Unlocking Secrets: The Heirloom of Rila Monastery

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Небето над манастира Рила беше тежко и сиво. En: The sky over the Rila Monastery was heavy and gray. Bg: Листата на дърветата бяха с ярки жълти и червени цветове, натежали от предстоящия дъжд. En: The leaves on the trees were bright yellow and red, laden with…

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Finding the Perfect Gift in Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar

Fluent Fiction – Turkish www.FluentFiction.org/Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Seren ve Alp, güneşli ama serin bir sonbahar günü İstanbul’un Kapalıçarşı’sına geldiler. En: Seren and Alp arrived at Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar on a sunny yet cool autumn day. Tr: Seren, elindeki defterine yazdığı bir hediye listesiyle geziniyordu. En: Seren was wandering around with a gift list she…

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Rekindling Bonds in Tallinn: Siblings’ Heartfelt Reunion

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Kollane leht langes vaikselt kivilisele tänavale, kui Maarja jõudis Tallinna vanalinna. En: A yellow leaf quietly fell onto the cobblestone street as Maarja arrived in the old town of Tallinn. Et: Õhk oli jahe, kuid sügisene päike valgustas ajaloolisi hooneid ja tegi linnusaluet soojaks. En: The air…

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Finding Confidence: Oksana’s Bold Autumn Transformation

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: В осінньому Києві, коли листя золотило дерева, а повітря наповнювалося ароматом печених каштанів, центр міста кипів життям. En: In autumnal Kyiv, when the leaves turned the trees to gold and the air was filled with the scent of roasted chestnuts, the city center was teeming with life.…

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Finding Love and New Beginnings at Tel Aviv’s Port

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: נעם עמד על רציף נמל תל אביב, שואף את אוויר הסתיו הרענן. En: Noam stood on the Tel Aviv port platform, breathing in the fresh autumn air. He: הים נשקף לו בצבעים כחולים ירקרקים, וציוני הדרך של העיר הזדקרו ברקע. En: The sea shimmered in shades of…

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The Perfect Fall Coat: Kasia’s Stylish Search in Warsaw

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Warszawa w jesiennej szacie to miejsce pełne kolorów. En: Warsaw dressed in its autumn attire is a place full of colors. Pl: Liście szeleszczą pod stopami, a chłodne powietrze otula miasto. En: Leaves rustle underfoot, and the cool air envelops the city. Pl: W samym sercu tego…

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Finding Treasures: Anika’s Journey Through the Market

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die oggendson val helder oor die Old Biscuit Mill in Kaapstad. En: The morning sun shines brightly over the Old Biscuit Mill in Cape Town. Af: Die mark is vol lewe, met mense wat rondloop en die stalletjies bewonder. En: The market is lively, with people strolling…

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A Blooming Bond: Rediscovering Life in the Jardin des Plantes

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Le matin était frais au Jardin des Plantes. En: The morning was cool at the Jardin des Plantes. Fr: Élise marchait lentement, sa veste serrée autour d’elle. En: Élise walked slowly, her jacket snug around her. Fr: Les feuilles d’automne craquaient sous ses pieds. En: The autumn…

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Capturing Autumn’s Hidden Beauty in Vigelandsparken

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Høsten i Vigelandsparken var alltid noe spesielt. En: Autumn in Vigelandsparken was always something special. Nb: Trærne lyste opp med rike røde og oransje blader. En: The trees lit up with rich red and orange leaves. Nb: Sindre, en ivrig fotograf, gikk sammen med sin venn Astrid.…

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Navigating School Life: Ivana and Marko’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Urbana džungla bila je oaza usred sivog grada. En: The urban jungle was an oasis in the middle of the gray city. Hr: Jesen je stigla, a drveće je počelo mijenjati boje. En: Autumn had arrived, and the trees had begun changing colors. Hr: U ovoj bujnoj…

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