Dad’s Day Out: Choosing Family Over Work Calls

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 阳光透过窗帘洒在桌子上,梁陷入了沉思。 En: Sunlight streamed through the curtains, falling on the table as Liang became lost in thought. Zh: 他望着手机上的公司邮件,心中感到一丝不安。 En: He looked at the company emails on his phone, feeling a twinge of unease in his heart. Zh: 他知道自己需要改变,他不想错过与女儿美之间的珍贵时光。 En: He knew he needed to…

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Escape to Freedom: A Dive into Constanța’s Wonders

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Constanța strălucea sub lumina blândă a toamnei. En: Constanța shone under the gentle light of autumn. Ro: Soarele se juca printre frunzele ruginii, iar briza sărată a mării aducea un sentiment de liniște. En: The sun played among the rusty leaves, and the salty sea breeze brought…

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Eirik’s Operatic Epiphany: Choosing Passion Over Pressure

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Luften var kjølig, og bladene på trærne rundt Operaen i Oslo danset i vinden. En: The air was cool, and the leaves on the trees around the Oslo Opera House danced in the wind. Nb: Eirik og Sigrid gjemte seg litt i jakkenes varme når de gikk…

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Finding Heritage: A Meaningful Day at Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: На Калемегдану је ветар носио пожутело лишће, правећи игру боја кроз старе стабле. En: In Kalemegdan, the wind carried yellowed leaves, creating a play of colors through the old trees. Sr: Милошетали су стазом, гледајући шарене тезге пуне сувенира. En: Miloš walked along the path, eyeing the…

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The Great Penguin Escape: A Zoo Adventure Unites Visitors

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Det var en livlig eftermiddag i Københavns Zoo. En: It was a lively afternoon at the Copenhagen Zoo. Da: Solen skinnede ned over de besøgende, der slentrede rundt og nød dagen. En: The sun shone down on the visitors who strolled around enjoying the day. Da: Kasper,…

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Davor’s Heartfelt Quest for the Perfect Gift

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Davor je hodao kroz šareni svijet Zagrebačkog akvarija. En: Davor walked through the colorful world of the Zagreb Aquarium. Hr: Bio je početak jeseni i lišće je polako gubilo svoju zelenu boju. En: It was the beginning of autumn, and the leaves were slowly losing their green…

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Finding Friendship: Eero’s Transformative Day at the Aquarium

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Eero astui Sea Life Helsingin akvaarioon kello kymmenen lauantai-aamuna. En: Eero stepped into Sea Life Helsinki’s aquarium at ten o’clock on Saturday morning. Fi: Syksyinen tuuli puhalsi kevyesti hänen takkinsa läpi, mutta sisällä akvaariossa oli lämmin ja rauhallinen. En: The autumn wind blew lightly through his coat,…

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Turning Phone Time to Bonding Time at the Aquarium

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 가을 바람이 살랑이는 날, 지후와 서윤은 수족관에 갔다. En: On a day when the autumn wind was gently blowing, Jihoo and Seoyoon went to the aquarium. Ko: 초승달과 같이 밝은 조명이 수족관 입구를 비추고 있었다. En: The entrance was lit by lights as bright as a crescent…

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From Ancient Stones to New Bonds: A Tale of Serendipity

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Η μέρα ήταν φωτεινή και ζεστή στην Ακρόπολη της Αθήνας. En: The day was bright and warm at the Acropolis of Athens. El: Ο ήλιος έλουζε τις αρχαίες πέτρες με θερμό φως, και οι τουρίστες γέμιζαν το χώρο με ενθουσιασμό. En: The sun bathed the ancient stones…

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Autumn Adventure: Axel’s Unexpected Allergy Surprise

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en klar och kall höstdag när Axel och Linnea gick in på Skansen. En: It was a clear and cold autumn day when Axel and Linnea entered Skansen. Sv: Den krispiga luften bar en doft av höstlöv och skogsdoft. En: The crisp air carried the…

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