In this episode, we'll dive into a heartwarming chaos of pigeons, frisbees, and unexpected friendships in the historic Kalemegdan Park
Sr: Tog sunčanog popodneva, tri drugara su odlučila da posete park Kalemegdan u srcu Beograda.
En: On a sunny afternoon, three friends decided to visit Kalemegdan Park in the heart of Belgrade.
Sr: Milica, devojka sa osmehom kao prolećni dan, donela je hleb da nahrani golubove.
En: Milica, a girl with a smile as bright as a spring day, brought bread to feed the pigeons.
Sr: Nikola i Jovan, obučeni u sportske majice, razmišljali su kako da provedu vreme.
En: Nikola and Jovan, dressed in sports shirts, were contemplating how to spend their time.
Sr: Dok je Milica nežno bacala mrvice hleba, jato golubova sletelo je oko nje stvarajući ples perja i klopot krila.
En: As Milica gently scattered breadcrumbs, a flock of pigeons landed around her, creating a dance of feathers and fluttering wings.
Sr: Zanesena prizorom, nije ni primetila kako se Nikola i Jovan približavaju jednoj grupi veselih turista.
En: Enchanted by the sight, she didn't even notice Nikola and Jovan approaching a group of cheerful tourists.
Sr: Turisti su igrali frizbi, bacajući disk s lakoćom i smehom.
En: The tourists were playing frisbee, throwing the disc with ease and laughter.
Sr: Nikola, koji uvek želi da proba nešto novo, nije mogao da odoli pa je uzviknuo: "Hej, smemo li da se pridružimo?
En: Nikola, always eager to try something new, couldn't resist and exclaimed, "Hey, can we join in?"
Sr: " Jovan se samo nasmejao i prihvatio izazov.
En: Jovan just smiled and accepted the challenge.
Sr: Kada je frizbi počeo leteti između njih i turista, u vazduhu se osetila iznenadna uzbuđenost.
En: As the frisbee started flying between them and the tourists, there was a sudden excitement in the air.
Sr: Sve je išlo dobro sve dok Nikola nije žustro bacio frizbi, previše snažno, tako da je pogodio nekoliko torbi, izazivajući lavinu reakcija.
En: Everything was going well until Nikola threw the frisbee vigorously, hitting several bags and triggering a flurry of reactions.
Sr: Jedna torba je pala na šetalište, iz nje je curila flaša vode oblivaći patike prolaznika.
En: One bag fell onto the walkway, spilling a water bottle and soaking the passersby's shoes.
Sr: Ljudi su počeli da se smeju, pomalo zbunjeni neočekivanim događajem.
En: People started laughing, somewhat confused by the unexpected event.
Sr: Jovan je potrčao da pomogne, izvinjavajući se kroz smeh.
En: Jovan rushed to help, apologizing amidst laughter.
Sr: Milica, koja je to sve posmatrala, nije mogla da se ne pridruži opštem veselju.
En: Milica, who had been watching it all, couldn't help but join the general merriment.
Sr: Njeno srce je bilo puno radosti kada je videla kako njena dvojica prijatelja pomažu tuđim gostima da sakupe prolivene stvari i smire pometnju.
En: Her heart was filled with joy as she saw her two friends helping the guests gather their spilled belongings and calm the commotion.
Sr: Nikola i Jovan vratili su se do Milice, još uvek smejući se njihovoj nespretnosti.
En: Nikola and Jovan returned to Milica, still laughing about their clumsiness.
Sr: Turisti, sada već novi prijatelji, pridružili su se Milici u hranjenju golubova, svima donoseći osećaj zajedništva.
En: The tourists, now new friends, joined Milica in feeding the pigeons, bringing a sense of togetherness to everyone.
Sr: Na kraju, Nikola je obećao da će sledeći put biti oprezniji sa frizbijem, a Jovan je uslikao grupni selfi za uspomenu.
En: In the end, Nikola promised to be more careful with the frisbee next time, and Jovan took a group selfie for memories.
Sr: Prijatno popodne u parku završilo se zagrljajima i razmenom kontakata.
En: The pleasant afternoon in the park ended with hugs and exchanging contacts.
Sr: I Milica, i Nikola, i Jovan složili su se da je to bio dan pun neočekivanih, ali srećnih događaja u zelenom srcu Beograda, gde su se smeh i radost stapali sa istorijom Kalemegdana.
En: Milica, Nikola, and Jovan all agreed that it was a day filled with unexpected but happy events in the green heart of Belgrade, where laughter and joy mingled with the history of Kalemegdan.