In this episode, we'll dive into a hilarious yet heartwarming adventure as Miloš's attempt to woo Ana at the Kalemegdan Fortress takes an unexpected turn, leading to laughs, a petty theft, and an unforeseen display of camaraderie.
Sr: Sunce je blistalo nad Beogradom dok su Miloš, Ana i Jovan šetali popločanim stazama Kalemegdanske tvrđave.
En: The sun was shining over Belgrade as Miloš, Ana, and Jovan walked along the cobblestone paths of the Kalemegdan Fortress.
Sr: Imali su sreće što su se našli na ovom istorijskom mestu tokom prelepog prolećnog dana, kada su drveće i cveće počeli da cvetaju.
En: They were lucky to be at this historical site on such a beautiful spring day, when the trees and flowers were starting to bloom.
Sr: Miloš, koji je već neko vreme tajno gajio osećaje prema Ani, rešio je da je danas impresionira.
En: Miloš, who had been secretly developing feelings for Ana, decided to impress her today.
Sr: Lice mu je bilo u blagom osmehu dok je pričao šaljive priče pokušavajući da izmami njen osmeh.
En: His face was adorned with a gentle smile as he told witty stories, trying to elicit her smile.
Sr: Ana je slušala, povremeno se smejeći, dok je Jovan bio zadubljen u svoj mobilni telefon, što je dalo Milošu priliku da se pokaže u najboljem svetlu.
En: Ana listened, occasionally chuckling, while Jovan was absorbed in his mobile phone, giving Miloš the opportunity to show his best side.
Sr: Dok su šetali, primetili su klupu sa koje se pružao predivan pogled na ušće Save u Dunav.
En: As they walked, they noticed a bench with a magnificent view of the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers.
Sr: Miloš, želeći da se pokaže galantnim, pozvao je Anu da sedne sa njim i uživa u pogledu, dok je Jovan još uvek smeten tehnologijom odlučio da nastavi dalje da fotografiše tvrđavu.
En: Wanting to be gallant, Miloš invited Ana to sit with him and enjoy the view, while Jovan, still preoccupied with technology, decided to continue taking photos of the fortress.
Sr: Kada je Ana prihvatila i prilazila klupi, Miloš je brže-bolje raširio svoj sako preko klupine hladne, kamene površine.
En: When Ana accepted and approached the bench, Miloš hastily spread his coat over the cold, stone surface.
Sr: Međutim, čim je seo, stari i oronuli drveni ležaj klupe se iznenada raspao, poslavši Miloša pravo na zemlju.
En: However, as soon as he sat down, the old and worn wooden bed of the bench suddenly collapsed, sending Miloš straight to the ground.
Sr: Ana nije mogla da zadrži smeh, dok se Miloš crveneo u pokušaju da ustane.
En: Ana couldn't contain her laughter, while Miloš blushed as he tried to get up.
Sr: Bio je to pravi lom, a komadi klupe bili su razbacani okolo.
En: It was a real debacle, and pieces of the bench were scattered around.
Sr: Okupljena masa na tvrđavi počela je da se okuplja oko njih, zainteresovana za neobičnu scenu.
En: The gathered crowd at the fortress began to encircle them, intrigued by the unusual scene.
Sr: U tom trenutku, iznenada, jedan prolaznik je nestao sa Miloševog kaputa koji je samo maločas bio ispod njega.
En: At that moment, suddenly, a passerby disappeared with Miloš's coat that had just been underneath him.
Sr: U kaputu se nalazio novčanik, ključevi i Milošev telefon.
En: The coat contained his wallet, keys, and phone.
Sr: Sad je bio stvarno u problemu.
En: Now, he was really in trouble.
Sr: Ana, koja je do tada uspevala da kontroliše svoj smeh, sada je jasno videla njegovu frku i panično lice.
En: Ana, who had managed to control her laughter until then, now clearly saw his distress and panicked face.
Sr: Odlučila je da pomogne.
En: She decided to help.
Sr: Zajedno sa Milošem, započeli su potragu za lopovom, a Jovan, primetivši gužvu, brže je pritrčao nazad kako bi video šta se dešava.
En: Together with Miloš, they started searching for the thief, and Jovan, noticing the commotion, quickly ran back to see what was happening.
Sr: Kao da je ceo Kalemegdan hteo da pomogne, grupa dece koja su igrala frizbi u blizini najednom je počela da viče, pokazujući prema čoveku koji se probijao kroz gomilu.
En: As if the entire Kalemegdan wanted to help, a group of children playing frisbee nearby suddenly started shouting, pointing towards the man pushing through the crowd.
Sr: Jovan, koji je bio najviši od tri prijatelja, krenuo je u trk i uspeo da sustigne čoveka, vraćajući Milošev kaput i sve što je u njemu bilo.
En: Jovan, being the tallest of the three friends, started running and managed to catch up with the man, returning Miloš's coat and everything in it.
Sr: Miloš, iako je bio zahvalan, osjećao je da mu je srce potonulo.
En: Miloš, although grateful, felt his heart sink.
Sr: Ništa danas nije išlo po planu.
En: Nothing had gone as planned today.
Sr: Ali Ana, koja je videla Miloševu iskrenost i hrabrost, pružila mu je ruku i rekla: "Nemaš razloga za brigu.
En: But Ana, who had seen Miloš's sincerity and bravery, reached out her hand and said, "You have no reason to worry.
Sr: Danas je bio pun iznenađenja, ali sad znam da mogu da se oslonim na tebe.
En: Today has been full of surprises, but now I know I can rely on you."
Sr: "Miloš nije mogao verovati.
En: Miloš couldn't believe it.
Sr: Njegovi nespretni pokušaji da impresionira Anu su postali nešto mnogo više – pokazali su mu da je ona osoba koja će biti tu kad god zatreba, bez obzira na okolnosti.
En: His clumsy attempts to impress Ana had turned into something much more – they had shown him that she would be there whenever he needed her, regardless of the circumstances.
Sr: Dok su se pripremali da nastave šetnju po prostranstvima Kalemegdana, Miloš je znao da će ovo biti dan koji nikada neće zaboraviti.
En: As they prepared to continue their walk through the expanses of Kalemegdan, Miloš knew that this would be a day he would never forget.
Sr: Ne samo zbog pustolovine, već zbog veze koja je počela da se formira između njega i Ane – bila je to prva stranica nove priče koja se tek pisala.
En: Not just because of the adventure, but because of the bond that had begun to form between him and Ana – it was the first page of a new story that was just beginning to be written.