Shuffling the Cards of Life

In this episode, we'll explore the true meaning of family bonding and the art of finding common ground through the lens of a simple game of mahjong.

Zh: 在那个春节假期,张伟一家人聚在了他的故乡。
En: During that Spring Festival holiday, Zhang Wei's family gathered in his hometown.

Zh: 当晚,一群家庭成员围坐在一张麻将桌前,打起了麻将。
En: That night, a group of family members sat around a mahjong table and played mahjong.

Zh: 桌子上堆着牌,牌面映着阳光的余晖,每个人都忘却了时间的存在。
En: There are piles of cards on the table, the surface of the cards reflects the afterglow of the sun, everyone has forgotten the existence of time.

Zh: 陈红的麻将技巧可圈可点,最擅长的就是洗牌。
En: Chen Hong's mahjong skills are remarkable, and what he is best at is shuffling cards.

Zh: 她左手右手灵活地搭配着,让牌面不断交错。
En: She flexibly matched her left and right hands, making the cards constantly stagger.

Zh: 刘颖打了个鸟飞,喊出了“胡了”声,正准备拍桌子庆祝,却意外敲到了桌上的瓷砖。
En: Liu Ying slapped a bird and yelled "Hu Le", and was about to pat the table to celebrate, but accidentally knocked on the tiles on the table.

Zh: 瓷砖被敲下来,四处飞扬,每个人都看得哈哈大笑。
En: The tiles were knocked off and flying all over the place, and everyone laughed.

Zh: “别紧张,别紧张。
En: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

Zh: ”陈红连忙说道。
En: Chen Hong said quickly.

Zh: “这只是我的洗牌方式。
En: "It's just my way of shuffling the cards."

Zh: ”话音刚落,桌子上的牌堆突然倒塌,所有的牌翻了起来,汇成了一片混乱。
En: As soon as the words fell, the pile of cards on the table suddenly collapsed, and all the cards turned upside down, forming a mess.

Zh: 张伟的父亲怒气冲冲地走了过来。
En: Zhang Wei's father walked over angrily.

Zh: “你们这帮小不正经的,干什么呢?
En: "You little rascals, what are you doing?"

Zh: ”众人连忙向他解释,但老人还是很生气。
En: Everyone hurriedly explained to him, but the old man was still very angry.

Zh: 于是,大家决定换一种方式庆祝这个新年。
En: So, everyone decided to celebrate this new year in a different way.

Zh: 他们决定,将麻将换成了桥牌,更有技巧和策略意义的桥牌。
En: They decided to replace mahjong with bridge, which is more skillful and strategic.

Zh: 整晚,陈红保持着平常心态,只是用她特有的“洗牌方式”洗着牌。
En: Throughout the night, Chen Hong maintained a normal state of mind, just shuffling the cards in her unique "shuffle way".

Zh: 最终,大家都玩得非常开心,并在桥牌游戏的欢声笑语中迎来了新年的曙光。
En: In the end, everyone had a great time and ushered in the dawn of the new year amidst the laughter of the bridge game.

Zh: 这是一个简单的故事,通常似乎无关紧要,但是它传达了一个特别的信息,那就是对错与解决的艺术。
En: It's a simple story that often seems inconsequential, but it has a special message about the art of right and wrong and resolution.

Zh: 当发生一些意外事件时,重要的是如何处理,而不是非常注重「事件本身会给人类带来什么样的影响。
En: When some unexpected events happen, the important thing is how to deal with them, rather than focusing on "what kind of impact the event itself will bring to human beings."

Zh: 」有时候,我们不应该过于在事情的表面纠结,而应让一颗平常心成为我们处理问题的核心态度。
En: Sometimes, we should not be too entangled in the surface of things, but let an ordinary The heart becomes our core attitude in dealing with problems.