Mutant Grapes and The Miraculous Joyful Wine of Kaapse Wynlande

In this episode, we'll uncover the enchanting tale of Johan and Elmarie as they craft a wine from glowing grapes, discovering a new kind of joy amidst a world of change.

Af: In die vreemde, nuwe wêreld van die Kaapse Wynlande, dans die mutant druiwe onder die lig van die lente son.
En: In the strange, new world of the Kaapse Wynlande, the mutant grapes dance under the light of the spring sun.

Af: Die wingerde was vroeër pragtig en groen, maar nou is hulle vol digte en geheimsinnige ranke wat gloei in die nag.
En: The vineyards were once beautiful and green, but now they are full of dense and mysterious vines that glow at night.

Af: Die ranke dra druiwe wat blink en rare kleure het, amper asof hulle uit 'n sprokie kom.
En: The vines bear grapes that shine and have unusual colors, almost as if they come from a fairy tale.

Af: Johan stap traag deur die wingerde.
En: Johan walks slowly through the vineyards.

Af: "Ek wil wyn maak, Elmarie. Die mense mis dit. Dit bring vreugde," sê hy met 'n glinster in sy oog.
En: "I want to make wine, Elmarie. People miss it. It brings joy," he says with a sparkle in his eye.

Af: Elmarie, sy getroue metgesel, kyk skepties na die druiwe.
En: Elmarie, his faithful companion, looks skeptically at the grapes.

Af: “Dit is gevaarlik,” antwoord sy en plak 'n bossie druiwe af vir haar navorsing.
En: “It is dangerous,” she replies, picking a bunch of grapes for her research.

Af: Elmarie was ‘n botanis voordat alles verander het.
En: Elmarie was a botanist before everything changed.

Af: Nou gebruik sy haar kennis om te oorleef.
En: Now she uses her knowledge to survive.

Af: Sy wil seker wees die druiwe is veilig.
En: She wants to be sure the grapes are safe.

Af: Hul kamp is naby 'n ou kelder.
En: Their camp is near an old cellar.

Af: Die mure is oortrek met wingerdstokke wat hul die enigste skuiling bied.
En: The walls are covered with grapevines that offer them the only shelter.

Af: Johan en Elmarie werk daar dag en nag.
En: Johan and Elmarie work there day and night.

Af: Johan sal sy droom nie laat vaar nie.
En: Johan will not give up on his dream.

Af: Elmarie is huiwerig, maar haar nuuskierigheid en Johan se aansteeklike entoesiasme bring haar na die eksperiment.
En: Elmarie is hesitant, but her curiosity and Johan's infectious enthusiasm draw her into the experiment.

Af: “Elmarie,” sê Johan vol bravade, “ons moet die druiwe toets.”
En: “Elmarie,” says Johan full of bravado, “we need to test the grapes.”

Af: Hy het 'n druiwehouer vol van die skitterende vrugte.
En: He has a container full of the shimmering fruits.

Af: “Ek sal dit proe. Ek is seker dit is veilig.”
En: “I will taste it. I am sure it is safe.”

Af: “Nee, wag!” waarsku Elmarie, maar Johan is vinniger as haar bekommernisse.
En: “No, wait!” warns Elmarie, but Johan is quicker than her concerns.

Af: Hy neem 'n groot sluk van die vroeë wyn wat hulle saam gemaak het.
En: He takes a big gulp of the early wine they made together.

Af: Oombliklik voel Johan effek.
En: Instantly, Johan feels the effect.

Af: Hy begin lag, diep en luidrugtig.
En: He starts laughing, deep and loud.

Af: Dis lag wat jou asem wegslaan.
En: It's laughter that takes your breath away.

Af: Dan kom die dans.
En: Then comes the dance.

Af: Hy beweeg soos ‘n maer kat op ‘n warm tin dak.
En: He moves like a skinny cat on a hot tin roof.

Af: Elmarie kan nie help om ook te lag nie.
En: Elmarie can't help but laugh too.

Af: Sy sit haar hand voor haar mond, maar die lag breek uit.
En: She covers her mouth with her hand, but the laughter breaks out.

Af: “Wel, dit blyk veilig te wees, maar met baie sy-effekte!” skerts Elmarie terwyl sy Johan se spontaniteit gade slaan.
En: “Well, it seems to be safe, but with many side effects!” quips Elmarie while observing Johan's spontaneity.

Af: Sy besef hul wyn is vreemd, tog nie gevaarlik nie.
En: She realizes their wine is strange, yet not dangerous.

Af: Die mense mag dalk net hierdie wyn as 'n nuwe soort geluk kan gebruik.
En: People might just use this wine as a new kind of happiness.

Af: Met meer sorg en Elmarie se wetenskaplike sekerheid, hou hulle aan probeer.
En: With more care and Elmarie's scientific certainty, they keep trying.

Af: Hulle werk dag in en dag uit, balanseer die komponente, verander die formule.
En: They work day in and day out, balancing the components, altering the formula.

Af: Johan gee nou aandag aan Elmarie se elke wenk, leer om versigtig te wees.
En: Johan now pays attention to Elmarie's every hint, learning to be cautious.

Af: Sy, op haar beurt, geniet Johan se geestigheid en hoop.
En: She, in turn, enjoys Johan's wit and hope.

Af: Toe die wyn reg is, nooi hulle die gemeenskap, sommige lag nog terwyl hulle nadertrek.
En: When the wine is ready, they invite the community, some still laughing as they approach.

Af: Die wyn vul die lug met 'n vreemde geur, en dan - vreugde.
En: The wine fills the air with a strange aroma, and then - joy.

Af: Die mense drink en ondervind 'n nuwe soort blydskap wat hulle lanklaas geken het.
En: The people drink and experience a new kind of happiness they haven't known for a long time.

Af: Saam bring Johan en Elmarie iets unieks na hul wêreld van verliese en veranderinge, 'n glimmer van geluk tussen die mutant druiwe.
En: Together, Johan and Elmarie bring something unique to their world of losses and changes, a glimmer of happiness among the mutant grapes.

Af: Johan leer dat om versigtig te wees, belangrik is.
En: Johan learns that being careful is important.

Af: Elmarie vind dat entoesiasme en avontuur ook 'n plek het.
En: Elmarie finds that enthusiasm and adventure also have a place.

Af: En so, het die wyn, met al sy kurwe en onaardse smaak, 'n wonderwerk geskep - en ‘n nuwe begin in die Kaapse Wynlande.
En: And so, the wine, with all its curves and otherworldly taste, created a miracle - and a new beginning in the Kaapse Wynlande.