Golden Harvest: A Tale of Sibling Bonds and Dreams

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 秋の風が優しく吹き、田んぼの稲穂がさらさらと音を立てていました。 En: The autumn breeze blew gently, and the rice stalks in the fields swayed with a soft rustling sound. Ja: ここは日本の田舎、黄金色に輝く稲田が広がる静かな谷です。 En: This was the Japanese countryside, a quiet valley filled with golden rice paddies. Ja: ハルトは農道を歩きながら、遠くを見つめていました。 En: Haruto walked along the farm road, staring off…

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Harvest, Harmony, and Heritage: An Autumn in Karst

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Na hladno jutro, obsijano z jesenskim soncem, je veter nežno plapolal po vinogradih okoli kmetije na Krasu. En: On a cold morning bathed in the autumn sun, the wind gently fluttered through the vineyards surrounding the farm in the Karst region. Sl: Matej je stal na dvorišču…

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Harvesting Hope: A Vineyard Tale of Love and Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El vent suau d’una tarda de tardor recorria les vinyes del Penedès, on Pere caminava amb pas decidit entre les fileres de ceps. En: The gentle breeze of an autumn afternoon swept through the vineyards of Penedès, where Pere walked determinedly among the rows of vines. Ca:…

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Blending Dreams: Tradition Meets Innovation in Olive Harvest

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Zeytin ağaçları masal gibi sıralanmıştı Ayvalık’ın tepelerinde. En: The olive trees were lined up like a fairy tale on the hills of Ayvalık. Tr: Sonbaharın serin rüzgarı, olgun zeytinlerin kokusunu etrafa yayıyordu. En: The cool autumn breeze was spreading the scent of ripe olives all around. Tr:…

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A Perfect Pumpkin: Finding Love Beyond Colors

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: La légère brise d’automne soufflait doucement sur le champ de citrouilles. En: The light autumn breeze gently swept across the pumpkin field. Fr: Les feuilles des arbres autour formaient un tapis doré. En: The leaves from the surrounding trees formed a golden carpet. Fr: Le soleil brillait,…

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Spring Storms and New Beginnings: A Farm’s Rebirth

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Op ‘n mooi lente oggend op die plaas in die Wes-Kaap, was die lug vars en vol belofte. En: On a beautiful spring morning on the farm in the Western Cape, the air was fresh and full of promise. Af: Die voëls het gesing, en die son…

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Unveiling Secrets on the Edge: Siobhán’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí gaoth nimhneach ag séideadh thar Aillte an Mhothair. En: A bitter wind was blowing over the Cliffs of Moher. Ga: Bhí na duilleoga ag titim ó na crainn i ngach áit thart timpeall. En: Leaves were falling from the trees everywhere around. Ga: Bhraith Siobhán an…

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When Drought Turns to Friendship: A Tale of Hope and Unity

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Bajo el sol de otoño, la tierra de Andalucía tenía un brillo dorado que siempre había hipnotizado a Elena. En: Under the autumn sun, the land of Andalucía had a golden glow that had always mesmerized Elena. Es: Su granja de olivos, heredada de sus abuelos, se…

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Agnese’s Prelude: Dreams and Autumn’s Embrace

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Skaidrajā agrā rudens rītā, saule spīdēja spoži un zeltoja laukus. En: On a clear early autumn morning, the sun shone brightly and gilded the fields. Lv: Agnese stāvēja uz balkona vecās lauku mājas otrajā stāvā. En: Agnese stood on the balcony of the old country house’s second…

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Llew’s Leap: Triumph in the Sheepdog Showdown

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Ar glwydr prynhawn hydrefol ar fferm fawr yng Nghymru, roedd Llew yn edrych allan dros y caeau eang. En: On an autumn afternoon at a large farm in Wales, Llew was looking out over the vast fields. Cy: Ni ellid gweld pen yr ocsiwn ar gyfer cystadleuaeth…

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