Finding Belonging: Aarav’s Journey from Loneliness to Community

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: शहर की भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में कभी-कभी अकेलापन घर करने लगता है। En: In the hustle and bustle of city life, loneliness sometimes starts to dwell. Hi: ऐसा ही कुछ महसूस कर रहा था आरव, जब उसने नए काम के लिए अपने छोटे से गाँव को छोड़कर…

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Cinnamon Secrets: Unveiling History in Gamla Stan’s Depths

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: I Gamla Stan, där de smala gatorna ringlar sig som gamla minnen, låg en hemlighet gömd under höstens fallna löv. En: In Gamla Stan, where the narrow streets wind like old memories, a secret lay hidden beneath the fallen leaves of autumn. Sv: Elsa gick försiktigt över…

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Autumn Encounters: A Market Stroll of Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Staré mesto žiarilo farbami jesenných listov. En: The old town glowed with the colors of autumn leaves. Sk: V srdci tejto mestskej džungle, plnej vôní a zvukov, sa konal trh. En: In the heart of this urban jungle, full of scents and sounds, a market was taking…

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Chasing Storms & Orchids: Urban Jungle’s Hidden Wonders

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De regen tikte zachtjes tegen de ruiten van de glazen koepel. En: The rain tapped softly against the windows of the glass dome. Nl: Het was een bijzondere plek midden in de stad, een groen paradijs verscholen tussen de gebouwen. En: It was a special place in…

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Balancing Acts in the Urban Jungle: A Shopping Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Урбана Џунгла је била највећи тржни центар у граду. En: Urban Jungle was the largest shopping mall in the city. Sr: Смештен у самом срцу урбана, био је пун људи и боја. En: Located in the very heart of the urban area, it was full of people…

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Exploring Karlštejn: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Karlštejn hrad se tyčí nad krajinou jako majestátní pevnost z minulosti, obklopený podzimními barvami. En: Karlštejn Castle rises above the landscape like a majestic fortress from the past, surrounded by autumn colors. Cs: Listy na stromech změní svou barvu na žlutou a červenou. En: The leaves on…

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Vanished Art: A Summer Drama in Milan’s Artistic Haven

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Nel cuore della calda estate milanese, lungo i canali del quartiere Navigli, il sole tramontava lentamente, illuminando di arancio le acque che scorrevano placide. En: In the heart of the hot Milanese summer, along the canals of the Navigli district, the sun set slowly, painting the gently…

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Autumn Confessions: Áron’s Heartfelt Farewell on Andrássy

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A hideg őszi szél söpört végig az Andrássy úton, a falevelek a járdán kavarogtak. En: The cold autumn wind swept through Andrássy Avenue, swirling the leaves on the sidewalk. Hu: Áron tétován nézett körül. En: Áron looked around hesitantly. Hu: Felnézett a gyönyörű, sárgán és vörösen pompázó…

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Pumpkin Quest: A Baker’s Tale of Friendship & Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgā ir krāšņs rudens rīts. En: In Riga, it’s a gorgeous autumn morning. Lv: Urban Jungle ir vieta, kur tāpat kā lapas kokā, atrodas dažādas krāsas un formas. En: Urban Jungle is a place where, just like the leaves on a tree, various colors and shapes reside.…

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Unlocking Secrets: The Heirloom of Rila Monastery

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Небето над манастира Рила беше тежко и сиво. En: The sky over the Rila Monastery was heavy and gray. Bg: Листата на дърветата бяха с ярки жълти и червени цветове, натежали от предстоящия дъжд. En: The leaves on the trees were bright yellow and red, laden with…

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