Finding Harmony: A Family’s Adventure in Triglav

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V meglicah hladnega jesenskega jutra so Anja, Luka in Rok opazovali veličasten Triglavski narodni park. En: In the mists of a chilly autumn morning, Anja, Luka, and Rok observed the magnificent Triglav National Park. Sl: Sončni žarki so se prebijali skozi raznobarvno listje. En: Sunbeams filtered through…

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Love in the Storm: A Proposal Against All Odds

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghaoth fíochmhar ag séideadh go tréan ar Chláirseacha Mhothair. En: The fierce wind was blowing strongly at Mothair’s Cliffs. Ga: Saoradh na tonnta géara ar na haillte, amhail is dá mbeadh na farraigí ag iarraidh an domhan a thógáil pastigh orthu. En: Sharp waves crashed…

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Finding the Perfect Gift in an Enchanted Aquarium

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 秋の日、ほのかな光に包まれた水族館は、静かで神秘的な場所でした。 En: On an autumn day, the aquarium bathed in a soft light was a quiet and mysterious place. Ja: 大きな水槽には色とりどりの海の生き物がすいすいと泳ぎ、穏やかな波音が聞こえます。 En: In the large tanks, colorful sea creatures swam gracefully as gentle wave sounds could be heard. Ja: 訪れる人々の声も、心地よい音楽のように響いていました。 En: The voices of the visitors echoed…

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Healing Amidst the Leaves: A Sibling’s Touching Journey

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Voňavá aróma jesene obklopovala Bratislavu. En: The fragrant aroma of autumn surrounded Bratislava. Sk: Vzduch voňal po opadaných listoch a chladil jemným vánkom. En: The air smelled of fallen leaves and was cooled by a gentle breeze. Sk: V botanickej záhrade Marek a Zuzana kráčali mlčky vedľa…

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A Day at Saigon Zoo: Friendship and Life Lessons

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trên bầu trời xanh, ánh mặt trời mùa thu chiếu xuống những tán lá rì rào của Thảo Cầm Viên Sài Gòn. En: Under the blue sky, the autumn sun cast its rays on the rustling leaves of the Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens. Vi: Tiếng cười…

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The Journey of Discovery at Barcelona Aquarium

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El soroll de les onades artificials i la il·lusió flotaven a l’aire mentre els alumnes de l’escola pujaven del bus davant de l’Aquari de Barcelona. En: The noise of the artificial waves and the excitement floated in the air as the students from the school got off…

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Finding Freedom in Familiar Places: A Gdańsk Reunion

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Aleksandra stała na Długim Targu w Gdańsku, patrząc na zabytkowe budynki. En: Aleksandra stood in Długi Targ in Gdańsk, looking at the historic buildings. Pl: Ostatni raz była tutaj rok temu. En: The last time she had been there was a year ago. Pl: Tyle się zmieniło…

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Finding Clarity: A Rainy Encounter at the Lotus Temple

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: भीगे आसमान के नीचे, कमल मंदिर की शांत सफ़ेद पंखुड़ियाँ अपने दूधिया रूप में खड़ी थीं। En: Under the drizzling sky, the serene white petals of the Lotus Temple stood in their milky form. Hi: हर कोने पर टपकती बारिश की बूँदें मंदिर की पवित्रता को और…

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Gareth’s Brave Dive: Finding Voice in the Fish Gallery

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd cymylau o ryfeddod yn canu wrth iddynt gerdded i mewn i’r oriel bysgod enfawr. En: Clouds of wonder sang as they walked into the enormous fish gallery. Cy: Roedd tonnau o olau’r hydref yn peintio siapiau symudol ar y llawr gwydrog. En: Waves of autumn light…

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Finding Calm Among Penguins: A Day at Riga Zoo

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Dzeltens lapu paklājs klāja Rīgas Zoodārza celiņus. En: A yellow carpet of leaves covered the paths of the Riga Zoo. Lv: Rudens krāsas padarīja parku maģisku. En: The autumn colors made the park magical. Lv: Jānis un Laima pastaigājās, turēdamies pie rokas. En: Jānis and Laima walked…

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