Bargains & Bonds: A Halloween Tale of Friendship

In this episode, we'll navigate the bustling market of Caerdydd, savoring the season's magic as Gareth, Elin, and Rhys discover the true value of friendship amidst pumpkins and bargains.

Cy: Ar fore o hydref braf, roedd y farchnad ganol Caerdydd yn le llawn bywyd.
En: On a fine autumn morning, the central market of Caerdydd was a place full of life.

Cy: Roedd y siopa'n brysur gyda phobl yn edrych am gynnyrch tymhorol, ac roedd clychau'n canu gyda chwerthin plant yn edmygu addurniadau Calan Gaeaf lliwgar.
En: The shopping area was busy with people looking for seasonal products, and bells were ringing with children's laughter as they admired colorful Halloween decorations.

Cy: Ymhlith y torfeydd, roedd Gareth, Elin, a Rhys yn cerdded ochr yn ochr.
En: Among the crowds, Gareth, Elin, and Rhys walked side by side.

Cy: Gareth yn trin rhestr siopa yn dyn, ei bwyll ar gael y bargeinion gorau.
En: Gareth clutched the shopping list tightly, determined to get the best bargains.

Cy: Elin, ei chwaer, yn llawn hwyl a brwdfrydedd, yn sibrwd syniadau rhyfeddol ar gyfer cinio arbennig.
En: Elin, his sister, full of fun and enthusiasm, whispered amazing ideas for a special dinner.

Cy: Rhys, eu ffrind, yn hapus yn eu cwmni, ond yn ansicr pa ochr i’w chefnogi.
En: Rhys, their friend, was happy in their company but unsure which side to support.

Cy: “Mae angen i ni gadw at y gyllideb,” meddai Gareth wrth iddynt stopio wrth stondin lysiau.
En: “We need to stick to the budget,” said Gareth as they stopped at a vegetable stall.

Cy: Roedd y stondin yn llawn pethau tymhorol: pwmpenni mawr, afalau coch coeth, a chynnwys llwydion cannwyll a oedd yn disgleirio fel sêr.
En: The stall was full of seasonal items: large pumpkins, rich red apples, and the grayish contents of a candle that sparkled like stars.

Cy: “Rydym ni yma i wneud Calan Gaeaf yn hudolus!” cyhoeddodd Elin wrth godi pwmpen enfawr yn llawen.
En: “We are here to make Halloween magical!” declared Elin while lifting a huge pumpkin cheerfully.

Cy: “Meddyliwch am sut byddai hyn yn edrych ger llythyrau'r cinio.”
En: “Think about how this would look beside the dinner letters.”

Cy: Roedd Gareth yn crino.
En: Gareth frowned.

Cy: “Gormod o arian,” atebodd.
En: “Too expensive,” he replied.

Cy: “Gallwn gael un bach a gwario'r gweddill ar rawn, tatws, a rhai byrbrydau syml.”
En: “We can get a small one and spend the rest on grains, potatoes, and some simple snacks.”

Cy: Teimlai Rhys eu tensiwn a gwthiodd hwy i gerdded ymlaen.
En: Rhys sensed their tension and nudged them to move on.

Cy: “Beth os ceisiwn chwilio am fargeinion?
En: “What if we try looking for bargains?

Cy: Mae'n ddydd da i drafod.”
En: It’s a good day for bargaining.”

Cy: Cododd gwên ar ei wyneb Elin wrth iddynt stopio ger stondin addurniadau.
En: A smile spread across Elin’s face as they stopped by a decorations stall.

Cy: Roedd pob math o bethau rhyfeddol yna - cerfweddau cacen, cannwylliau persawrus, a chreadigaethau pot pwmpen y gellid eu llyfu.
En: There were all sorts of marvelous things there—cake sculptures, fragrant candles, and pumpkin pot creations that you could taste.

Cy: Ond eto, roedd Gareth yn mesur prisiau.
En: Yet, Gareth was measuring the prices.

Cy: Cyrhaeddodd eu cyfwng wrth stondin wych arall, lle’r oedd cwpl henoed yn gwerthu addurniadau ac anghenion anrhydeddol am bris fforddiadwy.
En: They reached their turning point at another splendid stall, where an elderly couple was selling decorations and honorable necessities at an affordable price.

Cy: “Rwy'n siŵr bod Elin yn hoffi'r celfi,” meddai Rhys yn dawel, yn edrych gyda'r dau.
En: “I'm sure Elin will like the crafts,” said Rhys quietly, looking with the two.

Cy: Arhosodd Gareth hen bâr cannwyll.
En: Gareth hesitated over an old pair of candles.

Cy: Roedd pris ysblennydd, ond o fewn cyrhaeddiad.
En: The price was splendid, yet within reach.

Cy: “Beth am hon?” gofynnodd, yr olwg arwyddocâd ar ei wyneb.
En: “What about this?” he asked, a significant look on his face.

Cy: Daeth sillafu Elin’n llygaid.
En: Elin's eyes sparkled.

Cy: “Ond ni fydd angen i ti fynd dros dy gyllideb, gareth.”
En: “But you don’t have to go over your budget, Gareth.”

Cy: Roeddent yn canfod y perchennog yn barod i'w cymrodri â phris tecach.
En: They found the owner ready to meet them with a fairer price.

Cy: Gwnaeth penderfyniad Gareth newid ei feddwl.
En: The decision made Gareth change his mind.

Cy: “Mae'n foment hanesyddol,” meddai, yn gafael yn gadarn yn ei bwyll.
En: “It’s a historic moment,” he said, firmly holding his ground.

Cy: “Cawn ni wneud y noson arbennig heb fynd dros ben y cerfan.”
En: “We can make the evening special without going overboard.”

Cy: Pan ymgasglodd y nos, roedd y cartref yn llawn gyffro ac addurniadau calan gaeaf.
En: When evening gathered, the home was filled with excitement and Halloween decorations.

Cy: Roedd pawb yn hapus, a chefais bwydledd o'u hewyllys di-finansol yn ei flaenau.
En: Everyone was happy, and I gained from their selfless generosity leading the way.

Cy: Roedd Gareth, er ei warchod, wedi sylweddoli bod cofleidio'r tymhorau yng nghwmni anwyliaid yn dwyn ei ffrwyth o glic a thawelwch olau.
En: Gareth, despite his caution, realized that embracing the seasons in the company of loved ones bore its fruit of light and quiet.

Cy: Tawelodd pethau, a phan roedd y cinio wedi'i orffen, roedd pawb yn cytuno bod y sylwedd cystal â'r diwedd.
En: Things calmed down, and when the dinner was finished, everyone agreed that the substance was as good as the end.

Cy: Roedd cysylltiadau eu cyfeillgarwch wedi cynyddu, a theimlai’r tri eu bod wedi hwylio drwy hydref yn llawn llawenydd, gyda phwn mewn ffordd na fyddai Gareth byth yn ei anghofio.
En: The bonds of their friendship had strengthened, and the three felt they had sailed through autumn full of joy, in a way that Gareth would never forget.