Sibling Reconciliation: Eira’s Journey Back Home

In this episode, we'll navigate the stormy seas of sibling relationships, unveiling a heartfelt tale of reunion, forgiveness, and the promise of a hopeful future.

Cy: Arhosodd y llong yn yr harbwr, a daeth Eira i lawr y ramp o'r llong.
En: The ship remained in the harbor, and Eira descended the ramp from the vessel.

Cy: Roedd awyrennau'r rhew o dan ei throed, a'r gwynt yn dwyn ei gwallt hir tuag at y môr.
En: The icy frost lay beneath her feet, and the wind swept her long hair towards the sea.

Cy: Wrth iddi gerdded tuag at y doc, roedd ei chalon yn brysur gyda theimladau—pryder, cywilydd, a chyffro.
En: As she walked toward the dock, her heart was a flurry of feelings—anxiety, shame, and excitement.

Cy: Roedd hi'n bendant yn ôl mewn Pembrokeshire lle nad oedd hi wedi bod ers amser.
En: She was undoubtedly back in Pembrokeshire, where she hadn't been for some time.

Cy: Ar y doc, roedd Rhys, ei brawd hyn, yn aros.
En: On the dock, her older brother Rhys was waiting.

Cy: Roedd ei wyneb wedi caledu dros y blynyddoedd, ond roedd ei lygaid mor feddal ag erioed.
En: His face had hardened over the years, but his eyes were as gentle as ever.

Cy: Ei ddyletswydd wedi'i gweu â'r dyddiau hir o ofalu am eu tad.
En: His duty had been intertwined with the long days of caring for their father.

Cy: Roedd Eira yn gwybod fod Rhys yn caru eu teulu, ond roedd hi'n gwybod hefyd fod ei absenoldeb wedi gadael ei graith ar eu bond.
En: Eira knew Rhys loved their family, but she was also aware that her absence had left a mark on their bond.

Cy: Daeth Rhys at Eira wrth iddi sefyll o flaen y doc.
En: Rhys approached Eira as she stood facing the dock.

Cy: Nid oedd neb ohonynt yn gwybod beth i'w ddweud ar y cyntaf.
En: Neither of them knew what to say at first.

Cy: Roedd y brodyr a'r chwiorydd fel dieithriaid.
En: The siblings felt like strangers.

Cy: Roedd Eira yn crafu ei phen am eiriau.
En: Eira scratched her head looking for words.

Cy: "Rhys," dechreuodd Eira, ond methodd â pharhau am un funud.
En: "Rhys," Eira began, but found herself unable to continue for a moment.

Cy: Roedd teimladau'n llifo fel llifogydd drosodd.
En: Emotions were flooding over her.

Cy: "Pam adaeth chdi?" gofynnodd Rhys, ei lais yn swnio fel cysgod hen rwystredigaeth.
En: "Why did you come?" Rhys asked, his voice echoing with shades of old frustration.

Cy: "Mae'n anodd dweud," mynnodd Eira, "ond collais ti.
En: "It's hard to say," Eira insisted, "but I missed you.

Cy: Roeddwn i am ddod adref i ti."
En: I wanted to come home to you."

Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod fod ei hymdrechion rhyngwladol wedi bod yn bwysig, ond roedd yr hyn a adawodd ar ôl yn serth.
En: She knew her international efforts had been important, but what she left behind was significant.

Cy: Roedd y cerdded wrth ymyl y dŵr yn tynnu Eira'n agosach at y gwirionedd.
En: Walking by the water brought Eira closer to the truth.

Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod bod angen i'w geiriau fynd allan.
En: She realized her words needed to come out.

Cy: "Cysgodais i ti, Rhys," meddai Eira, ei llais yn grynu gyda gwirionedd.
En: "I left you, Rhys," Eira said, her voice trembling with honesty.

Cy: "Roeddwn i'n teithiawr, ond ti oedd yr arwr."
En: "I was the traveler, but you were the hero."

Cy: Siaradodd Rhys yn dawel.
En: Rhys spoke softly.

Cy: “Dwi ddim wedi gwrthod fy ngwaith, ond mae fy mreuddwydion i wedi stopio.
En: “I haven’t turned my back on my work, but my dreams have stopped.

Cy: Roeddwn i’n gwybod mai dy ddyletswydd di oedd blaenoriaeth.”
En: I knew it was your duty that was the priority.”

Cy: Treuliodd y ddau noson hir yn cymhwyso eu teimladau wrth ymyl yr arglawdd.
En: The two spent long nights processing their feelings by the embankment.

Cy: Deallodd Eira y baich trwm Rhys, a dechreuodd Rhys faddau iddi am ei phresenoldeb absent.
En: Eira understood the heavy burden Rhys carried, and Rhys began to forgive her for her absent presence.

Cy: Cawsant sgyrsiau dwys wrth fynd am dro ar hyd y traeth.
En: They had profound conversations as they walked along the beach.

Cy: Daeth ymlacio gydag un arall, y dŵr yn adleisio eu athroniaeth.
En: Relaxation came with one another, the water echoing their philosophies.

Cy: Wrth i'r haul gryfach gymryd ei le ar y gorwel, eisteddodd Eira a Rhys gyda'i gilydd ar ymyl y doc.
En: As the stronger sun took its place on the horizon, Eira and Rhys sat together at the edge of the dock.

Cy: Roedd y gwynt yn chwaetheg a'r dail yn symud yn ysgafn.
En: The breeze was refreshing, and the leaves moved gently.

Cy: Roeddynt yn dawel ond mewn cystadleuaeth.
En: They were quiet but in harmony.

Cy: Yng nghanol tawelwch yr hydref, daeth y ddealltwriaeth i'r chwaer a'r brawd.
En: In the midst of autumn's tranquility, understanding came to the sister and brother.

Cy: Addewidion newydd eu gwneud, gweledigaeth o blatiau llachar.
En: New promises were made, a vision of bright tomorrows.

Cy: Addawodd Eira i gyflwyno mwy o'i hun, a dysgodd Rhys bod yn iawn i ofyn am help.
En: Eira promised to invest more of herself, and Rhys learned it was okay to ask for help.

Cy: Roedd yr heddwch wedi dod, gan greu newid yn y perthynas a'u hartref.
En: Peace had arrived, creating a transformation in their relationship and home.

Cy: Aeth yr haul i lawr yn Pembrokeshire, ond roedd y fflamau'n llosgi yn eu calonnau.
En: The sun set in Pembrokeshire, but the flames burned brightly in their hearts.