In this episode, we'll join Miloš and Jelena on a charming walk through Kalemegdan Park, filled with humorous historical missteps and heartfelt moments.
Sr: Kalemegdan, najveći park u Beogradu, bio je prepun ljudi tog sunčanog popodneva.
En: Kalemegdan, the largest park in Belgrade, was bustling with people that sunny afternoon.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena šetali su zajedno, osmehujući se i pričajući šale.
En: Miloš and Jelena were walking together, smiling and cracking jokes.
Sr: Miloš je želeo da impresionira Jelenu.
En: Miloš wanted to impress Jelena.
Sr: Znao je da voli istoriju. Zato je odlučio da glumi eksperta.
En: He knew she loved history, so he decided to act like an expert.
Sr: "Jelena," rekao je dok su stajali ispred starih zidova tvrđave, "da li znaš da je ova tvrđava izgrađena pre više od hiljadu godina, tačno 1001. godine?"
En: "Jelena," he said as they stood in front of the old fortress walls, "did you know that this fortress was built over a thousand years ago, precisely in the year 1001?"
Sr: Jelena je izgledala impresionirano, ali nije sve poverovala.
En: Jelena looked impressed but was not entirely convinced.
Sr: U tom trenutku pristupio im je vodič sa grupom turista.
En: At that moment, a guide approached them with a group of tourists.
Sr: Vodič ih je čuo i odlučio da ih ispravi.
En: The guide had overheard them and decided to correct them.
Sr: "Zapravo," reče vodič ljubazno, "tvrđava Kalemegdan je počela da se gradi u 2. veku nove ere. Rimljani su prvi graditelji."
En: "Actually," the guide said kindly, "the Kalemegdan Fortress began construction in the 2nd century AD. The Romans were the first builders."
Sr: Miloš se zacrveneo, ali nije se dao.
En: Miloš blushed, but he didn’t give up.
Sr: Hteo je da pokaže još nešto znanja.
En: He wanted to show off more knowledge.
Sr: Nastavio je šetnju sa Jelenom i rekao: "Pa, dobro. Ali znate šta, ova kula ovde je korišćena kao zatvor za važne zarobljenike tokom 15. veka."
En: He continued the walk with Jelena and said, "Well, okay. But you know, this tower here was used as a prison for important captives during the 15th century."
Sr: Vodič, koji je i dalje bio u blizini, opet je ispravio Miloša.
En: The guide, still nearby, corrected Miloš again.
Sr: "Ne, ona je izgrađena tek kasnije, oko 18. veka. I nije korišćena kao zatvor već kao stražara."
En: "No, it was built later, around the 18th century. And it wasn’t used as a prison but as a guard post."
Sr: Jelena se blago nasmejala.
En: Jelena smiled softly.
Sr: Nije je bila briga za tačnost.
En: She didn’t care about the accuracy.
Sr: Samo joj je bilo lepo što Miloš pokušava.
En: She just appreciated Miloš's effort.
Sr: Miloš je osećao da mora da se izvuče.
En: Miloš felt he had to redeem himself.
Sr: Izašli su na vidikovac i pogledali Dunav.
En: They reached the lookout point overlooking the Danube.
Sr: "Jelena, ovaj pogled je stvarno prelep. Zamislite samo koliko je ljudi kroz istoriju stajalo ovde i gledalo isto ovo što i mi sada."
En: "Jelena, this view is really beautiful. Just imagine how many people throughout history have stood here and looked at the same scene as we are now."
Sr: Jelena je klimnula glavom.
En: Jelena nodded.
Sr: "Da, stvarno je magično," rekla je, ne mareći za istorijske detalje.
En: "Yes, it’s truly magical," she said, not caring for the historical details.
Sr: Vodič je ovaj put ostao tiho.
En: This time, the guide stayed silent.
Sr: Shvatio je da ne mora sve da ispravi.
En: He realized he didn’t need to correct everything.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena su nastavili šetnju ruku pod ruku.
En: Miloš and Jelena continued their walk hand in hand.
Sr: Iznenada, Miloš je rekao, "Znaš, možda ne znam sve tačno, ali za mene je najvažnije da ovaj trenutak provedem s tobom."
En: Suddenly, Miloš said, "You know, I might not know everything accurately, but what matters most to me is spending this moment with you."
Sr: Jelena se osmehnula i stegla mu ruku.
En: Jelena smiled and squeezed his hand.
Sr: To je bio pravi trenutak poštovanja i razumevanja.
En: It was a genuine moment of respect and understanding.
Sr: Vetar je nežno nosio miris proleća, a tvrđava, stara i ponosna, ostavila je svoj trag na njihovu priču.
En: The wind gently carried the scent of spring, while the old and proud fortress left its mark on their story.