An Autumn Tale: Friendship Blossoms in Ljubljana’s Orphanage

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V okrožju polnem zlatih barv listja, kjer se jesen igrivo razprostira, stoji sirotišnica v Ljubljani. En: In a district filled with the golden hues of leaves, where autumn playfully unfolds, there stands an orphanage in Ljubljana. Sl: Otroci hitijo po hodnikih, v zraku pa je čutiti mešanico…

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An Unexpected Friendship Blooms Amidst Autumn Leaves

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Inmitten des goldenen Herbstes, wo das Laub auf dem Boden glitzernd liegt und Kürbisse die Wege säumen, herrschte im Waisenhaus eine lebhafte Stimmung. En: Amidst the golden autumn, where the leaves shimmered on the ground and pumpkins lined the paths, the orphanage buzzed with lively spirits. De:…

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Valeria’s Vineyard: A Tale of Courage and a Bountiful Harvest

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol de primavera brillaba suavemente sobre las colinas de Mendoza. En: The spring sun gently shone over the hills of Mendoza. Es: La brisa fresca traía el aroma dulce de las uvas maduras. En: The fresh breeze carried the sweet aroma of ripe grapes. Es: Era…

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Finding Friendship in Fall: Lars’ Journey at Ålesund Elementary

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Det var en klar, krisp høstmorgen på Ålesund barneskole. En: It was a clear, crisp autumn morning at Ålesund Elementary School. Nb: Bladene danset i lufta med sine røde og gylne farger. En: Leaves danced in the air with their red and golden colors. Nb: Skolegården var…

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When Art Meets Story: A Creative Friendship Blossoms

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Централният парк в София беше потънал в пъстра есенна премяна. En: The central park in Sofia was draped in a colorful autumn attire. Bg: Златни листа, шумолящи под краката, а въздухът свеж и хладен. En: Golden leaves rustled underfoot, and the air was fresh and cool. Bg:…

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The Mischievous Squirrel: A Tale of Curiosity and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Sade ropisutti ikkunaa orpokodissa. En: Rain pattered against the window of the orphanage. Fi: Ulkona ruskan värit loistivat värikkäinä taivasta vasten. En: Outside, the fall colors shone vividly against the sky. Fi: Pihalla tuuli leikitteli kellastuneilla lehdillä. En: In the yard, the wind played with the yellowed…

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A Heartwarming Chuseok: Building Bonds at the Daycare

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 가을의 낙엽이 아름답게 물든 어느 날, 어린이집에서 바쁘게 일하는 지수는 창문 밖을 내다보았다. En: On a day when the autumn leaves were beautifully colored, Jisoo, who was busy working at the daycare, looked out the window. Ko: 큰 창문 너머로 작은 정원이 보였고, 아이들은 여전히 그곳에서 장난치고…

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Ana’s Feathered Surprise: Finding Joy in the Unexpected

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ana je često osjećala tišinu u svom stanu. En: Ana often felt the silence in her apartment. Hr: Voljela je životinje jer su joj pružale društvo. En: She loved animals because they provided her with companionship. Hr: Jednog kasnog ljetnog poslijepodneva odlučila je posjetiti lokalno sirotište za…

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Courage Under the Acropolis: Eleni’s Confidence Journey

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Το αεράκι του φθινοπώρου αγγίζει απαλά το πρόσωπο της Ελένης καθώς κοιτάζει με θαυμασμό το Παρθενώνα. En: The autumn breeze gently touches Eleni’s face as she gazes in admiration at the Parthenon. El: Είναι αρχή φθινοπώρου και μαζί με την τάξη της επισκέπτεται την Ακρόπολη. En: It’s…

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Beneath the Autumn Leaves: A Tale of Trust and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Pod jesenskim nebom, kjer so listi plesali v vetru, se je Ljubljanski grad pripravljal sprejeti novo zgodbo. En: Under the autumn sky, where the leaves danced in the wind, the Ljubljana Castle was preparing to host a new story. Sl: Anja je sedela na robu kamnite klopi…

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