Autumn Reunion: Mending Bonds in the Heart of Seoraksan

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 깊고 푸른 산이 주변을 에워싸고 있는 고즈넉한 오두막. En: A tranquil cabin surrounded by deep blue mountains. Ko: 설악산의 가을은 언제나 특별하다. En: The autumn of Seoraksan is always special. Ko: 온통 붉고 노란 단풍으로 물든 숲길은 마치 동화 속 한 장면 같다. En: The forest path,…

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Sibling Reconnection: A Heartwarming Weekend in Curonian Spit

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Auštančios saulės spinduliai skverbėsi pro pušų šakas, kasdami šilumą į lengvą rudenio miglą. En: The rays of the rising sun pierced through the pine branches, infusing warmth into the light autumn mist. Lt: Ona ir Jonas beveik kartu nebuvo praleidę savaitgalio nuo vaikystės, tačiau dabar sėdėjo jaukiame…

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New Beginnings: Where Friendship Blossoms in Autumn

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne warf einen sanften, goldenen Schimmer durch die bunten Blätter der Bäume, die rund um die gemütliche Hütte standen. En: The sun cast a gentle, golden glow through the colorful leaves of the trees surrounding the cozy cabin. De: Es war der erste Schultag. En: It…

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Catching Dreams: Haruka’s Lakeside Fishing Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 秋の湖畔、琵琶湖のほとりにある小さな小屋が朝日に輝く。 En: On an autumn lakeside, a small cabin by Lake Biwa glistened in the morning sun. Ja: カラフルな落ち葉が足元に広がり、新鮮な空気に包まれていた。 En: Colorful fallen leaves spread across the ground, enveloped in fresh air. Ja: ハルカは湖のほうを見つめ、心の中に湧き上がる興奮を感じていた。 En: Haruka gazed at the lake, feeling a surge of excitement building up inside…

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Autumn’s Hidden Path: A Pyrenees Adventure Unfolds

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Les fulles dels arbres es gronxaven lleument, pintant el paisatge amb tonalitats de vermell, taronja i daurat. En: The leaves on the trees swayed gently, painting the landscape with shades of red, orange, and gold. Ca: La cabana acollidora dels Pirineus guardava secrets antics mentre el vent…

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Stormy Emotions: A Weekend in the French Alps

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Dans une petite cabane nichée au cœur des Alpes françaises, l’air frais de l’automne remplissait les poumons d’Amélie, Étienne et Luc. En: In a small cabin nestled in the heart of the French Alps, the fresh autumn air filled the lungs of Amélie, Étienne, and Luc. Fr:…

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Sibling Bonds and Sunset Adventures at Plitvice Lakes

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Na kraju ljeta, kada sunce baca mekani, zlatni sjaj na Plitvička jezera, obitelj Petrović dolazi na vikend avanturu. En: At the end of summer, when the sun casts a soft, golden glow on the Plitvice Lakes, the Petrović family comes for a weekend adventure. Hr: Ivana i…

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Autumn Whispers and Farewells by Lake Bled

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Jesen je nežno počasi prihajala v kraj. En: Autumn was gently arriving in the area. Sl: Okoli Blejskega jezera so listi dreves začeli dobivati toplo paleto rumenih, rdečih in oranžnih odtenkov. En: Around Lake Bled, the leaves on the trees began to take on a warm palette…

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Unlocking Family Secrets: A Journey Into The Past

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí oíche fhionnuar fhómhair ann i gcoillte Fhaiche Giobúin. En: It was a cool autumn night in the woods of Fhaiche Giobúin. Ga: Bhí chomhshuíomh teolasach ar siúl sa bothán beag i lár na sléibhte, áit a raibh Siobhán agus Eamon ag cónaí. En: A cozy gathering…

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From Mannequin Mishap to Marketplace Merriment

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: İstanbul’da yazın sıcak günlerinden biri. En: It’s one of the hot summer days in Istanbul. Tr: Renkler ve sesler Grand Bazaar’ın sokaklarında dans ediyor. En: Colors and sounds dance through the streets of the Grand Bazaar. Tr: Ömer, etrafında dönen hayatın içinde kaybolmuş gibi. En: Ömer seems…

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