When Art Meets History: A Creative Adventure with Vasa

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en kylig höstdag i Stockholm. En: It was a chilly autumn day in Stockholm. Sv: Löven prasslade och vinden svepte över Djurgården. En: The leaves rustled and the wind swept over Djurgården. Sv: Inne på Vasamuseet, där allt var varmt och dämpat, ekade försiktiga steg…

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Chrysanthemum Reverie: A Day of Friendship and Reflection

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 新宿御苑は秋の訪れを感じさせる場所です。 En: Shinjuku Gyoen is a place where you can feel the arrival of autumn. Ja: 色とりどりの菊が咲き乱れ、澄んだ秋の空気が気持ちをリフレッシュさせてくれます。 En: Colorful chrysanthemums are in full bloom, and the crisp autumn air refreshes the spirit. Ja: 笑い声やお祭りの音楽が遠くから響いてきます。 En: Laughter and festival music can be heard in the distance. Ja: この日は菊祭りの真っ最中で、たくさんの人々が集まっています。…

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Lighting Up Lonely Hearts: A Diwali Transformation in Mumbai

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मुंबई के एक व्यस्त इलाके में स्थित था एक छोटा सा अनाथालय, जहाँ दीवारों पर रंग बिरंगे चित्र बने थे। En: In a busy area of Mumbai, there was a small orphanage where colorful paintings adorned the walls. Hi: हवा में बर्फ़ी और समोसे की खुशबू थी।…

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A Heartfelt Proposal Amidst Tulip Magic at Keukenhof

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In de vroege ochtend, net nadat de mist opgetrokken was, reden Sven en Liesbeth naar de wereldberoemde Keukenhof-tuinen. En: In the early morning, just after the mist had lifted, Sven and Liesbeth drove to the world-famous Keukenhof gardens. Nl: De bladeren van de bomen waren goudkleurig en…

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Siblings Reunited: A Journey Beyond the Welsh Sea

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Gwasgariad y coed derw lliwgar oedd y gorwel, fel pe bai’r awyrgylch yn cyhoeddi ei ddyfodiad. En: The horizon was a kaleidoscope of colorful oak trees, as if the atmosphere itself announced its arrival. Cy: Yn y pentref pysgota, ar lan y môr Cymru, roedd Dafydd yn…

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Liina’s Quest: Unearthing Family Ties in Tallinn

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Tallinna vanalinnas oli sügis oma kuldsed lehed haigutanud mööda kiviseid radu. En: In the old town of Tallinn, autumn had spread its golden leaves along the stony paths. Et: Orbudekodu, vana kivimaja, seisis uhke ja rahulik keset kõike seda ilu. En: The orphanage, an old stone building,…

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Autumn Resilience: Siblings Conquer Fear and Find Strength

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Bērnu Nams bija liels un senatnīgs. En: The Riga Children’s Home was large and ancient. Lv: Tajā bija plati gaiteņi, kuros atbalsojās bērnu smiekli un saucieni. En: It had wide corridors where children’s laughter and shouts echoed. Lv: Ārā, rudens gaisā, koku lapas mainīja krāsas uz…

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Finding Connection: An Artist’s Journey on Charles Bridge

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Marek stál na Karlově mostě a obdivoval umění kolem sebe. En: Marek stood on the Charles Bridge, admiring the art around him. Cs: Byl podzim a listí ze stromů malovalo most různými barvami. En: It was autumn, and the leaves from the trees painted the bridge in…

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A Quiet Dreamer’s Journey to Finding Home

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Az őszi levelek halkan remegtek a Budapest Árvaház udvarán, ahol a gyerekek vidám nevetése visszhangzott. En: The autumn leaves gently trembled in the courtyard of the Budapest Orphanage, where the cheerful laughter of children echoed. Hu: Az árvaház egy régi, téglából épült épület volt, a Duna partján.…

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Lost in Translation: Sweet Moments at the Gelato Shop

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Lorenzo aveva pianificato tutto. En: Lorenzo had planned everything. It: Quel giorno d’autunno, con l’aria fresca e le foglie che danzavano leggere fuori dalla finestra, aveva deciso di invitare Giulia alla gelateria del centro. En: On that autumn day, with the crisp air and the leaves lightly…

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