In this episode, we'll journey with Vladimir and Dragana through the enchanting Kalemegdan Fortress, where small missteps lead to unforgettable memories and laughter.
Sr: Sunce je sijalo iznad Kalemegdana, osvetljavajući staru tvrđavu.
En: The sun was shining above Kalemegdan, illuminating the old fortress.
Sr: Vladimir i Dragana su šetali pored starih zidina.
En: Vladimir and Dragana were walking beside the ancient walls.
Sr: Vetar je nosio miris sveže trave i cveća.
En: The wind carried the scent of fresh grass and flowers.
Sr: Vladimir je bio sanjar.
En: Vladimir was a dreamer.
Sr: Uvek je gledao okolo, tražeći nešto interesantno.
En: He was always looking around, searching for something interesting.
Sr: Danas je bio zamišljen više nego obično.
En: Today, he was more pensive than usual.
Sr: Dok su hodali, primetio je poznatu figuru.
En: As they walked, he noticed a familiar figure.
Sr: Bio je to stari prijatelj, Marko!
En: It was an old friend, Marko!
Sr: "Marko, da li si to ti?" viknuo je Vladimir.
En: "Marko, is that you?" Vladimir shouted.
Sr: Dragana se nasmejala.
En: Dragana laughed.
Sr: "Vladimire, to je statua.
En: "Vladimir, that's a statue.
Sr: To nije Marko."
En: That's not Marko."
Sr: Vladimir je postao crven u licu.
En: Vladimir's face turned red.
Sr: Prišao je bliže statui.
En: He approached the statue.
Sr: "Izvinjavam se, gospodine statue", rekao je uz osmeh.
En: "I apologize, Mr. Statue," he said with a smile.
Sr: Dragana se smejala sve glasnije.
En: Dragana laughed even louder.
Sr: Oni su nastavili šetnju.
En: They continued their walk.
Sr: Vladimir je pokušao skrenuti razgovor na nešto drugo.
En: Vladimir tried to shift the conversation to something else.
Sr: "Da li si videla kako je lep pogled sa tvrđave?" pitao je.
En: "Did you see how beautiful the view from the fortress is?" he asked.
Sr: Dragana nije mogla prestati da se smeje.
En: Dragana couldn't stop laughing.
Sr: "Vladimire, ti si nepopravljiv.
En: "Vladimir, you are incorrigible.
Sr: Ali, pogled jeste prelep."
En: But yes, the view is beautiful."
Sr: Šetali su dalje, pričali o svemu i svačemu.
En: They walked further, talking about everything and anything.
Sr: Vladimir je bio srećan što je mogao zaboraviti svoj mali incident sa statuom.
En: Vladimir was happy to forget his little incident with the statue.
Sr: Osećao je kako se suncu smeši sa njim.
En: He felt the sun smiling down on him.
Sr: Na kraju dana, kad su se vraćali kući, Dragana se okrenula ka Vladimiru.
En: At the end of the day, as they headed home, Dragana turned to Vladimir.
Sr: "Znaš, tvoje greške su često najzanimljiviji deo dana."
En: "You know, your mistakes are often the most interesting part of the day."
Sr: Vladimir se nasmejao.
En: Vladimir laughed.
Sr: "Možda, ali hvala ti što si bila tu da se smeješ sa mnom."
En: "Maybe, but thank you for being there to laugh with me."
Sr: Tako su njih dvoje nastavili kroz život, sa smehom i prijateljstvom koje je bilo jače posle svakog malog incidenta.
En: And so the two of them continued through life, with laughter and a friendship that grew stronger after each small incident.
Sr: Kalemegdan je postao njihovo mesto smeha i uspomena.
En: Kalemegdan became their place of laughter and memories.
Sr: Uvek su se rado vraćali.
En: They always gladly returned.
Sr: Svetlost zalaska sunca prekrila je tvrđavu, a Vladimir i Dragana su znali da će se još mnogo smejati zajedno.
En: The light of the sunset covered the fortress, and Vladimir and Dragana knew they would share many more laughs together.
Sr: Kraj.
En: The end.