In this episode, we'll dive into a festive Serbian wedding that takes an amusing twist, turning blunders into bonding.
Sr: U Beogradu, pod vedrim nebom, jedna svadba je bila kao iz bajke.
En: In Belgrade, beneath the clear sky, a wedding was like something out of a fairy tale.
Sr: Ovekovečen trenutak kada dve duše postaju jedno, a svadbeni orkestar je upotpunjavao atmosferu pesmom koja se širila kaldrmom starog grada.
En: The moment was immortalized when two souls became one, and the wedding band enhanced the atmosphere with a song that spread through the cobblestone streets of the old city.
Sr: Milena, crna kosa vezana u uredan čvor, ozarena osmehom, bila je svedok večeri.
En: Milena, with her black hair tied in a neat knot, illuminated with a smile, was a witness to the evening.
Sr: Nikola, njen najbolji prijatelj, poznat po svojoj šarmantnosti i uvek savršeno ispeglanoj košulji, delio je šalu na sav glas.
En: Nikola, her best friend, known for his charm and always perfectly ironed shirt, shared jokes aloud.
Sr: I tu je bio Jovan, brat mladoženje, čija je pojava bila svečana, a korak malo nespretan od mnogih čašica domaće rakije.
En: And there was Jovan, the groom's brother, whose presence was ceremonious, and his steps slightly clumsy from many glasses of homemade brandy.
Sr: Vrhunac večeri se približavao.
En: The climax of the evening was approaching.
Sr: Mlada je spremala svoj buket za bacanje, a uzbuđenje među devojkama bilo je osetno.
En: The bride was preparing her bouquet for tossing, and the excitement among the ladies was palpable.
Sr: Svi su stajali u iščekivanju, a Milena je, kao da je odjednom uhvaćena u šarm plesa leptira, stajala malo dalje, sa strane, zapravo više okupirana mislima o ukusnom kolaču koji će uskoro biti na trpezi.
En: Everyone stood in anticipation, and Milena, as if suddenly caught in the charm of a butterfly dance, stood a little further to the side, actually more preoccupied with thoughts of the delicious cake that would soon be on the table.
Sr: Mlada se okrenula i snažnim zamahom poslala buket uvis.
En: The bride turned and with a strong swing, sent the bouquet skywards.
Sr: Let cvetova je bio nežan, ali i nepredvidiv.
En: The flight of the flowers was gentle, but also unpredictable.
Sr: Buket je letio ka nebu, zatim je izveo nekoliko obrta i, kao po magiji, sleteo direktno u Milenine iznenađene ruke.
En: The bouquet flew towards the sky, then made a few turns and, as if by magic, landed directly in Milena's surprised hands.
Sr: Njen pogled je bio isprepleten smeškom i zbunjenjem dok su joj svi aplaudirali.
En: Her gaze was a blend of a smile and confusion as everyone applauded.
Sr: Ali, tradicija nalaže još jedan bacački trenutak.
En: But tradition dictates another tossing moment.
Sr: Ovoga puta, za muškarce.
En: This time, for the men.
Sr: Nikola se namestio, pripremajući se da pokaže svoje atletske sposobnosti u lovu na jarbol.
En: Nikola positioned himself, preparing to display his athletic prowess in catching the mast.
Sr: Jovan, već malo posrćući, pokušavao je da pronađe svoje mesto u gomili.
En: Jovan, already stumbling a bit, tried to find his place in the crowd.
Sr: Kad je mladoženja zavirio pod venčanicu i zgrabio jarbol, Nikola je zauzeo svoju pozu i skočio.
En: When the groom peeked under the veil and grabbed the mast, Nikola assumed his pose and jumped.
Sr: Šta se potom dogodilo, bilo je poput komične scene iz starih filmova.
En: What happened next was like a scene from old comedy movies.
Sr: Nikola je započeo svoj skok, ali njegova noga je pronašla Jovanovu, koji se nenadano našao pod njegovim nogama.
En: Nikola began his jump, but his leg found Jovan's, who unexpectedly found himself under Nikola's feet.
Sr: Kao dve figure u igri domina, pali su na parket, zaplićući se u komičnom zagrljaju ruku i nogu.
En: Like two figures in a game of dominoes, they fell onto the parquet floor, entangling in a comical embrace of arms and legs.
Sr: Sala se orila smehom dok su Milena, sada držeći buket, i ostali gosti pomagali Nikoli i Jovanu da se ustaju.
En: The room echoed with laughter as Milena, now holding the bouquet, and the other guests helped Nikola and Jovan to stand up.
Sr: U tom trenutku, premda je bilo neplanirano, Milena i Nikola su se našli u centru pažnje, dok su im se pogledi sreli i zaiskrili od šale i radosti.
En: At that moment, though unplanned, Milena and Nikola found themselves in the spotlight, as their gazes met and sparked with humor and joy.
Sr: I tako, svadba je nastavila u smehu i veselju, a priča o buketu i jarbolu postala je deo svadbenih anegdota koje će se prepričavati godinama.
En: And so, the wedding continued in laughter and joy, and the tale of the bouquet and the mast became part of the wedding anecdotes that would be retold for years.
Sr: Milena i Nikola su se smirili u svojim stolicama, razgovarajući i smejući se, dok je Jovan odlučio da je vreme za malo odmora od svog neplaniranog plesa.
En: Milena and Nikola settled into their seats, chatting and laughing, while Jovan decided it was time for a break from his unplanned dance.
Sr: Veče je završeno uz igru, pesmu i smeh.
En: The evening ended with dancing, singing, and laughter.
Sr: Beogradska svadba je bila prožeta duhom zajedništva, ispunjena šaljivim pogrešnim koracima i neočekivanim herojima večeri.
En: The Belgrade wedding was imbued with the spirit of togetherness, filled with playful missteps and unexpected heroes of the evening.
Sr: Na kraju, svi su se složili da su baš te male neperfekcije učinile svadbu savršenom.
En: In the end, everyone agreed that those little imperfections made the wedding perfect.
Sr: Milena je sačuvala buket kao uspomenu na nezaboravnu večer, a Nikola i Jovan kao podsetnik da se i u spoticanju može naći nesvakidašnje prijateljstvo.
En: Milena kept the bouquet as a memento of an unforgettable evening, and Nikola and Jovan as a reminder that extraordinary friendships can be found even in stumbling.