In this episode, we'll join Miloš on an emotional journey as he celebrates his sister Ana's 50th birthday, surrounded by family, memories, and the enchanting backdrop of Kalemegdan.
Sr: Na steni starog Kalemegdana, visoko iznad reke, Miloš je stajao sa osmehom.
En: On the wall of the old Kalemegdan, high above the river, Miloš stood with a smile.
Sr: Voleo je ovo mesto.
En: He loved this place.
Sr: Uvek mu je pružalo mir i utehu.
En: It always gave him peace and comfort.
Sr: Danas je bio poseban dan.
En: Today was a special day.
Sr: Danas su se svi okupili.
En: Today, everyone had gathered.
Sr: Ana, njegova sestra, zvanično je napunila 50 godina.
En: Ana, his sister, had officially turned 50.
Sr: Svi su se okupili da proslave ovaj trenutak.
En: Everyone gathered to celebrate this moment.
Sr: Jelena, njihova rođaka iz Niša, stigla je prva.
En: Jelena, their cousin from Niš, was the first to arrive.
Sr: Donela je tortu.
En: She brought the cake.
Sr: "Šta misliš, Miloše?
En: "What do you think, Miloš?"
Sr: " pitala je Jelena.
En: Jelena asked.
Sr: "Divno je.
En: "It's wonderful.
Sr: Ana će biti presrećna," odgovorio je Miloš.
En: Ana will be thrilled," Miloš replied.
Sr: Usne su mu se razvukle u osmeh kada je ugledao Anu.
En: His lips stretched into a smile when he saw Ana.
Sr: Ana je stigla sa cvećem.
En: Ana arrived with flowers.
Sr: Njihove oči su se srele, i Ana je odmah potrčala prema njima.
En: Their eyes met, and Ana immediately ran towards them.
Sr: "Srećan rođendan, Ana!
En: "Happy birthday, Ana!"
Sr: " viknuo je Miloš.
En: Miloš shouted.
Sr: "Miloše, toliko sam srećna što smo svi ovde," rekla je Ana, dok je zagrlila brata.
En: "Miloš, I’m so happy we are all here," said Ana, hugging her brother.
Sr: Sunce je polako zalazilo, bacajući zlatne zrake preko Kalemegdana.
En: The sun was slowly setting, casting golden rays over Kalemegdan.
Sr: Svi su se okupili oko stola.
En: Everyone gathered around the table.
Sr: Jelena je sekla tortu, dok su muzičari svirali laganu melodiju.
En: Jelena was cutting the cake while musicians played a soft melody.
Sr: "Miloše, setiš li se kada smo bili deca i igrali se ovde?
En: "Miloš, do you remember when we were kids playing here?"
Sr: " pitala je Ana.
En: Ana asked.
Sr: "Naravno.
En: "Of course.
Sr: Ovo mesto je magično," odgovorio je Miloš.
En: This place is magical," Miloš replied.
Sr: Ali, iza sve te radosti, Miloš je imao jedan strah.
En: But behind all that joy, Miloš had a fear.
Sr: Bio je to trenutak kada će svi otići.
En: It was the moment when everyone would leave.
Sr: Bio je to trenutak kada će ostati sam sa svojim mislima.
En: It was the moment he would be left alone with his thoughts.
Sr: Jelena je to primetila.
En: Jelena noticed this.
Sr: "Miloše, ti si naš junak.
En: "Miloš, you are our hero.
Sr: Bez tebe, ovaj dan ne bi bio isti," rekla je Jelena, stavljajući ruku na njegovo rame.
En: Without you, this day wouldn’t be the same," Jelena said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Sr: "Nismo sami.
En: "We are not alone.
Sr: Imamo jedni druge.
En: We have each other."
Sr: "Suza je skliznula niz Miloševo lice.
En: A tear slid down Miloš's face.
Sr: Bio je srećan što je okružen porodicom.
En: He was happy to be surrounded by family.
Sr: Noć je pala, svetiljke su se upalile, i zvuci smeha ispunili su vazduh.
En: Night fell, the lamps lit up, and the sounds of laughter filled the air.
Sr: Jelena je pevala pesmu koju su voleli kao deca.
En: Jelena sang a song they loved as children.
Sr: "Ana, srećan rođendan.
En: "Ana, happy birthday.
Sr: Ovo je naš trenutak," rekao je Miloš, držeći čašu u ruci.
En: This is our moment," said Miloš, holding a glass in his hand.
Sr: Svi su nazdravili.
En: Everyone toasted.
Sr: Zvuk čaša ispunio je noć.
En: The sound of glasses clinking filled the night.
Sr: Kalemegdan, star i moćan, bio je svedok ovog srećnog trenutka.
En: Kalemegdan, old and mighty, was a witness to this happy moment.
Sr: Miloš je znao jednu stvar.
En: Miloš knew one thing.
Sr: Porodica je sve.
En: Family is everything.
Sr: I uvek će biti.
En: And it always will be.