Autumn Adventure: Axel’s Unexpected Allergy Surprise

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en klar och kall höstdag när Axel och Linnea gick in på Skansen. En: It was a clear and cold autumn day when Axel and Linnea entered Skansen. Sv: Den krispiga luften bar en doft av höstlöv och skogsdoft. En: The crisp air carried the…

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Unexpected Tour Guide: A Day at Jakarta Aquarium

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Dewi berdiri di depan Jakarta Aquarium dengan perasaan yang campur aduk. En: Dewi stood in front of the Jakarta Aquarium with mixed feelings. Id: Hari ini adalah hari liburnya, dan dia sudah merencanakan untuk menikmati waktu sendiri melihat ikan-ikan berenang dengan damai. En: Today was her day…

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A Spicy Connection: Love and Craft at Berlin’s Farmers’ Market

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Der Herbstwind wehte durch die Straßen Berlins und brachte den Duft von frisch gebackenem Brot und würzigen Käsesorten mit sich. En: The autumn wind blew through the streets of Berlin, carrying the scent of freshly baked bread and spicy cheeses. De: Auf dem traditionellen Bauernmarkt herrschte lebhaftes…

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When Thunder Strikes: A Friendship’s New Dawn in Madrid

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Las nubes oscuras cubrían el cielo de Madrid en el Parque del Retiro. En: The dark clouds covered the sky over Madrid in the Retiro Park. Es: El viento soplaba fuerte y las hojas caían, cubriendo los caminos con tonos de amarillo y rojo. En: The wind…

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A Day at the Zoo: Discovering Balance in Life’s Hustle

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Київський зоопарк виблискував барвами осені. En: The Kyiv Zoo was gleaming with the colors of autumn. Uk: Листя падало, наче різнокольоровий килим, розправляючись під ногами. En: Leaves fell like a multicolored carpet, spreading out underfoot. Uk: Групи школярів захоплено обговорювали тварин, які прогулювалися у вольєрах. En: Groups…

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Rainy Encounters: Discovering Connection at the Aquarium

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Sotto un cielo grigio e piovoso, Luca camminava veloce verso l’Acquario di Genova. En: Under a gray and rainy sky, Luca walked quickly toward the Genoa Aquarium. It: La pioggia d’autunno scendeva forte, ma lui non se ne curava. En: The autumn rain was pouring down heavily,…

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Overcoming Expectations: Eli’s Aquarium Revelation

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: אלי הביט בתצוגות הצבעוניות שסביבו. En: Eli gazed at the colorful displays around him. He: היה זה יום יפה של סוף הקיץ, וריח חג ראש השנה היה באוויר. En: It was a beautiful late summer day, and the scent of Rosh Hashanah lingered in the air. He:…

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Rescue in the Dark: Saving Istanbul’s Angel Fish

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Istanbul Akvaryum’da bir sonbahar akşamıydı. En: It was an autumn evening at the Istanbul Aquarium. Tr: Hava kararıyor, burnundan vurup geçen rüzgarların habercisi oluyordu. En: The sun was setting, heralding the chilly winds soon to come. Tr: Emine, akvaryumun iç kısmında, büyük bir su tankının önünde duruyordu.…

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Uniting Science and Fun: A New Wave at Varna Aquarium

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Във Варна, точно на брега на Черно море, се издига легендарната сграда на Аквариума. En: In Varna, right on the shore of the Black Sea, stands the legendary Aquarium building. Bg: Светлината нежно танцуваше през водата, създавайки съвършени отражения и сянки. En: The light gently danced through…

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Aquarium Reunion: Healing Bonds in The Heart of Vilnius

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus Akvariume vanduo švelniai šmurkštė po stiklu, o žuvys nardė tarp koralų, tarsi pakviestų stebėti jų ramų pasaulį. En: In the Vilnius Aquarium, the water gently swished against the glass, and fish swam between the corals, as if inviting observers to witness their serene world. Lt: Dovydas…

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