Crisis in Bali: A Family’s Journey from Conflict to Unity

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Langit cerah di atas bungalow pedesaan di Bali. En: The sky was clear over the countryside bungalow in Bali. Id: Tumbuhan hijau mengelilingi bangunan sederhana itu. En: Green plants surrounded the simple building. Id: Teras berbatu menghadap sawah yang bergelombang lembut. En: A stone terrace faced softly…

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Finding Family: Navigating Boundaries with a Sweet Twist

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Podzimní vítr jemně šustil červenými listy, které pokrývaly chodník před supermarketem s názvem „Dysfunkční rodina“. En: The autumn wind softly rustled the red leaves covering the sidewalk in front of a supermarket named “Dysfunctional Family.” Cs: Uvnitř byla atmosféra plná podzimních dekorací a lidí, kteří nakupovali na…

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Mending Ties at Oktoberfest: Lukas’ Journey of Reconciliation

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Der goldene Herbstwind wehte durch die Straßen von München und brachte eine besondere Stimmung mit sich. En: The golden autumn wind blew through the streets of Munich, bringing a special atmosphere with it. De: Es war Oktoberfest, und die ganze Stadt war voller Leben. En: It was…

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Healing Amidst the Crosses: A Journey of Family Reconciliation

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Rudens lapai švelniai šnarėjo po Justino automobiliu. En: The autumn leaves gently rustled beneath Justinas’ car. Lt: Jis sėdėjo prie vairo, vėjas šokdino Vilijos plaukus, o Rasa tyliai žiūrėjo pro langą į auksinius laukus. En: He sat at the wheel, the wind playing with Vilija’s hair, while…

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Sibling Lanterns: A Journey to Illuminate Family Bonds

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在杭州的秋日午后,茶香氤氲,桂花的甜美气息弥漫在茶馆中。 En: On an autumn afternoon in Hangzhou, the scent of tea wafted through the air, and the sweet fragrance of osmanthus filled the teahouse. Zh: 茶馆坐落在西湖旁,古色古香的木梁上吊着温暖的纸灯笼,空气中弥漫着一种宁静的气氛。 En: The teahouse sat beside West Lake, with warm paper lanterns hanging from ancient, rustic wooden beams, creating…

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A Family Heirloom’s Mystery Unveils Deeper Ties

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Зранку дрібний дощ стукав у вікна, ледве чутний на фоні свисту осіннього вітру. En: In the morning, a light rain tapped on the windows, barely audible against the whistle of the autumn wind. Uk: Усі члени родини зібрались у старій бабусиній хаті. En: All the family members…

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Unveiling Secrets: The Heirloom Mystery in French Countryside

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Les feuilles d’automne dansaient dans le vent dehors, un tapis de couleurs chatoyantes. En: The autumn leaves danced in the wind outside, a carpet of shimmering colors. Fr: À l’intérieur, la maison familiale en campagne français était pleine de vie et d’odeurs de cuisine. En: Inside, the…

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From Chaos to Calm: A Dinner Party Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Höstvinden susade genom träden utanför Lars hus. En: The autumn wind whispered through the trees outside Lars’ house. Sv: Löven dalade ner som gyllene snöflingor. En: Leaves drifted down like golden snowflakes. Sv: Det såg drömskt ut, men insidan av hans eleganta men röriga hem var långt…

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Sibling Revelations: A Season of Change in Verona

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Nella modesta casa di Verona, l’aria fresca dell’autunno entra dalle finestre aperte. En: In the modest house in Verona, the fresh autumn air flows through the open windows. It: Giulia si prepara per il suo primo giorno di scuola dopo le vacanze estive. En: Giulia prepares for…

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Unveiling Family Secrets: A Heirloom’s Hidden Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Ar ddiwedd haf heulog, roedd teulu Emrys a Gwyneth yn ymgasglu wrth lannau Llyn Efyrnwy. En: At the end of a sunny summer, Emrys and Gwyneth’s family gathered by the shores of Lake Vyrnwy. Cy: Roedd aduniad y teulu yn gyfle i bawb ddod at ei gilydd,…

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