Aquarium of Inspiration: Ivana’s Artistic Awakening

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Ivana stála před velkým akváriem v centru Prahy. En: Ivana stood in front of the large aquarium in the center of Prague. Cs: Podzimní světlo venku bylo tlumené, a uvnitř akvária panovala tajemná atmosféra. En: The autumn light outside was subdued, and inside the aquarium, a mysterious…

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Ocean Dreams: Tawan’s Journey to Courage and Connection

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: สยามโอเชียนเวิลด์ในกรุงเทพฯ เป็นสถานที่ที่เติบโตเสมือนอยู่ใต้ทะเลลึก En: Siam Ocean World in Bangkok is a place that feels as though you’re deep beneath the sea. Th: เต็มไปด้วยนักเรียนที่มาทัศนศึกษากับโรงเรียน En: It’s filled with students on school field trips. Th: มองไปก็จะเห็นตะวันยืนคาดเดาตัวเอง En: Looking around, you would see Tawan standing there, second-guessing himself. Th: ลึก ๆ…

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Discovering Life’s Treasures at the Tropicarium

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Az őszi nap simogató sugaraival indul a történet. En: The story begins with the gentle rays of the autumn sun. Hu: Janka, László és Bence a Tropicarium felé sétálnak. En: Janka, László, and Bence are walking towards the Tropicarium. Hu: A levegő friss, az égbolt kék, és…

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Unveiling Ljubljana: Legends and Architecture Under the Mist

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Marjeta in Borut sta stala pred Ljubljanskim gradom. En: Marjeta and Borut stood in front of Ljubljana Castle. Sl: Jesenski veter ju je rahlo hladil, a jima ni mogel preprečiti veselja. En: The autumn wind was gently cooling them, but it couldn’t dampen their spirits. Sl: Grad…

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Aquarium Confession: A Heartfelt Reveal Amidst the Penguins

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die vogtige lug van die Two Oceans Aquarium kon jy amper voel op jou vel. En: The humid air of the Two Oceans Aquarium was almost palpable on your skin. Af: Die lente het sy voete in Kaapstad gesit. En: Spring had settled in Cape Town. Af:…

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Dad’s Day Out: Choosing Family Over Work Calls

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 阳光透过窗帘洒在桌子上,梁陷入了沉思。 En: Sunlight streamed through the curtains, falling on the table as Liang became lost in thought. Zh: 他望着手机上的公司邮件,心中感到一丝不安。 En: He looked at the company emails on his phone, feeling a twinge of unease in his heart. Zh: 他知道自己需要改变,他不想错过与女儿美之间的珍贵时光。 En: He knew he needed to…

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Finding Heritage: A Meaningful Day at Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: На Калемегдану је ветар носио пожутело лишће, правећи игру боја кроз старе стабле. En: In Kalemegdan, the wind carried yellowed leaves, creating a play of colors through the old trees. Sr: Милошетали су стазом, гледајући шарене тезге пуне сувенира. En: Miloš walked along the path, eyeing the…

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Eirik’s Operatic Epiphany: Choosing Passion Over Pressure

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Luften var kjølig, og bladene på trærne rundt Operaen i Oslo danset i vinden. En: The air was cool, and the leaves on the trees around the Oslo Opera House danced in the wind. Nb: Eirik og Sigrid gjemte seg litt i jakkenes varme når de gikk…

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Escape to Freedom: A Dive into Constanța’s Wonders

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Constanța strălucea sub lumina blândă a toamnei. En: Constanța shone under the gentle light of autumn. Ro: Soarele se juca printre frunzele ruginii, iar briza sărată a mării aducea un sentiment de liniște. En: The sun played among the rusty leaves, and the salty sea breeze brought…

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The Great Penguin Escape: A Zoo Adventure Unites Visitors

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Det var en livlig eftermiddag i Københavns Zoo. En: It was a lively afternoon at the Copenhagen Zoo. Da: Solen skinnede ned over de besøgende, der slentrede rundt og nød dagen. En: The sun shone down on the visitors who strolled around enjoying the day. Da: Kasper,…

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