In this episode, we'll follow Miloš on an extraordinary adventure as he uncovers the hidden secrets beneath the ancient walls of Kalemegdan Fortress.
Sr: Miloš je voleo da šeta po Kalemegdanu.
En: Miloš loved walking around Kalemegdan.
Sr: Njegova omiljena mesta bila su stari zidine i kula.
En: His favorite spots were the old walls and tower.
Sr: Jednog dana, dok je istraživao, otkrio je nešto neobično.
En: One day, while exploring, he discovered something unusual.
Sr: Iza stene, primetio je mali otvor.
En: Behind a rock, he noticed a small opening.
Sr: Srce mu je brzo kucalo.
En: His heart was beating fast.
Sr: Uspeo je da se provuče kroz mali otvor.
En: He managed to squeeze through the small opening.
Sr: Unutra je otkrio uski prolaz.
En: Inside, he discovered a narrow passage.
Sr: Miloš je pažljivo krenuo napred.
En: Miloš carefully moved forward.
Sr: Hodnik je bio mračan i vlažan.
En: The corridor was dark and damp.
Sr: Ubrzo je stigao do velike podzemne sobe.
En: Soon, he arrived at a large underground room.
Sr: Soba je bila puna starih predmeta.
En: The room was full of old artifacts.
Sr: Tu su bili stari mačevi, štitovi i grnčarija.
En: There were old swords, shields, and pottery.
Sr: Miloš je bio iznenađen.
En: Miloš was surprised.
Sr: Nikada nije znao da ovako nešto postoji ispod Kalemegdanske tvrđave.
En: He had never known that something like this existed beneath the Kalemegdan fortress.
Sr: Krenuo je da istražuje dalje.
En: He started to explore further.
Sr: U uglu sobe, pronašao je drugi prolaz.
En: In the corner of the room, he found another passage.
Sr: Vodio ga je do još veće sobe.
En: It led him to an even bigger room.
Sr: Ova soba je imala stare mape na zidovima.
En: This room had old maps on the walls.
Sr: Izgledalo je kao da je ovo bila tajna soba za vojne planove.
En: It seemed like this was a secret room for military plans.
Sr: Miloš je bio fasciniran.
En: Miloš was fascinated.
Sr: Miloš je znao da mora da podeli ovo otkriće.
En: Miloš knew he had to share this discovery.
Sr: Izašao je napolje i pozvao prijatelje.
En: He went outside and called his friends.
Sr: Vratili su se zajedno do prolaza.
En: They returned together to the passage.
Sr: Svi su bili zadivljeni njegovim otkrićem.
En: Everyone was amazed by his discovery.
Sr: Arheolozi su pozvani da prouče mesto.
En: Archaeologists were called to study the site.
Sr: Otkrili su mnogo o staroj istoriji tvrđave.
En: They uncovered a lot about the old history of the fortress.
Sr: Miloš je bio ponosan na svoje otkriće.
En: Miloš was proud of his discovery.
Sr: Kalemegdan je dobio novu turističku atrakciju.
En: Kalemegdan gained a new tourist attraction.
Sr: Miloš je nastavio da istražuje tvrđavu svakog vikenda.
En: Miloš continued to explore the fortress every weekend.
Sr: Sanjao je da otkrije još više tajni.
En: He dreamed of discovering even more secrets.
Sr: Ali nikada neće zaboraviti prvi put kada je otkrio skrivenu podzemnu sobu.
En: But he would never forget the first time he found the hidden underground room.
Sr: Bio je heroj svoga dana.
En: He was a hero of his day.
Sr: Tvrđava je sada mesto za sve ljubitelje istorije i avanture.
En: The fortress is now a place for all history and adventure lovers.
Sr: Miloša su mnogi pitali o njegovom otkriću.
En: Many people asked Miloš about his discovery.
Sr: Uvek je pričao priču s osmehom.
En: He always told the story with a smile.
Sr: Bio je srećan što je deo istorije Kalemegdana.
En: He was happy to be a part of Kalemegdan's history.
Sr: I tako, skrivene komore postale su deo legende.
En: And so, the hidden chambers became part of legend.
Sr: Miloš je nastavio svoje istraživanje, uvek tražeći nove avanture.
En: Miloš continued his exploration, always seeking new adventures.
Sr: Kalemegdan je postao još bogatiji i zanimljiviji zahvaljujući njemu.
En: Kalemegdan became even richer and more interesting thanks to him.
Sr: Завршетак његове приче био је само почетак низа других.
En: The end of his story was just the beginning of many others.