Overcoming Stage Fright: Ivan’s Journey to Confidence

In this episode, we'll uncover Ivan's journey to conquering his fears and discovering the power of confidence and teamwork in turning challenges into triumphs.

Hr: Dok sunce polako zalazi nad Splitom, moderna zgrada nebodera sjaji svojom staklenom fasadom.
En: As the sun slowly sets over Split, the modern skyscraper gleams with its glass facade.

Hr: Ivan gleda kroz prozor prema plavom Jadranu.
En: Ivan looks through the window towards the blue Adriatic.

Hr: Visoka zgrada pruža mu nevjerojatnu vizuru cijeloga grada, ali danas to nije ono što mu je najvažnije.
En: The tall building offers him an incredible view of the entire city, but today that's not what matters most to him.

Hr: U prostoriji zgrade, Ivan sjedi s kolegama iz škole, Lenom i Markom.
En: In the building's room, Ivan sits with his schoolmates, Lena and Marko.

Hr: Njih troje rade na važnoj školskoj prezentaciji.
En: The three of them are working on an important school presentation.

Hr: Jesen je i vrijeme je da prikažu svoj projekt.
En: It's autumn and it's time to present their project.

Hr: Ivan, vrijedan student, želi da sve bude savršeno.
En: Ivan, a hard-working student, wants everything to be perfect.

Hr: No, on se boji javnog nastupa.
En: However, he fears public speaking.

Hr: Strah ga je kiksati pred razredom i profesorom.
En: He's afraid of making a mistake in front of the class and the teacher.

Hr: "Moram vježbati," misli Ivan.
En: "I need to practice," Ivan thinks.

Hr: "Ne mogu iznevjeriti Leninu i Markovu vjeru.
En: "I can't let down Lena's and Marko's trust."

Hr: " Ivan odluči potražiti pomoć od Lene, koja je uvijek opuštena i sigurna u sebe kad govori pred publikom.
En: Ivan decides to seek help from Lena, who is always relaxed and confident when speaking in front of an audience.

Hr: "Lena, možeš li mi pomoći?
En: "Lena, can you help me?"

Hr: " upita Ivan nesigurno.
En: Ivan asks uncertainly.

Hr: "Naravno, Ivane," odgovara Lena.
En: "Of course, Ivan," Lena replies.

Hr: "Samo se smiri.
En: "Just calm down.

Hr: Najvažnije je da vjeruješ u ono što kažeš.
En: The most important thing is to believe in what you're saying.

Hr: Ljudi osjete kad si siguran.
En: People can sense when you're confident."

Hr: "I tako Ivan počinje vježbati s Lenom.
En: And so Ivan begins practicing with Lena.

Hr: Fokusira se na ključne točke, na način govora i na samopouzdanje.
En: He focuses on the key points, the manner of speaking, and his confidence.

Hr: Marko pomaže time što glumi publiku, dajući Ivanu konstruktivne povratne informacije.
En: Marko helps by playing the audience, giving Ivan constructive feedback.

Hr: Stigao je dan prezentacije.
En: The day of the presentation arrives.

Hr: Ivan stoji ispred razreda.
En: Ivan stands in front of the class.

Hr: Ruke mu se znoje, srce brzo lupa.
En: His hands are sweaty, his heart races.

Hr: Primijeti da zaboravlja prve rečenice.
En: He notices that he's forgetting the first sentences.

Hr: Ali tada se sjeti Leninih riječi.
En: But then he remembers Lena's words.

Hr: Diše duboko, usredotočuje se, iako se na početku spotakne.
En: He takes a deep breath, centers himself, even though he stumbles at the beginning.

Hr: "Mogu ja to," šapće u sebi.
En: "I can do this," he whispers to himself.

Hr: Nastavlja pričati, povezuje glavne točke, i osjeća kako mu ruke više nisu tako znojne.
En: He continues speaking, connecting the main points, and feels his hands are no longer so sweaty.

Hr: Dok završava, razred i profesor mu plješću.
En: As he finishes, the class and the teacher applaud him.

Hr: Lena i Marko ga tapšu po leđima.
En: Lena and Marko pat him on the back.

Hr: Rade to zajedno, a Ivan se osjeća ispunjeno.
En: They did it together, and Ivan feels fulfilled.

Hr: Njihova voditeljica profesora daje visoke pohvale i dodaje, "Ovo je bilo odlično, dobro organizirano.
En: Their teacher offers high praise and adds, "This was excellent, well organized."

Hr: "Na kraju, Ivan osjeća kako je prevladao još jednu prepreku.
En: In the end, Ivan feels like he has overcome yet another hurdle.

Hr: Strah postaje manji.
En: The fear becomes smaller.

Hr: Naučio je vjerovati u sebe više nego prije.
En: He learned to trust himself more than before.

Hr: Dok ponovno gleda kroz prozor, more izgleda još ljepše, kao da ga pozdravlja.
En: As he looks through the window again, the sea seems even more beautiful, as if greeting him.

Hr: Ivan se osmjehuje, spreman za nove izazove.
En: Ivan smiles, ready for new challenges.