Balancing Dreams: Mei’s Harvest and Study Dilemma

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 稻田在秋天的阳光下闪闪发光,金色的稻穗随微风轻轻摇曳。 En: The rice fields shimmered under the autumn sun, with golden rice ears gently swaying in the breeze. Zh: 空气中弥漫着丰收的泥土气息。 En: The air was filled with the earthy scent of harvest. Zh: 学校里热闹非凡,灯笼高高挂起,学生们正在忙碌地为中秋节庆典做准备。 En: The school was bustling with activity, with lanterns hung high…

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Bridging Tradition and Innovation at the Kibbutz

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: באוויר הסתיו הנעים, אלי עמד בשערי הקיבוץ, רגליו דרוכות אך לבו נרגש. En: In the pleasant autumn air, Eli stood at the gates of the kibbutz, his legs tense but his heart excited. He: הוא הביט סביבו, לראות את המטעים המשתרעים על האופק והעלים הצבעוניים שהתפרשו כמו…

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From Migraine to Mindfulness: Finding Peace on Mikkeli Day

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Syksyn lehdet pyörivät hiljalleen alas puista, niiden kirkkaat värit hehkuen auringonvalossa. En: Autumn leaves swirled down from the trees, their bright colors glowing in the sunlight. Fi: Suomen kesämökillä oli hiljainen rauha, vaikka sisällä mökissä tunnelma oli täynnä naurua ja iloista puheensorinaa. En: At the summer cottage…

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Goat Trouble: How an Orchard Adventure Changed My Plan

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Na polskiej wsi, gdzie pola i sady rozciągają się po horyzont, jesień maluje krajobraz czerwienią i zielenią. En: In the Polish countryside, where fields and orchards stretch to the horizon, autumn paints the landscape in reds and greens. Pl: Tu, w sadzie pełnym soczystych jabłek, zaczęła się…

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Dreams & Harvests: A Journey Beyond Český Krumlov

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Podzimní ráno nasadilo kolem Českého Krumlova zlaté světlo. En: An autumn morning cast a golden light around Český Krumlov. Cs: Mlhy se valily po kopcích a kolem cest, kde tmavě červené a žluté listí potichu padalo na zem. En: Mists rolled over the hills and along the…

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Unraveling Mysteries in Hardangervidda’s Whispering Woods

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: En skarp vind suste over de modne åkrene, som bølget som et gyllent hav under den bleke sol. En: A sharp wind swept over the ripe fields, which waved like a golden sea under the pale sun. Nb: Hardangervidda tronet stolt i bakgrunnen, fjelltoppene lette etter det…

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Harvest of Change: A New Beginning at Lahemaa Farm

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Lahemaa rahvuspargi ääres asuv talu valmistus talveks. En: A farm on the edge of Lahemaa National Park was preparing for winter. Et: Põllud olid täis kuldseid vilju ja värsket õhku. En: The fields were full of golden crops and fresh air. Et: Kaisa armastas oma talu. En:…

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Unity in the Storm: How Teamwork Saved Marek’s Harvest

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Široké polia farmy ležali vo svojej jesennej kráse. En: The wide fields of the farm lay in their autumn beauty. Sk: Listy jemne šušťali a nad nimi sa vynárali tmavé oblaky. En: Leaves rustled gently, and dark clouds loomed above them. Sk: Marek stál na okraji jedného…

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Love in the Wind: An Unplanned Proposal at Kinderdijk

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In de herfst valt er een gouden gloed over Kinderdijk. En: In the autumn, a golden glow settles over Kinderdijk. Nl: De windmolens staan trots in een rij, als wachters over het landschap. En: The windmills stand proudly in a row, like guardians of the landscape. Nl:…

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Harvesting Dreams: A Tuscan Tale of Courage and Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva dolcemente sulla fattoria toscana. En: The sun was gently shining on the Tuscan farm. It: Era inizio autunno, l’aria era fresca e profumata di terra e uva matura. En: It was early autumn, the air was cool and smelled of earth and ripe grapes.…

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