En: She was happy she could stay with them.

Sl: Zavedali so se, kako pomembna je skrb drug za drugega.
En: They realized how important it is to take care of each other.

Sl: Ko so se vrnili domov, so se vsi strinjali: dan je bil naporen, a nepozaben.
En: When they returned home, they all agreed: the day was exhausting but unforgettable.

Sl: Nikoli več ne bodo pozabili, kako pomembno je biti pripravljen na vse.
En: They would never forget how important it is to be prepared for anything.

Sl: Tako so končali svoj dan na Bledu, še bolj povezani kot prej.
En: And so, they ended their day at Bled, even more connected than before.