In this episode, we'll explore the hilarity of urban mishaps and the unbreakable bonds of friendship when Jovan confronts his fear of revolving doors, leading to an unexpected twist that brings three friends closer together.
Sr: Jovan uvek nije voleo vrteška vrata.
En: Jovan never liked revolving doors.
Sr: To jutro, kroz njih je morao proći.
En: That morning, he had to go through them.
Sr: Sunce se smešilo nad Beogradom, a trgovački centar "Kapija grada" vrvio je od ljudi.
En: The sun was smiling over Belgrade, and the "City Gate" shopping center was bustling with people.
Sr: Ana i Marko su već stajali ispred, tapkajući nogama od nestrpljenja.
En: Ana and Marko were already waiting at the entrance, tapping their feet in impatience.
Sr: "Dobro jutro!
En: "Good morning!"
Sr: " veselo je pozdravila Ana, mada je Jovan još uvek mrzeo jutra.
En: Ana greeted cheerfully, although Jovan still hated mornings.
Sr: Marko je samo mahnuo, oštro gledajući ka mobilnom telefonu.
En: Marko just waved sharply, his eyes fixed on his mobile phone.
Sr: Ulazili su zajedno, ali Jovan se oklevajući približio vrteška vratima.
En: They entered together, but Jovan reluctantly approached the revolving doors.
Sr: Ana i Marko su već bili sa druge strane.
En: Ana and Marko were already on the other side.
Sr: "Hajde već jednom!
En: "Come on already!"
Sr: " doviknuo je Marko.
En: Marko shouted.
Sr: Jovan je duboko uzdahnuo i zakoračio, ali u trenutku kada je trebao proći, nešto se desilo.
En: Jovan took a deep breath and stepped forward, but at the moment he was supposed to pass through, something happened.
Sr: Njegova torba se zaglavila, zaustavljajući vrata.
En: His bag got stuck, stopping the door.
Sr: Njegov strah od vrteška vrata postao je stvarnost.
En: His fear of revolving doors became a reality.
Sr: Bio je zarobljen.
En: He was trapped.
Sr: Okolo su se skupljali ljudi, neki su se smejali, neki su delili savete.
En: People gathered around, some laughed, some offered advice.
Sr: Marko je pomalo izgubio strpljenje.
En: Marko was getting a little impatient.
Sr: "Ne miči se, rešićemo ovo!
En: "Don't move, we'll sort this out!"
Sr: " viknuo je kroz staklo.
En: he shouted through the glass.
Sr: Ana, uvek smirena, prišla je vrteška vratima.
En: Ana, always composed, approached the revolving doors.
Sr: "Ne brini, Jovane, samo se opusti," govorila je umirujuće.
En: "Don't worry, Jovan, just relax," she said soothingly.
Sr: Zatražila je pomoć obezbeđenja.
En: She asked for help from the security.
Sr: Nekoliko dugih minuta kasnije, čuvar je pritrčao sa ključem.
En: Several long minutes later, a guard ran up with a key.
Sr: Okrenuo ga je i vrata su se napokon oslobodila.
En: He turned it and the doors finally freed themselves.
Sr: Jovan je izleteo, crven u licu ali slobodan.
En: Jovan burst out, red-faced but free.
Sr: Ana i Marko su ga ispratili do kafića unutar centra gde su popili kafu, smejali se događaju i zaboravili na početni stres.
En: Ana and Marko escorted him to the café inside the center where they had coffee, laughed about the incident, and forgot the initial stress.
Sr: Jovan se i dalje unezvereno hvatao za torbu.
En: Jovan still nervously clung to his bag.
Sr: "Danas sam naučio jednu stvar," rekao je kroz osmeh dok su ispijali poslednje gutljaje.
En: "Today, I learned one thing," he said with a smile as they finished their last sips.
Sr: "Sledeći put koristim obična vrata!
En: "Next time, I'm using regular doors!"
Sr: "Ana i Marko su se nasmejali, a Jovan je znao da ih više ništa neće spriječiti da uživaju u danu.
En: Ana and Marko laughed, and Jovan knew that nothing would stop them from enjoying the day.
Sr: Bili su najbolji prijatelji, a mali incident sa vrteška vratima samo ih je dodatno zbližio.
En: They were best friends, and the small incident with the revolving doors only brought them closer together.