Balancing Dreams and Duty: A Tale of Curiosity and Growth

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: У златиборском планинском селу, где се чинило да је време стало, први дан школе дошао је тихо као ветар који гуди међу шареним лишћем. En: In a mountain village on Zlatibor, where time seemed to have stood still, the first day of school arrived quietly, like the…

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Finding Friendship and Adventure in a New School

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Krzysztof stał na schodach przed małą szkołą. En: Krzysztof stood on the steps in front of a small school. Pl: Otaczały go góry, a liście mieniły się złotem i czerwienią. En: He was surrounded by mountains, and the leaves shimmered with gold and crimson. Pl: Niebo było…

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Moonlit Mystery: Solving the Enigma of Lijiang’s Heirloom

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 丽江古城的中秋节,月亮挂在天上,灿烂夺目。 En: In the Old Town of Lijiang during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon hung in the sky, dazzling and brilliant. Zh: 红色和金色的灯笼照亮了石板路,空气中弥漫着月饼的香气。 En: Red and gold lanterns illuminated the cobblestone streets, and the air was filled with the fragrance of mooncakes. Zh: 每个人都忙着节日的准备工作。 En:…

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Ingrid’s Debut at the Bustling Bergen Fish Market

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Bergen Fisketorg var i full gang. En: The Bergen Fish Market was bustling with activity. Nb: Høstkulden krøp inn i de fargerike bladene, men markedet varmet alle hjerter. En: The autumn chill crept into the colorful leaves, but the market warmed everyone’s hearts. Nb: Luften var fylt…

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Sibling Journeys: Finding Harmony on the Road to Moher

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Saorann an ghaoth éadrom tríd an aer fionnuar de luan mhí Dheireadh Fómhair. En: The light wind drifted through the cool October Monday air. Ga: Bhí tríur deartháireacha i mbun turas sa charr, ag taisteal ar na bóithre casta a thug faoi na hAillte an Mhothair. En:…

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Heirlooms and Healing: Unraveling a Family’s Hidden Ties

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Pieter het buite gestaan en na die oorvloedige lenteblomme in die tuin gekyk. En: Pieter stood outside, gazing at the abundant spring flowers in the garden. Af: Die huis agter hom was vol krioelende familie, almal gretig om ou stories te vertel en ou wrokke op te…

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Seeds of Ambition: Navigating Friendship and Dreams

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De lucht was fris en helder in de vroege herfst toen Bram, Lotte en Tess elkaar ontmoetten bij de ingang van de Keukenhof Gardens. En: The air was fresh and clear in the early autumn when Bram, Lotte, and Tess met at the entrance of the Keukenhof…

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From Festive Isolation to Friendship: A Diwali Awakening

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: दीये की हल्की रोशनी और फुलझड़ियों की चहचहाहट से पूरा घर जगमगा रहा था। En: The soft glow of lamps and the crackling of sparklers illuminated the entire house. Hi: परिवारों की भीड़ में हर कोई मशगूल था। En: Amidst the crowd of families, everyone was engrossed…

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A Family’s Heartfelt Journey Through Plitvice’s Autumn Beauty

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Šuma Plitvičkih jezera obojena je zlatnim, crvenim i smeđim tonovima. En: The forest of Plitvice Lakes is painted in golden, red, and brown hues. Hr: Zrak je hladan, ali ugodan. En: The air is cold but pleasant. Hr: Ivanka, Zoran i Tihana putuju obiteljskim automobilom prema Nacionalnom…

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Breaking Free: A Night of Truth in Copenhagen

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Det var en smuk aften sent på sommeren i København. En: It was a beautiful evening late in summer in Copenhagen. Da: Solen gik langsomt ned over byen, og lyset skinnede varmt gennem vinduerne ind i det hyggelige spisestue. En: The sun was slowly setting over the…

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