In this episode, we'll watch as colorful kites soar, friendships deepen, and an unexpected duck debacle brings smiles all around.
Sr: Na vrhu Kalemegdana, gde se nebo dodiruje sa krošnjama starih stabala, svake godine se održava festival zmajeva.
En: At the top of Kalemegdan, where the sky meets the treetops of old trees, a kite festival is held every year.
Sr: Tog sunčanog dana, Miloš je, sav uzbuđen, dotrčao na festival s novim zmajem koji je sam napravio.
En: On that sunny day, Miloš, all excited, ran to the festival with a new kite he had made himself.
Sr: Bio je to zmaj jarkih boja s likom junaka iz njegove omiljene bajke.
En: It was a kite of bright colors with the image of the hero from his favorite fairy tale.
Sr: Ana i Jovan su već tražili savršeno mesto za puštanje svojih zmajeva.
En: Ana and Jovan were already looking for the perfect spot to fly their kites.
Sr: Ana je imala zmaja u obliku leptira, a Jovanova zmaja je krasio snažan orao.
En: Ana had a butterfly-shaped kite, while Jovan's kite was adorned with a majestic eagle.
Sr: Čim su videli Miloša, pozvali su ga da im se pridruži.
En: As soon as they saw Miloš, they invited him to join them.
Sr: Kalemegdan je bio prepun ljudi.
En: Kalemegdan was crowded.
Sr: Deca su trčala naokolo, roditelji su sedeli na travnjacima, a povetarac je činio dan savršenim za puštanje zmajeva.
En: Children were running around, parents were sitting on the grass, and the breeze made the day perfect for flying kites.
Sr: Svi su se trudili da njihov zmaj leti najviše i najlepše.
En: Everyone tried to make their kite fly the highest and the most beautiful.
Sr: Miloš je bacio svoju igračku u vis i trčao praćen smehom Ane i Jovana.
En: Miloš threw his toy up high and ran, accompanied by Ana and Jovan's laughter.
Sr: Zmaj je počeo da se penje visoko, plešući s vetrom, sve dok nije postao samo tačkica na plavoj pozadini neba.
En: The kite started to climb high, dancing with the wind, until it became just a dot against the blue background of the sky.
Sr: Deca oko njih su tapšala i navijala.
En: Children around them clapped and cheered.
Sr: Ali onda se desila nezgoda.
En: But then an accident happened.
Sr: Vetar je naglo promenio smer i Milošev zmaj je zaleteo direktno iznad gomile patki koje su mirno uživale u pikniku.
En: The wind suddenly changed direction, and Miloš's kite flew directly over a group of ducks that were peacefully enjoying their picnic.
Sr: Zmaj se zapetljao u grane drveća i pao pravo među njih.
En: The kite got tangled in the tree branches and fell right among them.
Sr: Patke su se uplašile i počele su divlje da lete na sve strane, čineći pravu pometnju.
En: The ducks got scared and started to wildly fly in all directions, causing a real commotion.
Sr: Ljudi okolo su počeli da se smeju, gledajući kako patke čudno koračaju s obaranim glavama, kao da žele da se žale na nepravdu.
En: People around started to laugh, watching the ducks walking strangely with their heads down, as if they wanted to complain about the injustice.
Sr: Miloš je bio zabrinut za svoj zmaj, ali još više je brinuo kako će to objasniti patkama.
En: Miloš was worried about his kite, but even more worried about how to explain it to the ducks.
Sr: Ana i Jovan su pritrčali da pomognu, ali do tada su već svi videli scenu i počeli su pomagati, hvatajući zmaja i utešujući patke.
En: Ana and Jovan ran to help, but by then, everyone had seen the scene and started to help, catching the kite and comforting the ducks.
Sr: Nakon nekoliko trenutaka haosa, smeštenog između kikotanja i kvakanja, situacija se smirila.
En: After a few moments of chaos, amidst giggles and quacks, the situation calmed down.
Sr: Zmaj je bio oslobođen, a patke su se vratile svom pikniku.
En: The kite was freed, and the ducks returned to their picnic.
Sr: "Znaš šta," reče Ana, grleći Miloša.
En: "You know," said Ana, hugging Miloš.
Sr: "Tvoj zmaj je ipak zvezda dana, pogledaj samo sve te ljude koje si nasmejao!
En: "Your kite is still the star of the day, just look at all the people you made smile!"
Sr: "Miloš se nasmešio i shvatio da je svaki festival jedinstven po nečemu neplaniranom što se dogodi.
En: Miloš smiled and realized that each festival is unique because of something unplanned that happens.
Sr: Jovan je dodao: "Iduće godine pravićemo zmaja u obliku patke!
En: Jovan added, "Next year, we'll make a kite in the shape of a duck!"
Sr: "Završili su dan puštajući Ana i Jovanove zmajeve, dok je sunce zalazilo za Kalemegdanom, obećavajući još jednu priliku za letenje visoko, bez obzira na prepreke ili nagle promene vetra.
En: They ended the day by flying Ana and Jovan's kites as the sun set behind Kalemegdan, promising another opportunity to fly high, regardless of obstacles or sudden changes in the wind.