Mistaken Statue: A Park Encounter Turns Comical

explore a hilariously quirky case of mistaken identity in the heart of Belgrade's most famous park

Sr: Sunce je sijalo u Beogradu tog lepog prolećnog dana kada je Milica odlučila da prošeta kroz Kalemegdan park.
En: The sun was shining in Belgrade on that beautiful spring day when Milica decided to take a walk through Kalemegdan Park.

Sr: Oblači se lagano i uz osmeh na licu izlazi iz stana, ne sluteći kakva će je zabuna uskoro snaći.
En: She dressed lightly and with a smile on her face, she left her apartment, unaware of the mix-up that would soon befall her.

Sr: Koračala je polako kroz park, divila se cvetovima i visokim drvećima koje je vetar nežno ljuljao.
En: She walked slowly through the park, admiring the flowers and tall trees gently swaying in the wind.

Sr: Bila je dogovorena s prijateljem Stefanom da se nađu pored fontane u podne.
En: She had arranged to meet her friend Stefan by the fountain at noon.

Sr: Milica je poznata po svom neobičnom smislu za humor, koji je samo Stefan mogao da prati.
En: Milica is known for her unique sense of humor, which only Stefan could keep up with.

Sr: Dok je lutala šetalištem parka, naišla je na novu statuu koja je tu nedavno postavljena.
En: As she strolled along the park promenade, she came across a new statue that had been recently installed.

Sr: Bila je figure mladića, visokog i vitkog, sa šeširom na glavi, imala je crte koje su neodoljivo podsećale na Stefana.
En: It was a figure of a young man, tall and slim, with a hat on his head, and had features that irresistibly resembled Stefan.

Sr: Sunce je stvaralo sjenu tako da je Milica na trenutak zaista pomislila da je Stefan već stigao i da je igrao trik na nju, pozirajući kao statua.
En: The sun created a shadow, so for a moment Milica really thought Stefan had already arrived and was playing a trick on her, posing as the statue.

Sr: "Hej, Stefan!
En: "Hey, Stefan!

Sr: Neću nasesti na tvoje šale!
En: I won't fall for your jokes!"

Sr: " Zvala je Milica veselo prilazeći statui.
En: she called out cheerfully as she approached the statue.

Sr: Ali Stefan se nije micao.
En: But Stefan didn't move.

Sr: "Aha, dobro ti ide ovo nepomično poziranje!
En: "Ah, you're really good at this motionless posing!"

Sr: " nastavila je da se smeje, ne shvatajući svoju grešku.
En: she continued to laugh, unaware of her mistake.

Sr: Počela je da razgovara sa statuom, postavljajući joj pitanja i šaleći se kao da je to zaista njen prijatelj.
En: She started talking to the statue, asking it questions and joking as if it was really her friend.

Sr: U jednom trenutku, pravi Stefan dolazi sa druge strane i vidi neverovatnu scenu.
En: At one point, the real Stefan came from the other side and saw an unbelievable scene.

Sr: Milica je, sa velikim entuzijazmom, ispričala statui kako joj se svideo poslednji film koji su zajedno gledali.
En: With great enthusiasm, Milica had just told the statue how much she liked the last movie they watched together.

Sr: Stefan nije mogao da zaustavi smeh.
En: Stefan couldn't stop laughing.

Sr: "Milice, da li ti to upravo vodiš dubokoumnu konverzaciju sa kamenom?
En: "Milica, are you seriously having a deep conversation with a stone?"

Sr: "Milica se okreće i ugleda Stefana kako se smeje, a zatim se okreće nazad ka "prijatelju".
En: Milica turned around and saw Stefan laughing, and then turned back to the "friend".

Sr: U trenu je shvatila svoju pomućenost i pridružila se smehu.
En: In an instant, she realized her confusion and joined in the laughter.

Sr: Crvena u licu, sa osmehom od uha do uha, priznala je da joj je trebalo malo više vremena da shvati da je to samo statua.
En: Red-faced, with a smile from ear to ear, she admitted that it took her a little longer to realize that it was just a statue.

Sr: Nakon što su smeh i zbunjenost prošli, Milica i Stefan su odlučili da sede pored prave fontane i u tome se ugođaju prepričavaju priču prolaznicima, od kojih su neki s osmehom priznali da su imali sličnih zabuna u lepoti Kalemegdanskog parka.
En: After the laughter and confusion subsided, Milica and Stefan decided to sit by the real fountain and entertain themselves by retelling the story to passersby, some of whom admitted with a smile that they had similar mix-ups in the beauty of Kalemegdan Park.

Sr: Tako se njihov dogovor pretvorio u još jednu nezaboravnu avanturu, a priča o Milici i njenoj statui postala je jedna od onih anegdota koje će dugo pamtiti i prepričavati sa smehom.
En: So, their arrangement turned into another unforgettable adventure, and the story of Milica and her statue became one of those anecdotes they will long remember and retell with laughter.