In this episode, we'll explore how siblings Miloš and Jelena breathe new life into their family bookstore, turning it into a beloved community hub on Knez Mihailova Street.
Sr: Zvuk crkvenih zvona ispunjavali su vazduh na Knez Mihailovoj ulici.
En: The sound of church bells filled the air on Knez Mihailova Street.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena stajali su pred svojom malom knjižarom.
En: Miloš and Jelena stood in front of their small bookstore.
Sr: Stara zgrada sa plavim vratima i izlozima punim knjiga privlačila je pažnju prolaznika.
En: The old building with blue doors and window displays full of books attracted the attention of passersby.
Sr: - Moramo urediti izlog, Miloše - rekla je Jelena.
En: "We need to organize the display, Miloš," Jelena said.
Sr: - Da, knjige moraju biti u savršenom redu za posetioce - odgovorio je Miloš.
En: "Yes, the books must be perfectly arranged for the visitors," Miloš responded.
Sr: Miloš je bio mlad čovek sa svetlom kosom i živahnim očima.
En: Miloš was a young man with light hair and lively eyes.
Sr: Jelena, njegova sestra, imala je smeđu kosu i uvek je nosila osmeh.
En: Jelena, his sister, had brown hair and always wore a smile.
Sr: Roditelji su im ostavili knjižaru.
En: Their parents had left them the bookstore.
Sr: Dete su je čuvali sa ljubavlju.
En: They had taken care of it with love since they were children.
Sr: Ranije je bila puna ljudi, sada je bilo teško privući kupce.
En: Once bustling with people, it was now hard to attract customers.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena su imali zadatak.
En: Miloš and Jelena had a task at hand.
Sr: Jednog dana, dok su uređivali police, ušla je starija dama.
En: One day, while they were organizing the shelves, an elderly lady walked in.
Sr: - Dobar dan, mogu li vam pomoći? - pitala je Jelena.
En: "Good afternoon, may I help you?" Jelena asked.
Sr: - Tražim knjigu koju je napisao moj stari prijatelj. Zove se "Vetar sa Dunava." - rekla je dama.
En: "I'm looking for a book written by my old friend. It's called 'The Wind from the Danube,'" the lady said.
Sr: Miloš je brzo proveravao police.
En: Miloš quickly checked the shelves.
Sr: - Našao sam je! - uzviknuo je.
En: "I found it!" he exclaimed.
Sr: Dama je blistala.
En: The lady beamed.
Sr: - Ovo mi mnogo znači. Moje uspomene su u njoj.
En: "This means so much to me. My memories are in it."
Sr: Dok su nestrpljivo čekali nove posetioce, razgovarali su o promociji knjižare.
En: While eagerly awaiting new visitors, they discussed promoting the bookstore.
Sr: Organizovali su književne večeri, pozvali lokalne pesnike i autore.
En: They organized literary evenings, inviting local poets and authors.
Sr: Knez Mihailova ulica je ponovo vrvela od života.
En: Once again, Knez Mihailova Street was bustling with life.
Sr: Večeri su bile pune topline i smeha.
En: The evenings were full of warmth and laughter.
Sr: Knjižara je postala mesto okupljanja ljubitelja književnosti.
En: The bookstore became a gathering place for literature lovers.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena su osećali ponos i radost.
En: Miloš and Jelena felt pride and joy.
Sr: Jednom prilikom, Jelena je rekla: "Vidim da smo uspeli. Naša knjižara živi."
En: On one occasion, Jelena said, "I see that we have succeeded. Our bookstore is alive."
Sr: Miloš je klimnuo glavom.
En: Miloš nodded.
Sr: Kao porodica su uspeli.
En: As a family, they had succeeded.
Sr: Knjižara je cvetala, a njihova ljubav prema knjigama bila je vidljiva u svakom uglu.
En: The bookstore was flourishing, and their love for books was evident in every corner.
Sr: Knez Mihailova ulica je sačuvala još jedno blago.
En: Knez Mihailova Street had preserved yet another treasure.
Sr: Priča se završava srećno.
En: The story ends happily.
Sr: Knjižara je nastavila da privlači ljude i postala je simbol ljubavi prema književnosti.
En: The bookstore continued to attract people and became a symbol of love for literature.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena su znali da će njihova porodica uvek biti ponosna na njihovo zajedničko delo.
En: Miloš and Jelena knew their family would always be proud of their joint effort.