The Sorcerer’s Secret: Unveiling La Sagrada Família’s Beauty
Fluent Fiction – Catalan
The Sorcerer’s Secret: Unveiling La Sagrada Família’s Beauty
Story Transcript:
Ca: En Miquel havia escoltat històries de la misteriosa bellesa de la Sagrada Família i dels complexos mosaics que adornaven les seves parets, però mai no s’imaginava que tindria l’oportunitat de viure-la ell mateix.
En: Miquel had heard stories of the mysterious beauty of La Sagrada Família and the intricate mosaics that adorned its walls, but he never dreamed he would get the chance to experience it himself.
Ca: El sol començava a sortir sobre la ciutat de Barcelona quan en Miquel entrava per la gran entrada de la Sagrada Família.
En: The sun was just starting to rise over the city of Barcelona as Miquel stepped through the grand entrance of La Sagrada Família.
Ca: Va quedar captivat a l’instant per la brillantor impressionant dels mosaics ornamentats que adornaven les parets i els sostres.
En: He was instantly captivated by the breathtaking brilliance of the ornate mosaics that adorned the walls and ceilings.
Ca: Mai abans havia vist res com això.
En: He had never seen anything like this before.
Ca: Mentre en Miquel vagava per l’església, va notar quelcom estrany.
En: As Miquel wandered the church, he noticed something strange.
Ca: No podia posar-hi el dit, però alguna cosa no anava bé.
En: He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something wasn’t quite right.
Ca: Va decidir explorar més la zona i, a mesura que avançava pels diferents passadissos i habitacions, va notar cada cop més rareses.
En: He decided to explore the area further, and as he moved through the different corridors and rooms, he noticed more and more oddities.
Ca: No va ser fins que va arribar a la capella de la Nativitat que tot va fer clic.
En: It wasn’t until he reached the chapel of the Nativity that it all clicked.
Ca: Cada mosaic que havia vist s’estava transformant lentament però segurament.
En: Every mosaic that he had seen was slowly but surely transforming.
Ca: Va veure com els colors canviaven i canviaven, i els detalls dels mosaics es feien més clars i vius.
En: He watched as the colors shifted and changed, and the details of the mosaics became clearer and more vivid.
Ca: Es va adonar que les parets cobraven vida!
En: He realized that the walls were coming to life!
Ca: El cor d’en Miquel li va bategar mentre observava com es desenvolupava l’escena davant seu.
En: Miquel’s heart raced as he watched the scene unfold before him.
Ca: Estava sorprès i confós, però sabia que havia d’esbrinar què estava passant.
En: He was amazed and confused, but he knew he had to find out what was happening.
Ca: Ràpidament va tornar a l’entrada de l’església i va preguntar al guàrdia què estava passant.
En: He quickly made his way back to the entrance of the church and asked the guard what was going on.
Ca: El guàrdia va informar en Miquel que els mosaics estaven encantats.
En: The guard informed Miquel that the mosaics were enchanted.
Ca: Cada nit, cobren vida i expliquen la història d’un gran secret.
En: Every night, they come alive and tell the story of a great secret.
Ca: Va advertir en Miquel, però, que el secret no s’havia de compartir, ja que el guardava un ésser misteriós que ningú havia vist mai.
En: He warned Miquel, however, that the secret was not to be shared, as it was guarded by a mysterious being that no one had ever seen.
Ca: Quan Miquel sortia de l’església, estava decidit a esbrinar la veritat darrere del misteriós secret.
En: As Miquel left the church, he was determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious secret.
Ca: Consultava llibres, parlava amb els locals i buscava arxius, però res semblava tenir sentit.
En: He consulted books, spoke to locals, and searched through archives, but nothing seemed to make sense.
Ca: Finalment, es va trobar amb un vell pergamí que contenia la resposta.
En: Finally, he came across an old parchment that contained the answer.
Ca: El pergamí parlava d’un poderós bruixot que va viure segles enrere.
En: The parchment told of a powerful sorcerer who lived centuries ago.
Ca: Aquest bruixot tenia la capacitat d’utilitzar la màgia per crear els complexos mosaics de la Sagrada Família, fent-los reviure cada nit i explicar el secret del seu poder.
En: This sorcerer had the ability to use magic to create the intricate mosaics in La Sagrada Família, making them come alive each night and tell the secret of his power.
Ca: En Miquel va agrair la informació al guàrdia i es va afanyar a compartir el que havia après.
En: Miquel thanked the guard for the information, and hurried off to share what he had learned.
Ca: Es va sorprendre en descobrir la veritat darrere de la meravellosa bellesa de la Sagrada Família.
En: He was amazed to find out the truth behind La Sagrada Família’s stunning beauty.
Ca: Estava encantat de poder explicar a la gent el secret que durant segles va estar amagat a la vista.
En: He was delighted to be able to tell people of the secret that was hidden in plain sight for centuries.
Ca: Miquel va marxar de Barcelona sabent que havia descobert quelcom realment únic.
En: Miquel left Barcelona with the knowledge that he had discovered something truly unique.
Ca: Havia vist amb els seus propis ulls les meravelles de la Sagrada Família i se sentia privilegiat d’haver-hi format part.
En: He had seen the wonders of La Sagrada Família with his own eyes, and he felt privileged to have been a part of it.
Ca: Quan va tornar a casa a Andorra, es va omplir d’un nou reconeixement per la bellesa del món que l’envoltava.
En: As he returned home to Andorra, he was filled with a newfound appreciation for the beauty of the world around him.
Vocabulary Words:
Miquel : Miquel
La Sagrada Família : La Sagrada Família
complexos : intricate
mosaics : mosaics
parets : walls
sol : sun
començava : starting
sortir : rise
ciutat : city
Barcelona : Barcelona
gran : grand
entrada : entrance
brillantor : breathtaking
impressionant : brilliance
ornamentats : ornate
sostres : ceilings
rareses : oddities
capella : chapel
Nativitat : Nativity
lentament : slowly
segurament : surely
colors : colors
canviaven : shifted
canviaven : changed
detalls : details
clars : closer
vius : vivid
escena : scene
desenvolupava : unfold
guàrdia : guard
encantats : enchantment
secret : secret