Unexpected Reunion Sparks New Beginnings on Capitoline Hill

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En una tarde dorada de otoño, el sol brillaba suavemente sobre la colina Capitolina en Roma. En: On a golden autumn afternoon, the sun shone softly over the Capitoline Hill in Rome. Es: Las hojas crujían bajo los pies de los turistas, pintando el camino con tonos…

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Finding Home: Minjun’s Chuseok in Gangneung

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 가을의 청명한 하늘 아래, 강릉의 전통 시장은 추석 준비로 활기차다. En: Under the clear autumn sky, the traditional market in Gangneung is bustling with preparations for Chuseok. Ko: 나무로 된 포장마차들이 줄지어 있고, 길거리에는 맛있는 냄새가 가득하다. En: Wooden food stalls line the streets, which are filled…

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Tatras Trails: A Serendipitous Journey Beyond the Path

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Farebné lístie stromov v Tatrách sa trblietalo v jesennom slnečnom svetle. En: The colorful leaves of the trees in the Tatras shimmered in the autumn sunlight. Sk: Vzduch bol svieži a voňal po čerstvom lese. En: The air was fresh and smelled of the forest. Sk: Marek…

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Braving the Storm: A Ha Long Bay Adventure of Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Quang cảnh Vịnh Hạ Long một buổi chiều mùa thu thật tuyệt vời. En: The scene of Ha Long Bay on an autumn afternoon is truly wonderful. Vi: Những làn sương mờ mịt bao phủ, khiến những ngọn đá vôi và nước biển xanh thẳm càng thêm…

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Lost on Transfăgărășan: When GPS Meets the Map

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Catalin și Dani erau prieteni vechi. En: Catalin and Dani were old friends. Ro: Ei se pregăteau pentru o aventură pe spectaculoasa șosea Transfăgărășan. En: They were preparing for an adventure on the spectacular Transfăgărășan highway. Ro: Era toamnă, iar frunzele aurii dansau în vântul ușor al…

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From Rain to Resilience: Team-Building Unplugged

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: In die hartjie van die pragtige Tuinroete, omring deur majestueuse bome en bont blomstruike, het die lente alles in sy volle glorie gebring. En: In the heart of the beautiful Garden Route, surrounded by majestic trees and colorful flower bushes, spring had brought everything into its full…

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Hidden Treasure and Ancient Secrets on the Great Wall

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 长城在秋天的微风中静静地立着,石头在夕阳下泛着金色的光。 En: The Great Wall stood quietly in the autumn breeze, its stones glowing with a golden hue under the setting sun. Zh: 莉芬和昭君站在高墙上,眺望远处的山脉。 En: Li Fen and Zhao Jun stood atop the high wall, gazing at the distant mountains. Zh: 今天是中秋节,空气中弥漫着月饼的香甜和灯笼的光辉。 En: Today was…

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Escaping the Work Grind: A Journey Through Autumn’s Embrace

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rudens saule spīdēja spoži un siltā krāsu spēlē rotāja Gaujas Nacionālo parku. En: The autumn sun shone brightly, adorning the Gauja National Park in a warm play of colors. Lv: Meži bija pārpildīti ar košiem sarkaniem, oranžiem un dzelteniem toņiem. En: The forests were filled with vibrant…

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From Friendship to Something More: A Balaton Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A Balaton partján, ahol az őszi napfény bearanyozta a tájat, Kata és András kempingeztek egy kicsiny, csendes faluban. En: On the shores of Lake Balaton, where the autumn sunshine gilded the landscape, Kata and András were camping in a small, quiet village. Hu: Az aranyló falevelek hullámokat…

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The Perfect Souvenir: A Journey of Friendship in Hokkaido

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: とある晴れた午後、北海道の風景が広がる道を、カオリ、ハルト、ユウトの三人が旅していました。 En: One sunny afternoon, Kaori, Haruto, and Yuuto were traveling along a road that extended through the landscape of Hokkaido. Ja: 遅い夏の日差しが、もうすぐ訪れる秋の気配を運んでいました。 En: The late summer sun carried the scent of the approaching autumn. Ja: 三人は小さな市場に寄りました。音楽が流れ、屋台が並んでいました。 En: The trio stopped by a small market where music…

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