Lost Legends: Embracing the Enigma of Autumn’s Raba

In this episode, we'll journey into the mystical raba, unraveling secrets and following the whispers of forgotten paths as Kertu seeks answers in the mist.

Et: Sügiseses rabas oli oma maagia.
En: There was a certain magic in the autumn raba.

Et: Värvilised lehed olid langenud, andes maapinnale kuldse vaiba.
En: Colorful leaves had fallen, creating a golden carpet on the ground.

Et: Uduloor peitis vana puude müürid.
En: A misty veil hid the ancient walls of trees.

Et: Õhk oli külm ja niiske, täis sambliku ja mulla lõhna.
En: The air was cold and damp, filled with the scent of moss and soil.

Et: Kertu ja Karl seiklesid rabas.
En: Kertu and Karl were exploring the raba.

Et: Kertu pilk eksles ringi.
En: Kertu's gaze wandered around.

Et: Tal oli siht.
En: She had a purpose.

Et: Ta tahtis leida oma kadunud venna jäljed.
En: She wanted to find traces of her lost brother.

Et: Tema vend oli kadunud sarnasel retkel eelmisel sügisel.
En: Her brother had disappeared on a similar journey last autumn.

Et: Karl järgis sõbranna iga sammu.
En: Karl followed his friend's every step.

Et: Tal polnud usku kummituslugudesse või vanadesse legendidesse, kuid lojaalsus Kertule hoidis teda sammus.
En: He didn't believe in ghost stories or old legends, but his loyalty to Kertu kept him going.

Et: Nende teejuhiks oli Aino. Kummaline ja veidi salapärane vanem naine.
En: Their guide was Aino, a strange and somewhat mysterious older woman.

Et: Tal oli side rabaga, mida keegi ei mõistnud.
En: She had a connection to the raba that no one understood.

Et: Tema jutud olid täis vihjeid ja saladusi.
En: Her tales were full of hints and secrets.

Et: "Näete seda teed," ütles Aino ja osutas kitsale rajale.
En: "Do you see that path," said Aino pointing to a narrow track.

Et: "See viib teile sügavamale. Aga olge ettevaatlikud."
En: "It leads you deeper in. But be careful."

Et: Udus kaob raja joon.
En: In the fog, the path's line disappeared.

Et: Kertu tundis rahutust.
En: Kertu felt uneasy.

Et: Sellele vaatamata keeras ta teelt kõrvale.
En: Nevertheless, she veered off the path.

Et: Tema süda ütles, et siit peab minema.
En: Her heart told her she must go this way.

Et: Karl vangutas pead.
En: Karl shook his head.

Et: "See pole tark, Kertu. Me ei tea, mida sealt leiame."
En: "This isn't wise, Kertu. We don't know what we'll find there."

Et: Kertu ei kuulanud.
En: Kertu didn't listen.

Et: Ta astus sügavamale.
En: She stepped deeper.

Et: Maa oli pehme ja vaevaline.
En: The ground was soft and cumbersome.

Et: Udus õõtsusid varjud nagu vaimud.
En: In the fog, shadows swayed like spirits.

Et: Karl järgnes, kuigi kaheldes.
En: Karl followed, though doubting.

Et: Nad jõudsid kiviringini.
En: They reached a circle of stones.

Et: Aeg oli need kivid varjanud.
En: Time had concealed these stones.

Et: Tundus nagu oleks aeg siin peatunud.
En: It felt as if time had stopped here.

Et: Äkki tihenes udu hirmuäratavalt.
En: Suddenly, the fog thickened menacingly.

Et: Karl kadus selles.
En: Karl vanished in it.

Et: Kertu hõikas, kuid vastuse asemel vaatas vastu vaikus.
En: Kertu called out, but silence answered her instead.

Et: "Mõtle, Kertu, mõtle!" ütles ta iseendale.
En: "Think, Kertu, think!" she said to herself.

Et: Äkitselt meenus talle Aino jutt vanast loitsust, kuidas udust välja pääseda.
En: Suddenly, she remembered Aino's story about an old spell to escape the mist.

Et: Kertu sosistas sõnu, mis tantslesid otsekui lehed sügistuules.
En: Kertu whispered words that danced like leaves in the autumn wind.

Et: Udu taandus ja seal, kivide vahel, oli Karl.
En: The fog retreated, and there, among the stones, was Karl.

Et: Kertu hingas kergendatult.
En: Kertu breathed a sigh of relief.

Et: Kivide keskel leidis ta midagi.
En: In the center of the stones, she found something.

Et: See oli vana vihik, mille üks lehtesid kandis venna käekirja.
En: It was an old notebook, one of its pages bearing her brother's handwriting.

Et: see andis mõista, et vennal oli oma põhjus lahkumiseks.
En: It suggested that her brother had his own reason for leaving.

Et: Koduteel mõtles Kertu.
En: On the way home, Kertu thought.

Et: Ta tundis, et vend on omal viisil siia jälje jätnud.
En: She felt that her brother had left his mark here in his own way.

Et: Kertu mõistis, et mõnel asjal pole vastust.
En: Kertu understood that some things have no answers.

Et: Õppis usaldama sisetunnet, kuid nüüd ka ettevaatlikumalt.
En: She learned to trust her instincts, but now more cautiously.

Et: Ta teadis, et raba on rohkem kui koht.
En: She knew that the raba is more than just a place.

Et: See on salapärane lugu, mida tuleb austada ja hoida.
En: It is a mysterious story to be respected and cherished.