Journey Through Peloponnese: A Tale of Healing and Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Η ζέστη του τέλους του καλοκαιριού απλωνόταν σαν ένα απαλό, ζεστό κάλυμμα στην Πελοπόννησο. En: The heat at the end of summer spread like a soft, warm blanket over the Peloponnese. El: Ο Νίκος και η Ελένη βρίσκονταν στο αυτοκίνητό τους, διασχίζοντας την πανέμορφη και ιστορική αυτή…

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Golden Journeys: A Day on Zlatibor’s Autumn Road

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Бринтило је јутро на планини Златибору. En: The morning was breaking on the Zlatibor mountain. Sr: Милан и Драгана су припремали свој мали аутомобил за дан дугог путовања кроз златне и бакарне боје јесени. En: Milan and Dragana were preparing their small car for a day of…

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A Migraine at Bled Castle: A Tale of Support and Strength

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Matej in Anja sta slišala zgodbe o Blejskem gradu že od malih nog. En: Matej and Anja had heard stories about Bled Castle since they were little. Sl: Zdaj sta tam, jesensko sonce sijo na zlatem listju okoli. En: Now they were there, with the autumn sun…

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A Comedy of Errors: A Proposal in Florence’s Heart

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: L’aria fresca d’autunno avvolgeva la Piazza del Duomo a Firenze. En: The cool autumn air enveloped Piazza del Duomo in Florence. It: Era un giorno perfetto per una passeggiata; il sole splendeva alto nel cielo e la cattedrale si innalzava maestosa sui turisti che riempivano la piazza.…

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Rekindling Old Bonds: A Reunion Amidst Neuschwanstein’s Storm

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Der Regen hängte sich wie ein feuchter Mantel über die Bäume um das Schloss Neuschwanstein. En: The rain draped like a damp cloak over the trees surrounding Neuschwanstein Castle. De: Doch die bunten Lichter des Oktoberfests in dem Dorf darunter leuchteten hell in der Abenddämmerung. En: Yet…

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Capturing Love: Nikos’s Adventure Through Storm and Light

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Ο αέρας σφύριξε μέσα από τα μυστηριώδη βράχια των Μετεώρων, σείοντάς τα φύλλα από τα δέντρα. En: The wind whistled through the mysterious rocks of Meteora, shaking the leaves from the trees. El: Ο Νίκος, με τη φωτογραφική του μηχανή κρατημένη σφιχτά, κοίταξε το σκοτεινό ουρανό ανήσυχος.…

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Chasing Butterflies: A Journey of Faith and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Pod lišćem u jesenjim bojama, Plitvička jezera blistala su kao svjetlucavi dragulji. En: Under the leaves in autumn colors, the Plitvice Lakes shimmered like sparkling jewels. Hr: Mateo je hodao stazom, oči su mu neprekidno tražile znakove rijetkih leptira. En: Mateo walked along the path, his eyes…

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Conquering Snowdon: A Journey of Fear, Friendship, and Wisdom

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae’r sŵn tawelusrwydd yn gorwedd dros Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri. En: The sound of tranquility lay over Snowdonia National Park. Cy: Yr awyrgylch yn llawn dirgelwch, a lliwiau hydrefol yn taflu cysgodion lliwgar dros y dirwedd. En: The atmosphere was full of mystery, and autumn colors cast colorful…

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Bridging Generations: A Village’s Resilience Amid Storms

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ในช่วงสายของวันที่ฝนตกหนัก ต่างมีเสียงซุ่มซ่ามของดินถล่มดังสนั่นขึ้นทั่วหมู่บ้านเขาหลวงเชียงดาว En: On a late morning when the rain was pouring heavily, the sounds of landslides echoed throughout the village of Khao Luang Chiang Dao. Th: หมู่บ้านนี้เป็นเมืองเล็ก ๆ ตั้งอยู่ริมเชิงเขาใหญ่ รายล้อมด้วยป่ารกชื้นที่งดงามและอุดมสมบูรณ์ En: This village is a small town nestled at the foot of a large mountain, surrounded…

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Finding Confidence Among Autumn Leaves: Joris’ Artistic Awakening

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een frisse herfstochtend in de Keukenhof Gardens. En: It was a crisp autumn morning in the Keukenhof Gardens. Nl: De lucht was helder en de zonnestralen vielen zachtjes door de gouden bladeren van de bomen. En: The air was clear, and the sunbeams gently filtered…

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