In this episode, we'll embark on a historic tour that takes an unexpected twist, testing the bonds of friendship amidst the ancient walls of Kalemegdan Fortress.
Sr: Zelena svetlost se spuštala kroz lišće drveća na Kalemegdanu.
En: The green light filtered through the tree leaves at Kalemegdan.
Sr: Tri prijatelja - Nikola, Milan i Jelena - šetali su zajedno.
En: Three friends—Nikola, Milan, and Jelena—were walking together.
Sr: Vodič je govorio o starim zidinama i istoriji tvrđave.
En: The tour guide was talking about the old walls and the history of the fortress.
Sr: Nikola je bio sretan.
En: Nikola was happy.
Sr: Voli istoriju i Kalemegdan.
En: He loves history and Kalemegdan.
Sr: Dok je vodič pričao o bitci kod Beograda, Nikola je odjednom osetio glavobolju.
En: While the guide was talking about the Battle of Belgrade, Nikola suddenly felt a headache.
Sr: Noge su mu postale slabe, a ruke su mu podrhtavale.
En: His legs became weak, and his hands started trembling.
Sr: "Milan, nije mi dobro," rekao je Nikola tihim glasom.
En: "Milan, I don’t feel well," Nikola said in a quiet voice.
Sr: Milan i Jelena su pogledali u njegovo bledo lice.
En: Milan and Jelena looked at his pale face.
Sr: Jelena je brzo reagovala.
En: Jelena reacted quickly.
Sr: "Sedi, Nikola," rekla je.
En: "Sit down, Nikola," she said.
Sr: "Izgledaš loše.
En: "You look bad."
Sr: "Nikola je seo na klupu.
En: Nikola sat on a bench.
Sr: Jelena je uzela telefon i pozvala hitnu pomoć.
En: Jelena took out her phone and called for an ambulance.
Sr: Milan je kleknuo pored Nikole, držeći ga za ruku.
En: Milan knelt beside Nikola, holding his hand.
Sr: "Diši duboko, Nikola," rekao je Milan smireno.
En: "Breathe deeply, Nikola," Milan said calmly.
Sr: "Ne brini," rekla je Jelena.
En: "Don't worry," Jelena said.
Sr: "Pomeraš ruke i noge.
En: "You're moving your hands and legs.
Sr: Dobro je.
En: That's good."
Sr: "Vodič je prilazio, zabrinuto gledajući.
En: The guide approached, looking concerned.
Sr: "Hitna pomoć je na putu," rekao je vodič.
En: "The ambulance is on its way," the guide said.
Sr: "Ostaću sa vama.
En: "I'll stay with you."
Sr: "Prolazili su minuti koji su izgledali kao sati.
En: Minutes passed that felt like hours.
Sr: Milan i Jelena nisu napuštali Nikolu.
En: Milan and Jelena did not leave Nikola.
Sr: Napokon, stigla je hitna pomoć.
En: Finally, the ambulance arrived.
Sr: Medicinari su pažljivo pregledali Nikolu.
En: The medics carefully examined Nikola.
Sr: "Biće dobro," rekli su medicinari.
En: "He'll be fine," the medics said.
Sr: "Verovatno stres i umor.
En: "Probably stress and fatigue."
Sr: "Nikola je tiho uzdahnuo iz olakšanja.
En: Nikola quietly sighed with relief.
Sr: Zahvalio se prijateljima i vodiču.
En: He thanked his friends and the guide.
Sr: Medicinari su ga smestili u kola hitne pomoći i krenuli ka bolnici.
En: The medics placed him in the ambulance and headed to the hospital.
Sr: Milan i Jelena su ostali na Kalemegdanu, gledajući kola kako odlaze.
En: Milan and Jelena stayed at Kalemegdan, watching the ambulance as it left.
Sr: "Vratimo se kada Nikola ozdravi," rekao je Milan.
En: "We'll come back when Nikola gets better," Milan said.
Sr: "Da, biće bolje sledeći put," odgovorila je Jelena.
En: "Yes, it will be better next time," Jelena replied.
Sr: Jesenji vetar je duvao lišće po stazama tvrđave.
En: The autumn wind blew leaves along the fortress paths.
Sr: Prijatelji su šetali ka izlazu, razmišljajući o sledećoj zajedničkoj avanturi.
En: The friends walked towards the exit, thinking about their next adventure together.