Ivana’s Leap: Chasing Dreams Against All Odds

In this episode, we'll journey with Ivana as she courageously defies expectations to chase her dream of studying biology, proving that bravery and determination can turn aspirations into reality.

Hr: Ivana je stajala na stepenicama svoje škole, Split Public High, gledajući prema dvorištu gdje su učenici veselo šetali.
En: Ivana stood on the steps of her school, Split Public High, looking toward the courtyard where students were cheerfully strolling.

Hr: Jesenje lišće šuškalo je pod nogama prolaznika.
En: The autumn leaves rustled under the feet of passersby.

Hr: Ivana je osjećala nervozu i uzbuđenje.
En: Ivana felt a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Hr: Bližio se kraj školske godine, a ona je željela napraviti ogroman korak – otići na sveučilište u Zagreb.
En: The end of the school year was approaching, and she wanted to take a major step—going to the university in Zagreb.

Hr: Sanjala je o proučavanju biologije.
En: She dreamed of studying biology.

Hr: Ivana je bila marljiva učenica.
En: Ivana was a diligent student.

Hr: Voljela je znanost i istraživanje.
En: She loved science and research.

Hr: Znala je da joj treba stipendija kako bi pomogla financijski.
En: She knew she needed a scholarship to help financially.

Hr: No, problem je bio što njezina obitelj nije dijelila iste snove.
En: However, the problem was that her family didn’t share the same dreams.

Hr: Htjeli su da ostane u Splitu i pohađa lokalni fakultet.
En: They wanted her to stay in Split and attend a local college.

Hr: Luka, njezin najbolji prijatelj, bio je uz nju.
En: Luka, her best friend, was by her side.

Hr: Bio je opušten i često govorio: "Ivana, nemaš se čega bojati.
En: He was laid-back and often said, "Ivana, there's nothing to fear.

Hr: Moraš pokušati!
En: You have to try!"

Hr: " Luka je, iako nesiguran o svojoj budućnosti, uvijek podržavao Ivanine želje.
En: Although Luka was unsure about his own future, he always supported Ivana's wishes.

Hr: Jednog dana Ivana je imala sastanak s Markom, školskim savjetnikom.
En: One day, Ivana had a meeting with Marko, the school counselor.

Hr: Marko je sjedio za stolom prekrivenim papirima.
En: Marko sat at a desk covered with papers.

Hr: "Ivana, ako to stvarno želiš, moraš se hrabro suočiti s izazovima," rekao je smireno.
En: "Ivana, if you truly want this, you have to bravely face the challenges," he said calmly.

Hr: "Ivane," nastavio je Luka dok su sjedili u školskom dvorištu, "što ćeš napraviti?
En: "Ivana," continued Luka as they sat in the school courtyard, "what will you do?"

Hr: "Ivana je duboko udahnula.
En: Ivana took a deep breath.

Hr: "Prijavit ću se za stipendiju," odlučila je.
En: "I will apply for the scholarship," she decided.

Hr: Bila je spremna suočiti se s obitelji.
En: She was ready to face her family.

Hr: Bilo ju je strah, ali Luka ju je ohrabrivao.
En: She was scared, but Luka encouraged her.

Hr: Nakon škole, kod kuće, situacija se pogoršala.
En: After school, at home, the situation worsened.

Hr: "Zašto Zagreb?
En: "Why Zagreb?"

Hr: " majka je upitala.
En: her mother asked.

Hr: "Imamo dobar fakultet ovdje.
En: "We have a good college here."

Hr: ""Želim slijediti svoje snove, mama," objasnila je Ivana, osjećajući kako joj srce ubrzano kuca.
En: "I want to follow my dreams, mom," Ivana explained, feeling her heart race.

Hr: "Ovo je važno za mene.
En: "This is important to me."

Hr: "Napetost u kući bila je prisutna neko vrijeme.
En: The tension at home lingered for some time.

Hr: No, Ivana nije odustajala.
En: However, Ivana did not give up.

Hr: Uložila je sve u svoju prijavu za stipendiju.
En: She put everything into her scholarship application.

Hr: Nekoliko tjedana kasnije, primila je pismo iz Zagreba.
En: A few weeks later, she received a letter from Zagreb.

Hr: Otvorila ga je drhtavim rukama.
En: She opened it with trembling hands.

Hr: Tamo je stajalo: "Čestitamo, Ivana!
En: It read, "Congratulations, Ivana!

Hr: Dobili ste stipendiju.
En: You have been awarded the scholarship."

Hr: "Usprkos početnom negodovanju, njezina se obitelj složila podržati ju.
En: Despite the initial reluctance, her family agreed to support her.

Hr: Shvatili su koliko je Ivani to bilo važno.
En: They realized how important this was to Ivana.

Hr: Luka je gledao kako Ivana postaje sigurnija u sebe.
En: Luka watched as Ivana grew more confident in herself.

Hr: Razmislio je o svojoj budućnosti, možda i on treba malo hrabrosti da odluči što želi.
En: He pondered his own future; maybe he also needed a bit of courage to decide what he wanted.

Hr: Jesenji listovi nastavili su padati, ali Ivana je bila spremna za svoje novo putovanje.
En: The autumn leaves continued to fall, but Ivana was ready for her new journey.

Hr: Naučila je važnu lekciju – slušati svoje srce i ne popuštati pred pritiscima.
En: She learned an important lesson—to listen to her heart and not give in to pressures.

Hr: Aškola, s osmijesima svojih učenika, nastavila je živjeti svoj užurbani život, pripremajući se za nove snove i izazove.
En: The school, with the smiles of its students, continued its busy life, preparing for new dreams and challenges.