In this episode, we'll unravel the hidden secrets of Kalemegdan fortress with three friends as they explore the ancient walls and uncover the historical treasures of Belgrade.
Sr: Suncem obasjana tvrdjava Kalemegdan izgleda kao starija dama koja prica tajne iz prošlosti.
En: The sunlit Kalemegdan fortress looks like an elderly lady sharing secrets from the past.
Sr: Milan, Jelena, i Nemanja hodaju polako, divljajući se zidinama i kulama.
En: Milan, Jelena, and Nemanja walk slowly, marveling at the walls and towers.
Sr: Vetar nosi miris reke i zvuke grada.
En: The wind carries the scent of the river and the sounds of the city.
Sr: "Kalemegdan je prelep," kaže Jelena, gledajuci u daljinu.
En: "Kalemegdan is beautiful," says Jelena, looking into the distance.
Sr: "Znaš li," Milan poce sa osmehom, "da je ova tvrdjava stara vekovima?"
En: "You know," Milan begins with a smile, "that this fortress is centuries old?"
Sr: Nemanja se okrene prema njemu. "Vekovima? To je impresivno."
En: Nemanja turns to him. "Centuries? That's impressive."
Sr: Oni stignu do vrha gde mogu videti spoj Save i Dunava.
En: They reach the top where they can see the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers.
Sr: Pogled im oduzima dah.
En: The view takes their breath away.
Sr: Jelena se nasloni na ogradu i uzdahne. "Ovo je neverovatno."
En: Jelena leans against the railing and sighs. "This is incredible."
Sr: Milan ih vodi dalje, pokazujući stare artiljerije i kamenje iz antickih vremena.
En: Milan leads them further, showing them old artillery and stones from ancient times.
Sr: Svaki deo tvrdave ima svoju pricu, i oni ih istražuju sa pažnjom.
En: Every part of the fortress has its own story, and they explore them attentively.
Sr: Susreću turiste iz različitih krajeva sveta, što dodaje živost ovoj istorijskoj lokaciji.
En: They meet tourists from different parts of the world, adding vibrancy to this historical site.
Sr: Nemanja, koji je uvek bio znatiželjan, nalazi staru kartu. "Gledajte, na ovoj karti je prikazano skriveno blago! Hajde da ga pronađemo."
En: Nemanja, always curious, finds an old map. "Look, this map shows hidden treasure! Let's find it."
Sr: Jelena i Milan se smeju, ali ipak odlučuju da istraže.
En: Jelena and Milan laugh but decide to explore anyway.
Sr: Hodaju kroz uske prolaze, penju se uz stepenice i ulaze u mračne hodnike.
En: They walk through narrow passages, climb stairs, and enter dark hallways.
Sr: Sve je tiho, čuju se samo njihovi koraci.
En: Everything is quiet; only their footsteps can be heard.
Sr: Ubrzo dolaze do stare kapije iza koje se skriva zaturen deo tvrdave.
En: Soon, they come to an old gate behind which lies a secluded part of the fortress.
Sr: "Vidite," kaže Nemanja, "mislio sam da će ovde biti nešto."
En: "See," says Nemanja, "I thought there'd be something here."
Sr: I otvore vrata.
En: They open the door.
Sr: Sunce obasja staru sobu punu starih predmeta i knjiga.
En: The sun illuminates an old room full of ancient items and books.
Sr: Nema blaga, ali soba je puna istorijskih vrednosti.
En: There is no treasure, but the room is filled with historical value.
Sr: Milan podigne stare knjige i prašina krene da leti.
En: Milan lifts old books, and dust begins to fly.
Sr: "Mislim da smo pronašli nešto dragoceno," reče Milan.
En: "I think we've found something precious," says Milan.
Sr: Jelena priđe stolu sa starinskim fotografijama.
En: Jelena approaches a table with vintage photographs.
Sr: "Ovi ljudi... oni su deo istorije."
En: "These people... they are part of history."
Sr: Nemanja gleda kroz stare prozore i vidi grad kako se širi.
En: Nemanja looks through old windows and sees the city expanding.
Sr: "Kalemegdan čuva mnoge tajne."
En: "Kalemegdan holds many secrets."
Sr: Nakon toga, oni se vrate na vrh tvrdave, gledajući još jednom spoj Save i Dunava.
En: Afterwards, they return to the top of the fortress, once again looking at the confluence of the Sava and Danube.
Sr: Osećaju se povezani sa prošlošću ovog mesta.
En: They feel connected to the past of this place.
Sr: Sunce zalazi i osvetljava njihova lica.
En: The sun sets, illuminating their faces.
Sr: "Dan je bio savršen," kaže Jelena, "baš sam uživala."
En: "The day was perfect," says Jelena, "I really enjoyed it."
Sr: "I ja," slože se Nemanja i Milan.
En: "Me too," agree Nemanja and Milan.
Sr: Njihovo putovanje po Kalemegdanu završava se sa lepim uspomenama.
En: Their journey through Kalemegdan ends with fond memories.
Sr: Dok se vraćaju kući, shvataju koliko su bogatiji za novo iskustvo.
En: As they head home, they realize how much richer they are for the new experience.
Sr: Kalemegdan neće biti samo deo grada, već deo njihove uspomene.
En: Kalemegdan won't just be a part of the city, but a part of their memory.
Sr: Život u Beogradu je lepo kada možeš deliti ovakve trenutke sa prijateljima.
En: Life in Belgrade is wonderful when you can share moments like these with friends.