Love Blossoms Amid Budapest’s Golden Autumn

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A Duna partjánál, Budapest egyik legismertebb helyszínén, a Halászbástyánál, az ősz lassan aranyszínű levelek takaróját terítette a kövekre. En: At the riverside of the Danube, one of Budapest’s most well-known places, at the Fisherman’s Bastion, autumn slowly spread its golden blanket of leaves upon the stones. Hu:…

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A Historic First Date: Love Blooms in Kyiv’s Autumn Charm

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Осіннє повітря було прохолодним, коли Олеся йшла на перше побачення. En: The autumn air was cool as Olesya headed to her first date. Uk: Вона завжди любила осінь. En: She had always loved autumn. Uk: Київ в цей час року особливо гарний. En: Kyiv was particularly beautiful…

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Autumn Romance: Love Blossoms Amid Falling Leaves

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 桜の公園は、美しい秋の装いを見せていました。 En: The cherry blossom park displayed the beautiful attire of autumn. Ja: 葉は金色と赤色に染まり、風に舞って地面を彩っていました。 En: The leaves had turned golden and red, dancing in the wind and coloring the ground. Ja: 空気には、雨の予感がほのかに漂っていました。 En: In the air, there was a faint hint of impending rain. Ja: それは、広志が祐希と初めてのデートをする日でした。 En:…

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A First Day of Friendship and Culture on La Diada

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: L’aire fresc de la tardor omplia La Rambla. En: The fresh autumn air filled La Rambla. Ca: Era un dia especial. En: It was a special day. Ca: Els carrers estaven decorats amb banderes de Catalunya. En: The streets were decorated with Catalan flags. Ca: Tothom celebrava…

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Krakow’s Quirky Date: Fear, Laughter, and Gelato Magic

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W jesienny poranek Kraków był pełen życia. En: On an autumn morning, Krakow was full of life. Pl: Rynek Główny tętnił odgłosami turystów i gaworzących przechodniów. En: The Main Square buzzed with the sounds of tourists and chatting passersby. Pl: Magda i Piotr spacerowali razem po rynku,…

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A Date Above Seoul: Love Soars at Namsan Tower

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 가을 하늘은 언제나 아름답다. En: The autumn sky in Seoul is always beautiful. Ko: 남산타워는 추석을 맞아 더 많은 사람들로 붐볐다. En: Namsan Tower was bustling with even more people due to the Chuseok holiday. Ko: 밝은 등불과 장식은 거리의 풍경을 밝게 만들었다. En: Bright lanterns…

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Moonlit Encounters: Serendipity on the Bund

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 秋天的夜晚,外滩被五彩缤纷的灯笼装饰得如梦似幻。 En: On an autumn night, the Bund was dreamily adorned with colorful lanterns. Zh: 黄浦江的水面闪烁着高楼的倒影,空气中飘着淡淡的桂花香。 En: The surface of the Huangpu River shimmered with reflections of towering buildings, and the air carried a faint scent of osmanthus blossoms. Zh: 月亮高挂在天上,与地上的喧闹形成鲜明的对比。 En: The moon hung…

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Autumn Whispers: Love Blossoms in Vilnius Cathedral Square

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Egidijus stovėjo Vilniaus Katedros aikštėje, giliai įtraukdama vėsaus rudens oro gūsį. En: Egidijus stood in Vilnius Cathedral Square, inhaling a gust of the crisp autumn air deeply. Lt: Lapai švelniai šnarėjo po kojomis, o vėjas žaidė jo šviesiais plaukais, sūpuodamas juos kaip gyvą paveikslą. En: Leaves rustled…

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Inspiration by the Sea: Love, Art, and Architecture in Bodrum

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Emre, Bodrum’un limanında yürüdü. Başında bir sürü düşünce vardı. En: Emre walked along the harbor in Bodrum, his mind full of thoughts. Tr: Birden renkli tablolar gözüne çarptı. En: Suddenly, colorful paintings caught his eye. Tr: Bunlar Ayşe’nin eserleriydi. En: They were Ayşe’s works. Tr: Rüzgarın taşıdığı…

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Unveiling Family Mysteries at the Riga Market

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus rudenī ir kā siltas atmiņas par bērnības mārkatiem, kas virmo ar dzīvību un krāsām. En: In the autumn, the Riga Central Market is like warm memories of childhood markets, buzzing with life and colors. Lv: Kristaps un Elīna stāv pie kioska, kur vīnsavas sūri skrāpējošā…

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