Sunlit Trails: Journey of Connection and Clarity

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd yr haul yn goleuo’r awyr dros Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri, gan adlewyrchu ar uchderau’r mynyddoedd. En: The sun illuminated the sky over Snowdonia National Park, reflecting off the peaks of the mountains. Cy: Roedd Gareth yn cerdded ar hyd llwybr gul, ei galon yn llawn o feddyliau.…

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Capturing Cape Town: A Journey from Fear to Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het helder oor Kaapstad geskyn, en die blomme van die lente het dwarsoor Tafelberg geblom. En: The sun shone brightly over Cape Town, and the spring flowers bloomed all over Table Mountain. Af: Die lug was vars, met ‘n strelende briesie wat die skooluitstappie na…

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Harmony in Nyhavn: A Musical Adventure to Find Krabbe

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Freja løb gennem Nyhavn, hendes hår svajede i den friske efterårsvind. En: Freja ran through Nyhavn, her hair swaying in the fresh autumn wind. Da: Det var en smuk dag i København med solens blik over kanalen, men Freja var ikke her for festivalens charme. En: It…

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Caught in the Storm: A Tale of Adventure and Caution

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Skyene hadde allerede begynt å forandre himmelen. En: The clouds had already begun changing the sky. Nb: Preikestolen, den majestetiske klippen over Lysefjorden, stod i skarp kontrast til de mørke, truende skyene. En: The Pulpit Rock, the majestic cliff over the Lysefjord, stood in stark contrast to…

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Diving into Bravery: Overcoming Fears at Bunaken

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Langit cerah di Taman Nasional Bunaken. En: The sky is clear at Bunaken National Park. Id: Air laut biru jernih berkilauan di bawah sinar matahari. En: The crystal-clear blue sea glistens under the sunlight. Id: Rombongan siswa biologi laut berdiri di tepi pantai, siap menjelajahi keindahan bawah…

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Finding Magic in Ha Long Bay’s Mid-Autumn Market

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Linh đứng giữa chợ địa phương tại vịnh Hạ Long, xung quanh là những gian hàng đầy màu sắc. En: Linh stood in the middle of the local market in Ha Long Bay, surrounded by vibrant stalls. Vi: Tiếng gọi mời, tiếng cười nói rộn ràng vang…

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Chasing Sunset: A Tale of Risk and Reward by the Black Sea

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: По пътя край Черно море, където морето нежно плиска брега, Стефан и Велина пътуваха към Несебър. En: On the road by the Black Sea, where the sea gently laps the shore, Stefan and Velina were traveling to Nesebar. Bg: Късен летен следобед. En: It was a late…

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Moonlit Quest: Adrian’s Pursuit of Botanical Wonders

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Adrian stătea pe marginea unui câmp deschis, iar aerul rece de toamnă îi înroșea obrajii. En: Adrian stood on the edge of an open field, with the cold autumn air reddening his cheeks. Ro: În fața lui se întindea un peisaj ciudat, aproape ireal: câmpurile de vulcani…

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Pranksters at Coral Reef Mall: A Night of Laughter and Chaos

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: הקניון היה מלא בשעות הערב הרחוקות של הקיץ. En: The mall was bustling in the late summer evening hours. He: קולות של אנשים והדים של צחקוקים מילאו את Coral Reef Mall. En: The sounds of people and echoes of giggles filled Coral Reef Mall. He: החנות של…

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Threads of History: A Tapestry’s Tale from Diocletian’s Palace

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Mateo je hodao starim stazama Dioklecijanove palače, diveći se povijesnim zidinama koje su ga okruživale. En: Mateo walked along the ancient paths of Diocletian’s Palace, admiring the historical walls surrounding him. Hr: Bilo je jesen, a hladan zrak dopirao je kroz visoke lukove, donoseći miris mora. En:…

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