In this episode, we'll venture through Dubrovnik's ancient streets, unveiling a tour guide's inspiring journey from routine to realizing his dreams while capturing the heart of a historian.
Sr: Dubrovačke stare ulice bile su prepune turista.
En: The old streets of Dubrovnik were crowded with tourists.
Sr: Sunce je sijalo, a miris mora iz Jadrana širio se vazduhom.
En: The sun was shining, and the scent of the Adriatic Sea filled the air.
Sr: Stari grad sa svojim kamenim uličicama i visokim zidinama čuvao je tajne prošlosti.
En: The old town, with its stone alleyways and tall walls, held the secrets of the past.
Sr: Luka je vodio grupu turista kroz uske prolaze.
En: Luka was leading a group of tourists through narrow passages.
Sr: Bio je iskusni turistički vodič, ali sanjao je o tome da postane istoričar.
En: He was an experienced tour guide but dreamed of becoming a historian.
Sr: Osećao je da je zaglavljen u rutinskom poslu.
En: He felt trapped in a routine job.
Sr: Milena, mlada devojka sa diplomom iz istorije, bila je u grupi.
En: Milena, a young woman with a degree in history, was in the group.
Sr: Fascinirala ga je njena radoznalost.
En: He was fascinated by her curiosity.
Sr: „Ovo je crkva Svetog Vlaha,“ rekao je Luka, „ zaštitnika Dubrovnika.“
En: “This is the Church of St. Blaise,” Luka said, “the protector of Dubrovnik.”
Sr: Grupa je slušala, ali Luka je želeo da impresionira Milenu.
En: The group listened, but Luka wanted to impress Milena.
Sr: Hteo je da joj pokaže koliko zna.
En: He wanted to show her how much he knew.
Sr: Dok su hodali, Luka je odlučio da rizikuje.
En: As they walked, Luka decided to take a risk.
Sr: „Jeste li čuli za Opsadu Dubrovnika?“ upitao je, ne sačekavši odgovor.
En: “Have you heard about the Siege of Dubrovnik?” he asked, not waiting for an answer.
Sr: „Ovaj grad je bio napadnut 1991. godine.
En: “This city was attacked in 1991.
Sr: Grad je bio u plamenu, ali narod je izdržao.“
En: The city was in flames, but the people endured.”
Sr: Neki turisti su negodovali.
En: Some tourists grumbled.
Sr: Želeli su uobičajene informacije.
En: They wanted the usual information.
Sr: Ali Milena je pažljivo slušala.
En: But Milena was listening intently.
Sr: Luka je nastavio priču, opisujući hrabrost ljudi.
En: Luka continued the story, describing the bravery of the people.
Sr: Video je Milenine oči kako svetlucaju od interesa.
En: He saw Milena’s eyes sparkle with interest.
Sr: „Ovo nije u mom uobičajenom rasporedu,“ rekao je Luka smešeći se.
En: “This isn’t in my usual schedule,” Luka said, smiling.
Sr: Neki turisti su se namrštili.
En: Some tourists frowned.
Sr: No, nije stao.
En: But he didn’t stop.
Sr: „Opsada je trajala sedam meseci,“ nastavio je.
En: “The siege lasted seven months,” he continued.
Sr: Glas mu je bio pun strasti.
En: His voice was full of passion.
Sr: Kada je završio priču, grupa je bila tiha.
En: When he finished the story, the group was silent.
Sr: Neki su bili impresionirani, drugi razočarani.
En: Some were impressed, others disappointed.
Sr: Ali Milena mu je prišla.
En: But Milena approached him.
Sr: „Luka, tvoja priča je bila fantastična,“ rekla je.
En: “Luka, your story was fantastic,” she said.
Sr: „Zašto nisi istoričar?“
En: “Why aren’t you a historian?”
Sr: Luka je uzdahnuo.
En: Luka sighed.
Sr: „Bojim se da nisam dovoljno dobar,“ priznao je.
En: “I’m afraid I’m not good enough,” he admitted.
Sr: „Nisi u pravu,“ odgovorila je Milena.
En: “You’re wrong,” Milena replied.
Sr: „Treba da veruješ u sebe.
En: “You need to believe in yourself.
Sr: Moraš pokušati.“
En: You have to try.”
Sr: Njene reči su ga ohrabrile.
En: Her words encouraged him.
Sr: Posle ture, Luka je razmišljao o Mileninim rečima.
En: After the tour, Luka thought about Milena’s words.
Sr: Znao je da mora nešto promeniti.
En: He knew he needed to change something.
Sr: Odlučio je da se prijavi za programe istraživanja istorije.
En: He decided to apply for history research programs.
Sr: Osmehnuo se dok je gledao drevne zidine.
En: He smiled as he looked at the ancient walls.
Sr: Konačno je verovao da je sposoban za više.
En: He finally believed he was capable of more.
Sr: I, uz malo sreće, ovaj stari grad će ga voditi ka njegovom novom putu.
En: And, with a bit of luck, this old town would guide him on his new path.